Japan Today

OrangeW3dge comments

Posted in: Japan marks 66th anniversary of World War II surrender See in context

I don't consider myself to be Right-wing, but I believe that the Emperor should have the respect of his position. And I will take that a little further and lend my support to the Royals having more say in the direction that politicians take in governing the Country. As we have learned from the past, it was not so much Hirohito that caused war but misguided politicians and military officers misinforming the Emperor and usurping his authority. The punishment that he received from the occupying forces certainly should have been enough and not continued with his successor. And, then, I promise not to make any more posts on Japan Today.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: SlutWalk comes to Washington See in context

"Are you not aware that men and women have different sexual responses? Maybe a study in animal behavior will help?" ----- Perhaps, if I read this correctly, that you are proposing that animal behaviour is what we should allow as the standard for civilised legal prescription. At which time, I shall inform you that The Slut Walk is a demonstration against just what you you keep saying. Even though there are "animal" mechanisms at work in the reproductive cycle of humans does not excuse assault on one person by another. Try to understand that this has been brought about by an official of the Police that made a statement very similar to yours, and they didn't agree with it. Now, for the record once again, I don't agree with it either. As for having education in the fields of biology and a major in psychology in college (some 40 years ago, but I think much of it still applies), there may be many things that I don't understand, but human nature (unfortunately sometimes) is not one of them. The issue here is not titillation or voyeurism, but the legality of someone raising a hand to another. If I stood before you and taunted you to kill me and you did, could you justify that action by saying "he provoked me?"

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: SlutWalk comes to Washington See in context

Oh, and one more thing, since men don't go around doing their hair or wearing sleeveless basketball shirts or putting a sock in their pants, then that also excludes them from the "provocative" label. I can only say that if this is the way that "men" believe, then the collapse of the justice system is inevitable because there is no "justice" unless there is justice for everyone. Next Question: What about the hotel maid in New York? does she deserve to be ignored because she is discredited (or poor, or African, or colluding with inmates)... I say, Power To The Sluts, where ever they are.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: SlutWalk comes to Washington See in context

"Frankly, the women who say they should be able to dress as they want remind me of the NRA people who think guns should not have any restrictions" - Oracle. And, again, this is the reason to hold these Walks. You, likely, advocate that the female should follow ten paces behind her superior too. That is a Fundamentalist standpoint and is fundamentally what is the problem. Human rights is only "human" when it applies to all humans and not just the 50% that forcibly impose their will on the others. You are "running the risk" of waking up without your man-ness some day.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: SlutWalk comes to Washington See in context

"Frankly, the women who say they should be able to dress as they want remind me of the NRA people who think guns should not have any restrictions" ARE YOU FOR REAL?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: SlutWalk comes to Washington See in context

@sourpuss, says it all. But you see, this is what you don't see. The history of the Slut Walk is that a Constable of a police department in Canada made a public comment that a rape victim in his jurisdiction was "asking for it" because she was drinking at a club and wearing "provocative" clothing. Here's my reply to your question, if I am prone to covet your laptop whilst it is sitting in an easily accessible venue then, by all means, there should be no expectation that I would snatch it without your permission. So, I can reasonably say that you have not been robbed or raped and that everyone in your blobbosphere are well mannered and moral patriots who don't offend policemen or detach themselves from "reality".

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Posted in: SlutWalk comes to Washington See in context

Once again, possibly the most important issue facing civilisation, and you so-called men muck it up with your petty hormonal emotions. There, at the very core of our problems, is how we treat each other. The age of Chivalry was the epitome of this principle, so be it a bit passe now, the very attempt to answer this age-old social anomaly. And now we have completely swept it under the carpet as old fashion, but it's practicality has not faded just because we have become jaded. The little gestures of politeness like holding doors and asking permission speaks to the larger issue. Most laws mention the concept of "consent" for this reason, and not consent by coercion. The "fault" is with the one who breaks this most basic of all laws.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: SlutWalk comes to Washington See in context

The key word is assault, and as long as people perceive trespass as an acceptable/optional behavior, then this will never be resolved. As long as the caveman mentality and morality persists we will always have wars and rape. The big issue for me is that the perpetrators feel no shame, either before or after committing offense. I believe they do not even know what offense is.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: The British government is considering giving police the power to use technology to control future unrest, by stopping rioters using Twitter, Facebook or BlackBerry Messenger to organize themselves. Wo See in context

