Posted in: U.S. petty officer charged with two counts of molestation in Kanagawa See in context
Place this clown in The Slammer!! Strip away rank and court martial his arse!!
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Posted in: U.S. petty officer charged with two counts of molestation in Kanagawa See in context
Place this clown in The Slammer!! Strip away rank and court martial his arse!!
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Posted in: Woman arrested for fatally stabbing 14-year-old daughter See in context
In Japan, parents are so not prepared for the new and trendy teenage generation!! In my opinion, need to make a full stop, have a hard look around and take notice on what teenagers are in these days, then try your best to compromise.
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Posted in: Man held for slashing son, daughter with knife See in context
Why take it on poor kids...Why!? What is wrong with this country raising children? Japan excels in security, safety, drug prevention, and so on...but can't get their act together with children!?
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Posted in: Mother suspected in murder of 1-month-old baby boy See in context
Don't hospitals here give case workers the right to monitor mothers and newborns at least a grace period of three months?? Most likely the mother here might have refused support and opted to deal with it all on her own. It wouldn't surprise me Japanese mothers reject help on account of their privacy being invaded. nevertheless, She must pay for her actions. I'm sure the shame will forever haunt her. sad. RIP little angel...!!!
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Posted in: 16-year-old boy falls to his death from rooftop in Saitama See in context
What about the other boy?? Was he drinking too? And.. How old is he?? Seems they were both intoxicated and having a good time. The Police, as always, wouldn't allow an underage minor drinking to be reveled publicly. The article states, the boy was drinking with a companion - it doesn't highlight male or female....
Back in the World, 16 year olds do drink (knowingly that it is illegal...), but they have been exposed to it through family gatherings, social events, you name it. Her.... never happens!! And if it did, never slips out for others to know. To shameful I guess. That explains teenagers here know nothing on how to handle themselves with alcohol....!!!!
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Posted in: Man arrested for shaking 5-month-old daughter, causing brain damage See in context
@ apsara... I'm with you ALL the way!! @illsayit, do you have a child or children?? If you do, you should know better. If you don't, you should botton up and step off.
To the father of the young toddler... how about zapping him with a stun-gun to see if he likes it!?!
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Posted in: Woman lay judge faints after seeing graphic crime scene photo See in context
If she can't stomage it, then she should've never been assigned. Doesn't the system screen people by cautioning that detailed raw materials may not be suitable to all viewers??
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Posted in: Shiga police question 3 boys accused of bullying suicide victim See in context
Now THAT'S a bunch of crap!!! Them BOYS knew exactly what they did and NOW try to play DUMB!! Sure, play it safe boys. Lie to the cops so you can save your own skin.... Them boys parents should be held responsible as well. At least have the parents pay pricely compensation for pain and suffering to the viictim's parents!! And cover all legal fees - that will teach them a lesson alright!!
And what about YOU - SHIGA School. Easy for you to say, "Oh, no...the victim was not being bullied - them boys were just playing around, you know kids these days"! YOU are full of it, too!! Another classic example of EYES WIDE SHUT!! All them teachers are responsible - every single one of them. They have daily briefings to cover and discuss: What went wrong, What is coming, Who did what, When is what, and so on! They ALL knew this and did NOTHING!! Let it BE as the Beatles song goes.... Bunch of hypocrates and inward low lifes.
I'm so with the father on this issue. He did his darnest to bring justice on his son's name and reputation with dignity - following the system, trusting the system, and what they did in return??? Ignore and dust under the rug!! SUE them both royally - I say!! It's no brainer to notice that both, school and precint, failed and are now desperately trying to make up for this tragic oversight.
And YOU - JT....stay on the story - don't let it fadeaway ... for the dear poor boy's sake!!
7 ( +7 / -0 )
Posted in: Boy's suicide over bullying sparks death threats at Shiga school See in context
If it comes to people retaliating against the system so that their unfortunate tragedy be heard, then so be it!! Diplomatic measures on bullying has been ignored for far too long by those we trust the most, and it is time for drastic changes!! I don't subscribe to the idea of bombing and hurting innocent people and bystanders, however, the nation is up in arms about this and someone will take full advantage of the hype. Government officials and local municipalities in Shiga better get off their butts and resolve this like...yesterday!! Anticiapte rather than react is what I say... RIP young man and my most sincerest condolences to the family and friends!!
