Japan Today

otumfuo comments

Posted in: Court awards damages over Ghanaian's deportation death See in context

I am a Ghanaian and I do agree he broke the law.Deportation was their last resort but they went overboard.People migrate for economic,political or other reasons.I have personally met two Japanese ladies who are overstaying in Australia.I heard in America there are a bunch over there and even met a Canadian and a French overstaying in Japan.

If these guys are arrested and their deportation leads to their death,wont such Countries be held responsible?If you go to Yahoo Japan ,the Japanese on there are writing all kind of nasty stuff.But if it was their country men,they would be crying wolf.

5million yen is about 150,000 Ghana cedis which is not any huge sum over there.And it is not the same as 5million dollars in US as some people are saying here.Prices of basic stuff are astronomically high.Anyways, most of the money would be going to the wife over here.

What is important here,is Justice is been served.

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Posted in: Tokyo bar owner, 3 hostesses arrested for drugging, robbing customer See in context

I read a lot of ignorance about Africans here.

There are over 15,000 legal residents here.A few work in prestigious national universities as full time Professors not language tutors.Some ,including myself,have obtained our PhD's in Japan and working in large corporations.At least I can count 24 of us.The rest work mostly in Factories not depending on some wasteful Government program or handouts.

The numbers you see in Roppongi and such places don't add up to a 500.Meaning they represent less than 5% of Africans here.

Let me give a deep details of what happens in Roppongi etc.The Managers in those crazy bars are mostly Europeans and a few Japanese.The hostesses are mostly Europeans with a few Japanese.

The one who spikes your drink is the hostess who gets a 30% of the deal,the one who works on the credit card (the manager) gets 20%.Then, the 50% is shared between the owner and the mafia behind who are Japanese.

With all the Yakuza bosses and the police around the corner,have you asked yourself why those things go on?It is easy for you to blame the blacks there due to your prejudice and racism.

These Nigerians you are all bashing,go to the Japanese Govt website .They did a highlight on a Nigerian running a real manufacturing company with both Japanese and foreign staff.I personally know 4 Nigerians with 4 factories in Saitama.

A reasonable comment wont do you no harm.

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Posted in: Japan to give $1 bil for Sahel security, stabilization See in context

@kiyoshimukai It seems you are a lay person in Economics.I will advice you read some AID and GRANT documents.

However,i dont blame you.these idiotic and wicked gangsters called African leaders are to be blamed.

They would even go to MARS to beg,if there were people there.they would not even have the thought to think,hnw come a single country has so much money;what can I learn from them.

How can you betray and leach your own people like this.Now I know why there were so many coup d'etats in Africa.

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Posted in: Japan pledges $14 bil in aid to Africa over 5 years See in context

@kiyoshi mukai and toshiko.

You are missing the point here.

kiyoshi you talk about a school,MRI etc which costs a few million dollars.This amount is a token looking at the amount of money wasted by our greedy Govts.

Inflated projects costs,waste of Govt resources.Do you know all Parlaimentarians and Govt ministers, at least in Ghana, receive unlimited gasoline and accomodation all year round.?These are waste.

The recent corruption pattern is called "Judgement debts".They intentionally abrograte contracts of their cronies.then the cronies go to court and obtain compensation.At least we paid over $500 million on that last year as a nation.Whereas,a major highway built by Prez Bush in Ghana just cost $100 million dollars.so,you see why they don't need AID money.

Toshiko.why should Japanese create employment there?why cant Africans do it themselves. Did Japan use AID to grow.was that the development pattern you used to grow?

As an African,I all see is Japanese greasing the palms of this same corrupt leaders to obtain access to the resources.

As argued,we cant circumvent these corrupt leaders and make progress. When the populace get the technology to turn the resources in finished goods,we would be creating employment and wealth for our citizens.Japanese SME's contribute to almost half of their GDP.We also want to be able to manufacture and sell at least on the African markets.

what our leaders need to discuss is how to obtain technology either through research or direct purchase,not on how to access AID money.Japan is rather putting a burden on future generations in Africa.we will have to pay in future in kind or cash.

Stop poking fire unto a the minds of a confused continent.

As an African,I dont buy into AID strategy.For 50 years ,it did not work.

These are the sentiments of many ordinary Africans.

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Posted in: Japan pledges $14 bil in aid to Africa over 5 years See in context

This same AID and soft loans in the 70's and 80's to AFRICA that ended in the pockets of corrupt leaders has placed a cyclic burden on us.In the early 90's ,Africa debt servicing was almost 50% of their exports until the HIPC came.

AID money is not free.

