Japan Today

OssanUSA comments

Posted in: Izumi Mori wins 'Japan Make-up award' See in context

She also said, “Because I like dogs, I would like to develop cosmetics >for dogs.”

Why can't they use the same ones as the good looking women?

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Posted in: Next U.S. president faces China-Japan balancing act See in context

the neighbour is closer than your faraway relatives. my opinion is >instead of the US doing the balancing act, china and japan should warm >up ties and engage US together. But the trouble is japan had never own >up to her aggresive and brutal past. Should japan do and gain the trust >of her neighbour, the sky is the limit.

What a load. Japan owed up to her past back in 1972. If it was good enough for Mao Tse Tung and Chou En Lai, I'm sure it's good emough for the gazillion other Chinese.

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Posted in: Next U.S. president faces China-Japan balancing act See in context

sure and steady growth is always better than faster one" China's 'domestic' economy is big enough and single digit growth is too >big when one compares it with contracting GDP( negative growth) of >advanced countries.

China's domestic economy is big for sure, but even during these past years of boom times leading up to the Beijing Olympics it still was export driven. Now the buyers of China's exports can't import. China will be lucky to be able to maintain a single digit growth rate if it is steady. The proverbial stuff has only just started to hit the fan.

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Posted in: Next U.S. president faces China-Japan balancing act See in context

The stock market always looks 6 months ahead. The stock market has >bottomed. The recession will be over in 6 months. Hence, China will >become VERY IMPORTANT 6 months from now.

I disagree. I believe you have no idea what you're talking about as you seem to be under the impression that the stock market is the the only aspect of this current global financial crisis. The world is in a recession, international trade is at a stand still, and China has stopped importing raw materials for steel as the prices have dropped and they are looking at a massive slow down in growth. In 6 months you will be proven very wrong.

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Posted in: Takeshi Kaneshiro disqualified from Taiwan film awards See in context

In this instance Dual nationality would have to be introduced in both Taiwan and Japan.

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Posted in: Considering the turbulent state of global financial markets, what would you advise anyone with money to invest in? See in context

I've always invested in real estate and I've never lost on it.

There are an awful lot of people around the world right now who can't say that. You're very lucky.

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Posted in: Miss Universe Japan See in context

Have you been to Japan? Uniformity(for women) in appearance, especially >when you work is an absoulte.

When was the last time you were in Japan? Or rather what field of work are you refering to? Bank teller girls? Leaving aside the blonde dye thing, the use of brown-auburn hair coloring particularly on Japanes women is widely accepted in Japanese society today. I say this having seen changes over the last 20 years visiting Japan. At this point having brown hair is hardly "trying to look caucasian" anymore. Not to mention that there are Japanese I've met with naturally dark brown hair that you could never call "black".

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