Japan Today

osmondau comments

Posted in: Surviving in the new economic world order See in context

the best way to counter such economic crisis is to cut staff cost as a whole, not pointing to a particular level. from CEO to office assistants in a proportional rate. Simply downsize your staff force by half means lossing your people power, creating malaise to the entire company. To upkeep the morale within a company, LAYOFF is definitely not a smart step!!

Keep in mind, be conscious with the contributions of your staff to your organization.

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Posted in: Japan Airlines launches carbon offset program See in context

the best way to control co2 emission are:

-minimize air travel only use it when necessary -as an incentive, surrender your air miles -stop your cruise plan, new city-like cruise ship also emit tons of co2 to our earth -lessen usage of your gadgets, electronic applicances consume power which emit co2

please reconsider every move you make daily, every minute of our living involves co2 emission.

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Posted in: Macau's hot streak shows signs of cooling See in context

the clincher is solely in the hands of PRC direction. the anti-corruption tactic in china is the key factor to macau gambling industry, henceforth, there might be further insolvency within the 6 licence holders. let's see!!!

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Posted in: Modern working conditions a throwback to '20s, '30s See in context

this articule exactly explains why japanese youngsters refrain from accepting promotions as well as taking up more job responsibilities for their companies.

bosses and CEO'S: be good to your employees b4 they would contribute their effort whole-heartedly!!

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Posted in: United Airlines boosts 2nd-bag fee to $50 See in context

it is hobson's choice to take either american based airliners. un-reasonable surcharges, paid beverage, meal, blanket, pillow, in-flight entertainments, etc..etc... a 2k ticket price tag eventually comes up @ 5k

i would presage the results is a negative one, vacational air travellers would be shrug off from ticketing counter.

US Airliners: keep your gung-ho to big spender, 1st class, executive class customers. more airline insolvencies is expected for the rest of 2008, cheer!!!

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Posted in: Japan welcomes deployment of U.S. aircraft carrier See in context

it is a real warm and gung-ho welcome if the discipline and demeanor of sailors of this carrier is well enforce at all time!!!

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Posted in: Wyndham Hotel Group signs deal for 9 hotels in Japan See in context

jpan really needs to establish thrifty hotel in order to secure its tourism competitivity. imagine tourists who spend only averagely 6 hours stay might cost a half of their spendings in the entire trip in jpan, lowering accomodation cost for tourist means tourist can spend more in other areas like: spending with eateries, buying more souvenirs from shops, taking more local attractions. its win-win by all means!!

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Posted in: Building blocks See in context

hi adults,

when u feel depressed n helpless, get a set of LEGO - whatever theme, you will find how it can helps you to lessen your pressure regardless work, family, affair in nature.

i am at my 50's, still i rely these blocks to console my stress and desolation.

try it, it doesn't worth much at all!!!

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Posted in: Showers, bars, lounge - Emirates Airbus A380 has them all See in context

this is an tremendous contrast when american carriers are antsy to earn few more bucks on beverages, pillows, baggages in order to survive their existences while oiler carrier offers their extravagant services never b4!!

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Posted in: Sex crimes rising with thermometer See in context

to make it clear, the chics are not intended to sexual stimulate you. they simply just want to show off their bodies even though some have none.

i would suggest you guys to appreciate by your eyes only, hands off and keep a cool mind.

you would be in real trouble when you go too far or think too much from low cut or mini skirt, haha!!

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Posted in: A big black eye for the IOC See in context

it is a fact china is granted by IOC as the host of 08 olympics. it is a fact that china is a communist-rule country. no matter what, the game has to take place in chinese soil, why threatening and hijacking olympics as chips to foster democracy in a communist country, turning a consecrate sports event to human rights, liberalize for independency.

simply lets welcome a monumental events with efforts of millions of people on earth, lets enjoy the skills,sportsmanship of atheletes who spent years of hard-working. please stop potching the host, let her free from criticisms as well as threats for a peaceful and harmonious international sports activity.

may peace be with you ALL!!!!!!!!!1

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Posted in: Peace Boat encourages grassroots interaction See in context

in all aspects, PB is not an international friendship building mission. why?? becos its itinerary never touches islets in conflict with taiwan, china, s. korea. she should go and say hi to their coast guard patrols who stay vigilant dusk to dawn in those waterways!!

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Posted in: Relaxing at the airport when you're delayed See in context

web surfing kills time efficiently, counting computer terminals in the tiny yahoo corner in narita and its high occupancies, how can you alleviate the tensions of stranded flyers!!

think of services at extremely reasonable prices: men - hot spring spa, shiatsu women - facial, manicure, spa

these would bring good memories and recalls of such delay in japan!!!!

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Posted in: Amami Oshima an unspoiled nature paradise See in context

this is the pristine side of japan. i am eager to pay a visit.

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Posted in: World's 1st aloft hotel opens in Montreal See in context

sort of marketing gimmicks, worthless to mention especially the rate is not cheap though, i believe!!

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Posted in: Hostesses See in context

to my experience, the chic in blue earned the most. her bow demonstrated her utmost appreciation. the right side is a mama-san judging from her layout!! i guess!!

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Posted in: Conrad Tokyo hotel to offer Y3.33 mil 3-day luxury plan See in context

another example of inequality of wealth distribution in the world. 3 days enjoyment cost some people years of net income. what a shame!!!

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