The Europeans came,now its the Chinese and the Japanese.

hmm! Japan better grap your piece now because very soon.Some of us would take over the leadership.

This thing would have to stop.

Why should we be so resource rich but so dirt poor? Why does people take the resources and turn them into wealth and employment for their people? Why cant we make use of these resources for our benefit?

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Posted in: Japan pledges $14 bil in aid to Africa over 5 years See in context

We Africans don't need AID.AID and its restrictions has forced a development paradigm on us since the first African Independence.From SAPs in the 80's to the HIPC in 90's,Africa has not been able to chart its own development agenda.Our inept leaders, who I refer to as thieves clad in suits are shameless beings.

Basic Economics talks about 3 factors of production.We have 2,we just need the 3rd i.e the capital (technology).What we need is how to strategically obtain these technologies either through research or direct purchase to be able to create employment and wealth for our citizens.

Countries are forging relationship with us,because they need our resources to make end products that create wealth and employment for its citizens.why cant we africans also use the resources to make end products to move millions out of poverty?

It's because when we take control of the resources,their economies would slump and the theives (African leaders) wont get free money anymore.

Who needs AID in Africa when kenya MPs are among the highest paid in the world; A Nigerian Governors salary is worth millions a year; Governments and their cronies are looting state resources as if there is no tomorrow.

What we need is the skills and technology to industralize not AID money.

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Posted in: Qatar becomes 1st Arab country to fly over Libya See in context

Qatar's leader was belittled by Ghadaffi before during an arab summit.they have not been on good terms.maybe is payback time but he should realize that your enemy's enemy is not necessarily your friend.

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Posted in: BP hikes claims chief's monthly salary to $1.25 mil See in context

Greedy capitalist .what the heck do you do that warrants this income.The devil on earth are these Capitalist.

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Posted in: U.N. resolution seeks sanctions against Ivory Coast See in context

The complexity there is not simply by removing Gbagbo.There was a civil war between the north and south representing two different ethnic groups, what should be done is to create an all inclusive government bringing the vary ethnic gr.jp together. all these civil wars will not have happened ,if Europe hadn't demarcated Africa anyhow.

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Posted in: Israel retaliates against Hama for deadly Jerusalem bus blast, rocket attacks See in context

I have always hoped that the palestinian and Israelis can work out something.Isreal claim to the right to the land due to some religious belief is crazy. What is the main concern is without America and some Arab backing,Isreal would have agreed to the UN border drawn. The future looks bleak for Isreal because Arab states are getting stronger whereas America's influence is declining around the world.

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Posted in: Missing U.S. teacher's body located in Ishinomaki See in context

No different from the 20000 dead.Give us a break.Is this news t all?

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Posted in: Buoyed by strikes, Libyan rebels try to advance See in context

I smell real civil war breaking up between the different ethnic groups.

Libyans beware.

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Posted in: Cruise missile blasts Gadhafi's compound near tent See in context

@yuriotani That security council is a sham.just look at the 10 members who voted,it will tell you who they are.Democracy and ethnicity can not thrive together.Countries with many ethnic groups is like many countries put together.You may not see the complete picture as an outsider but I have experienced it thats why am saying so. Democracy can only thrive in such countries only when most of the citizen have a real formal educationwhere they can agree to disagree.many countries with many ethnicity dont speak one language and in many cases someone from one group can not understand what another one is speaking.

Do you expect democracy to prevail im such a country? just look at Belgium ,a supposed civilized country ,but they cant form a government .thats how complex It Is

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Posted in: Cruise missile blasts Gadhafi's compound near tent See in context

@Yuriotani Let me be clear here,I never consider the US to be the world police or the god on earth,so I would not have co mplained about them. Again ,I have said the west(UN)did not exhaust all possible alternatives.I did not see dialogue fostered between the two groups.when America is slaughterimg civilians with drones,why haven't no voice been raised? @madverts If Ghaddaffi is been held accountable for killing his people,I think OBAMA should also be held accountable for killing people(civilians) of other countries with drones. This is an invasion ,if you enter another country airspace with artillery without permission.Thats an Invasion

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Posted in: Cruise missile blasts Gadhafi's compound near tent See in context

@ yuriotani Think and think again .no one wants his or her country to be invaded for whatever reason there is.those arab leaders that were part ie UAE and Qatar are just rubber stamps.they did that just to gain favor from the west.No true arab will ever entertain western forces on its soil. And you talk about Russia ,do you think the rest of the world want to be part of this BS?pushing democracy into the arab world wont work because of the various ethnic groups and their culture.If they want oil,they should go find one in their countries and leave the world at peace.