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Posted in: Why do Japanese change their attitude when they communicate with foreigners? See in context
but...I got news for you, JAPAN. It's only a matter of time (15 to 20 years when your aging population fades away) that major japanese corporate companies will be forced to hire foreigners to maintain their domestic and overseas operations since their young business japanese working force has no desire to learn a second language and wish not being posted in other countries. Their inward-looking lifestyle wants "an vogue, yet ordinary japanese life" and, on a personal note, good luck with that.
-3 ( +0 / -3 )
Posted in: Why do Japanese change their attitude when they communicate with foreigners? See in context
I was forced here, my japanese wife decided to haul her tuss with our kids and never look back!! Well, that was not going to happen on my watch!! Came and WHAM!! Hugh culture shock. No language, no customary manners, no nothing!! When I first faced Japan, all hell broke loose!! Surprised to learn japanese were VERY friendly but NOT sociable at ALL with foreigners!! And they intend it that way. RIde any public transport, and automatically none sat next to you...WHY (I asked myself)? Stand in a non-file line to pay for things, staff ignored you and handled their own till they were left with no choice but to DEAL with you...How come? Learn a few phrases to get by, they treat you as a MIRACLE - giving the impression you are NOT capable of learning their language....not to mention 30 to 40% of their vocabulary uses apologetic words. Well, yes....the first years (three to be exact) were P A I N F U L. Today, I have stressfully survived their day-to-day rejections. One thing I have learned for sure - Once an outsider - ALWAYS be viewed as an OUTSIDER!! Unless your financial credit standings speaks louder than words!!
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Ozawa found not guilty in fund scandal See in context
No BIG surprise here!! Prosecution took way too long to prove anything against this low-lifer!!
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Posted in: 'Soapland' manager arrested for hiring 13-year-old girl See in context
then...who's the whistle-blower?? It wasn't a raid by the police at the site, and mostly likely the girl won't snitch if she is making money... so?
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Posted in: 19-yr-old man arrested for beating girlfriend's 2-yr-old son to death See in context
a 19 youngster, "NOT MAN" as labeled here, being protected as a minor...uses the poor little soul as a punching bag - beating him senselessly. Well - heck, that explains it.
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Posted in: Successive robberies reported in Chiba See in context
...funny...two female employees working the graveyard shift and NOONE around!!!
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Posted in: Successive robberies reported in Chiba See in context
....and the beat goes on....!!!!
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Posted in: Prosecutors seek 3-year jail term for Ozawa See in context
Three years........!!??!! I most definitely smell "bribe" here!! As @some14some states....suspended sentence!! We ought to exercise our legal right to demand our earn tax money be used to sentence Ozawa without bail or suspension!
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Posted in: Man commits suicide after apparently stabbing older brother, sister-in-law to death See in context
Total doubt about it!! Monetary disputes always seem to be the motive among sublings in Japan. And yet the young brother was able to take his own life - after reading many others in similar cases have failed to take commit suicide.
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Posted in: Kagoshima woman arrested for abusing 11-month-old baby boy See in context
28 y.o. mom, with three kids on her watch and where Mr. Dad in all this?? Same father or....not!?? SNAPPING!?? with two older kids...don't think so. I'm with [@ Mirai Hayashi] on this. There'S got to be more than this!!
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: Apple expected to unveil iPad 3 on March 7 See in context
Will the i-pad3 be avail just like they did with i-pad2?.... AppleMac Rules...!!
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Posted in: 4-year-old boy beaten to death by mother's boyfriend See in context
EAT YOUR FOOD OR I'LL BEAT THE LIVING-LIFE OUT OF YOU...!??? Sounds familiar to anyone....! But this LOSER meant it!! To much trouble for him to bother feeding the poor boy...RIP little one!!
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Posted in: Man arrested for dropping 2-year-old baby out of hotel window See in context
@ jumpultimatestars....