Depends-- If it were to censor or block communications, then NO. If they flashed a message on the screen that said "we know what you're saying and you better not even think about going down to Tienanmen Square tonight", then I would support it in the sense that you take your chances when you revolt, then I would say MAYBE. But this question, I assume, is about the recent criminal mob actions around London, so if the police are doing their job of protecting the rest of us from hooligans, then the answer would be a definite YES.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Posted in: Japanese TV show invokes Hitler as motivator See in context

True enough, however, the very people that are sensitive about a car show being negative about electric vehicles, has no comment about a blatantly hurtful TV in their own country. THAT is a double standard.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Japanese TV show invokes Hitler as motivator See in context

In light of recent unrest in London I suspect that there is a whole new generation that cares nothing for the "older" generation's sacred cows (including civilized behavior). This is, to my senses, just a middle finger gesture to the past and those who remember it first hand.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Anti-Korean Wave in Japan turns political See in context

Jealous much?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan ignored own radiation forecasts from very beginning See in context

its all about money and those that have it can bully the rest of us

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Nagasaki mayor calls for shift away from nuclear energy See in context

"Have we lost our awe of nature?", Apparently so.

Japan is an island with almost no natural resources for energy purposes But, you see, this is the defeatist attitude that brought us to where we are now. The first thing that comes to my mind when I see Japan on a map is how it is surrounded by oceans. Now in case you have not spent any time down at the shore, the one thing that I notice when I go there is the constant movement of waves and wind and water. Sometimes it's so loud and so strong that you can't carry on a conversation with the person next to you. I wonder if that is something that we could use to move an electrical generator. The second thing that I see is the many mountains rising up from the sea and since it does rain here quite often there must be some rivers running back to the sea. I wonder if we built a dam or two if we could harness the power of the water there to turn a couple generators. Well, then, and since many of those mountains are volcanic and volcanoes are pretty hot inside, how about using geothermal technology to make a little steam in our kettle? So, wonder of wonders, maybe there are some "natural" resources here that could be used for electrical production. Take a minute and think, I'm sure we can do this without killing ourselves.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Okayama woman sues over 'sexist' marriage laws See in context

Sorry, what I meant to say is whether the Court can adjudicate marital fidelity. It sounds a bit of a reach to me because you would have to have a cop in every bedroom and hostess bar. So how does that work? A guy can hang out at the hostess bar all night but the wife has to stay home with the kids and watch food shows on TV?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Okayama woman sues over 'sexist' marriage laws See in context

Oh yeah? and these are actual laws? there is definitely something rotten in Denmark.... that can't be the mind-set of the entire Country, or, indeed, there is an attitude problem here. Has anyone heard of Human Rights, much less Gender Equality even.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan Coast Guard seizes 2 Chinese boats over illegal fishing See in context

Why are we talking about War? You should all be ashamed of yourselves. War is not a sport, and no-one ever wins anything.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: Nissan fumes over BBC TV program 'Top Gear' See in context

OK. out of fairness, I did go watch the segment that is being discussed here and I feel that if Nissan is "fuming" or "seething" or "flaming" or "exploding" over this, then there must be some misunderstanding in the subtleties in the British vernacular because I didn't perceive any offense to the car or it's manufacturer, Nissan. The Jeremy fellow actually commends the Leaf as "extremely well made" and so on. It is the other boob that is distastefully abusive of anything that is battery-driven and we will have to assume that he was trying to be humorous as well. The piece is misleading in it's intent to use the point of view from a "common man" (an aspect, I am sure, appeals to a TV audience) as presented by these three bumbling, perhaps alcoholic, over-the-hill baby-boomers. There was a considerable amount of tongue-in-cheek "humor", but I find that, also, very common in the British culture and it just must be their way of compensating for the lose of their Empire a couple of centuries ago. BUT, all in all, this segment of a boring television show was by no means racist, Japan bashing, or even demeaning to Nissan. So the term "Fuming" is probably a bit out of place. And, that having been said, it has been proven that in the phrase "to prove" there are two O's, but in the phrase"to show proof" there are four.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: Gov't fires 3 senior nuclear policy officials See in context

The move is the latest attempt by Kan and his cabinet to shake off criticism

And how do we know this? Why blame Kan? According to other news sources it is Kaieda doing the talking