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Posted in: Cruise missile blasts Gadhafi's compound near tent See in context

@madverts So you want him dead?very soon the libyans will be wishing the Nato forces dead.Hope you will not complain then.

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Posted in: Cruise missile blasts Gadhafi's compound near tent See in context

@paulinasia Whatever but I am saying when the jihad starts are you going to blame them?And you trust that toy we call the UN which has been hijacked by the west. When the dust settles,I will still be eating my onigiri,

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Posted in: New York Times to start charging for website See in context

Who reads that New York Times ?they and BBC are nuts.

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Posted in: Cruise missile blasts Gadhafi's compound near tent See in context

The criticism has started from leaders of the arab world and very soon it will be from the ordinary arabs.this will translate to jihadiiiism.who then stands to loss ?the western nations of course, when it happens,dont start trumpeting our ears with your problem because you did not mind your business

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Posted in: Syrians fire on thousands of protesters See in context

Be careful because france and his caucasian buddies will boommb you with saint OBAMA

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Posted in: 48 killed, 150 injured as allies launch airstrikes in Libya See in context

Sfjp330 Your analysis is true and is one of the factors.But when the dust settles,we will see if their new found Friend (the rebels) will allow them to control the oil.Ordinary libyans are fed up with Ghaddaffi and all the oil partner countries.

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Posted in: Palin warns of China's rise in visit to India See in context

@Realmind Should I also call you an American cyber spy?I am no chinese and eventhough their government may be bad in some ways,history and politics have taught me that the most evil and worst presidents have come from America. Anyway,does knowing the news put bread on the table and if there are any people uninformed about the world I will say,they are American.Ask an average American a simple question about the world and you will be surprised at the answer

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Posted in: Palin warns of China's rise in visit to India See in context

Netrek - So America is a free and just country ?well,as a non American I dont see it so.Do you honestly think America will be #1 forever? As you want the Chinese to fall,they also want America to fall.But with the current American economy and the current state of geo-politics ,I bet China stands to win.

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Posted in: 48 killed, 150 injured as allies launch airstrikes in Libya See in context

Sarge-As far as I know,they did not invite the two groups for talks.Dailogue between the two groups should have been facilitated.the west thinks they are not vunerable to social unrest and foreign inteference .But I bet you that time will come soon. The airstrikes are killing libyans and it is rather increasing the violence.I say again,what do these same neo-coloniasts have to say about Bahrain,Yemen,Ivory Coast etc ?

They have been queit on the Saudis and Bahrain.

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Posted in: Palin warns of China's rise in visit to India See in context

@Realmind China needs to do whats in its interest.And all this talk of freedom is funny because you know what if H am to compare the harm done by the west to that of the Chinese,I will say those of China are insignificant.

China will rise and rise because it did not put its bread in one basket.

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Posted in: 48 killed, 150 injured as allies launch airstrikes in Libya See in context

The end will justify the means.They did not exhaust all possible alternatives before launching this war.the arab leaders who are supporting are doing so to gain favor of no inteference in their kingdom ,whiles they are butchering their people. No wonder western influence is dwindling because hypocrisy and cunning have been your game.And most countries are now realising that. Everytime,WAR,WAR and WAR.is that the only way to boost your economy .

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Posted in: 48 killed, 150 injured as allies launch airstrikes in Libya See in context

Hypocrites.what about the people fighting for political reforms in zimbabwe,Ivory Coast,Bahrain,Yemen etA.wht did Britain,France and US do when Saudis were sending troops to support Bahrain government?

If it is because of oil,forget it because these same rebelP will be the first to shoot if they try something like that. I cant just believe that in their so called Civilization ,the only alternative to a problem is WAR.The disgusting part is,they were dealing with a rebel leader who was once part of the Ghaddaffi government .

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Posted in: Palin warns of China's rise in visit to India See in context

China will rise,rise and rise.I will support them anyday.

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Posted in: US, Europe pressure Libya but ease off militarily See in context

Superlib The rest of the world is backwards?funny isn't it or should I say ethnocentric.The last time I checked many countries are doing well than most western countries .I will say the West is now backwards.Opem your eyes.Anyway you are enjoying and earning your daily bread in a backwards country,so why dont you leave.

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Posted in: US, Europe pressure Libya but ease off militarily See in context

@americanbengoshi You are a typical american who is one sided an knows nothing about other countries.Just google and see the aid,roads,hospitals,schools,malls,dams etc Chima has given to many African countries over the past decade for the same resources the West has robbed many countries of in the name of capitalism.

Libyans will sort themselves out.when did the west become the gods on earth?

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