You have GOT to be KIDDING me...!!!! Anyone in such act is clearly with intent to hurt and endanger the welfare of a child. His actions, no matter how brief, is with motive and punishable by any law. I CAN'T believe YOU would even consider the thought of "consistency" here. Please!!!
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Posted in: What do foreigners find strange about Japan? NTV finds out See in context
How about Japanese people cutting in front of you while walking? I mean so close that they cause friction your clothes. It causes me to misstep my pace and even stop in order to prevent any static. But, you watch them among themselves, they rarely cut in, instead they rather run ahead or face pace themselves to give each other their personal space respect. Don't they know we westerners have a more profound personal space. If they intrude, they will get it - period!
Or Japanese with their cell phones stuffed in their faces walking straight at you until they bump and then some.
Care to comment...anyone??
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Posted in: Court throws out key evidence against Ozawa See in context
In my opinion, court cases with high ranking officials on the line are a joke. They all keep clowning the tax payers with their displays of trick-o-treat games. No justice will be serve here.
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Posted in: 14-year-old boy stabs mother after she confiscates video game See in context
@ DS.....I COULDN'T HAVE SAID IT BETTER!! It all starts with fundamentals at home. My teenage boys have Wii, DS and i-pod games. They were told over and over again (till they tired of hearing it...) what the specifics and rules were from the get-go! During meals we enjoy daily chats from school to work to club and so on. Granted not all days are the same. We often watch a TV program where we ALL GET INVOLVE. During weekdays, we keep our boys between cram school and club activities. Weekends are their "stay-to-play" virtual game time and yet they decide to hit their club activites. So, YES, parents influence DOES make a difference!!
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Posted in: Man fatally stabs father over TV channel argument See in context
Just when you think you have seen and heard it alll...comes this!! Yokoso...Nippon!
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Posted in: 4 high school students held over attacks on homeless men in Tokyo park See in context
Back in the day...( 70's in NYC), we were of three (or four) vandalizing any hood and blame it on other turf gangs to cause a breakout street fight. Cops weren't doing a THING about we ruled, but we NEVER - NEVER picked on and abused the Old nor women with kids. Granted - it was FLAT WRONG of us, but THAT was the life then. If we ever hurt or even come close to hurting the Old or women with kids...., POOR YOU - you get a beating from your own gang that would last weeks to bounce back. Now, I read this. No respect!! I'm the character type that I gave WAY to the elderly around me, and make SURE others do likewise!! Sick and tired of these locals wording out the have manners and respect, but never practice what they preach. Japan, it's only worse before it gets better. Seen it happen many times. I got boys of my own and I most definitely teach them respect and manners to the elderly - no exceptions. My pops did the same and so did Granpop! It all starts home. Today, these punks actout they too cool for school....erase my case!
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Posted in: 5-yr-old boy may lose sight after man adds battery acid to eye drops See in context
How often was the boy complaining about his eye? The boy had an existing eye condition during that time. In my opinion, the mother must have known the poor boy was acking from pain!! Did she even bothered checking the odor or expiration date?? Obviously not. He needs to flush down his throat battery acid and have a taste of what the poor little one went through.... Beasts - is what these parents are!! Hate - hate -'s always the same song and dance here!!
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Posted in: Woman arrested for putting plastic bag over 3-year-old son's head See in context
Why label her "unemployed"?? We have two, and it ain't no picnic or walk in the park. It's a 24/7 full time - no exceptions job. But loosing your head over a vomit, THAT'S a bit extreme! What!?? she can't handle a little mess and clean afterwards?? We got bigger problems to, clothing, medicine, schooling, clubs (if any)!! Geez, I can't stand how these press writers keep decorating stories with nonsense words!!
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Japan has only agreed to about half of the UN resolutions passed by the US up until now. Why do…
Posted in: Japan says it will watch U.S. moves over ICC, but stops short of criticism
Oh how unfair! Blatant discrimination against him!
Posted in: Track's proposed eligibility, transgender rules would completely ban Semenya and others
Posted in: Richard Gere calls Trump 'bully' and 'thug' at Spain's top film awards