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Farmers protest outside TEPCO's Tokyo headquarters See in context

And why is TEPCO allowed to make any decisions at this point? The gov should have stepped in and seized the company in the beginning.TEPCO should have never been allowed the autonomy to endanger this area, or to continue to do so. It has become fairly evident that there will be no recovery of this site now, and allowing them to operate "behind closed doors" is a cover-up. I side with the farmers and would have TEPCO dissolved, lock stock and barrel.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Nissan fumes over BBC TV program 'Top Gear' See in context

So, you can dish out a joke but can't take one, eh? It's all so serious when the shoe is on the other foot. The new electric car technology isn't comparable to "petrol" vehicles (such a silly word. why can't you Euro's just say "gas" like the rest of the free world?), and no-one, the manufacturers included, has said so. So, Caruthers (a much more fitting name for a man that deals in cars) is blowing wind. And I am guessing that he is knowingly doing so. Aside from being your favorourite, he is relatively unknown in my end of the pool. We have "The Car Guys" from Boston and they've been sliming on people and cars since the Ford Pinto (renamed because Fireball 500 was already taken) . They are even something akin to real mechanics. In conclusion, you're defense of the un-funny Caruthers is a slip showing of your own nationalistic ferver (fervour?)

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

Posted in: Norwegian gunman wants to see Japanese psychiatrist See in context

I would like to take this opportunity to bash the Abrahamic vindictiveness and say, at the same time, how unsettling it is that a mass murderer even gets to choose who will judge him? The souls of innocent young people that he executed should be the final word. I find it offensive to even equate the country of Japan with this person's name. And I wish the press would stop reporting on him at all. This voyeurism only disrespects the victims and their survivors.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Nissan fumes over BBC TV program 'Top Gear' See in context

Not exactly Monty Python, but truely, a relative unknown making snide remarks. Once again, I feel it is beneath the dignity of such a brilliant engineering company such as Nissan to have responded to hooligan humor from spiteful children on foreign television programs. And it was blatantly unfair to intentionally run the battery out to prove that Britain doesn't have the infrastructure in place to service ANY electrical vehicles, and then accuse or blame the car company for manufacturing an electric car. How does Caruthers (or what ever his name is) get around in his golf cart? Little black sambos chasing after him with extra batteries? Elitist much?

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

Posted in: Report: Global cyberattack under way for 5 years See in context

It must be that GW Bush found a new job. The lack of specifics and the overall threatening tone suggests that "terror" is doing the hacking. Otherwise it's just advertising for McAfee, and that would not be surprising.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Nissan fumes over BBC TV program 'Top Gear' See in context

Another fine example of British superiority. But, wait, what has Clarkson or is group ever invented? Is he the Rush Limbaugh of automobiles? Or just another babbling babe making money with cruelty-style stand-up routines?

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Posted in: Japan's autopsy rate woefully low See in context

This kind of shakes one's faith in the justice system, doesn't it? Yes, I have heard people say that the police forces are corrupt and don't do anything, but people say that sort of thing in every country so I just usually ignore comments like that. But, if it's true, and this certainly brings to question whether they are doing their job or not, then the ultimate question is who (if any one person or group) is "making" people train for and perform necessary jobs for the infrasturcture of the country. Is there like so mysterious clan of people hiding in the shadows somewhere that prescribes the careers for each and every person, or is it left to chance like a lottery? How about advertising for the position and paying a decent wage, that might work.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: PayPal co-founder donates solar power project to Soma City in Fukushima See in context

@Heythia- Skeptical or Paranoid? These, there may be some benefit for his companies by making donations (or, if you must, demonstrations of their technology), but assuming that everyone is only helping others for their own personal gain is just plain cynical. What is it you are really mad about?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: 3 Japanese lawmakers give up and return home from Seoul See in context

Yeah, well maybe I got the wrong, but since they were barred I assumed that they also barred while being barred. Yes?

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Posted in: 3 Japanese lawmakers give up and return home from Seoul See in context

Seriously though. Poor diplomacy to go traveling around the world showing off your alcoholism. Have you no shame?

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Posted in: 3 Japanese lawmakers give up and return home from Seoul See in context

Looks like they stayed until the airport bar refused to serve them any more, then home in time to spend the rest of the night at the hostess bar. Great job, Boys!

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