Posted in: Daniel-san v Johnny round two as 'Karate Kid' reboot comes to YouTube See in context
Dunno. The Johnny Lawrence character apparently learned that Cobra Kai was NOT the place to be. The opening scenes of Karate Kid 2 & 3 showed that.
Then again, there's No More Kings' Sweep the Leg
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Posted in: Scientists dim sunlight, suck up carbon dioxide to cool planet See in context
Hasn't anybody learned after watching Highlander 2?
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Posted in: No plans to digitize Fisher in future 'Star Wars' films See in context
I would have absolutely no issue with a computer generated Princess (General) Leia as part of Star Wars IX... Providing her family/estate has no issues. Also, as long as it's an integral part of the story for the character to appear.
With Rogue One, Grand Moff Tarkin was an essential character & with Peter Cushing's family's/estate's permission, LucasFilm inserted the character into the film. It was not a flawless representation, but I see it as a successful test.
That said... LucasFilm's reactions to the rumor mentioned in this article are VERY political & as with most political responses, they leave an opening. How many politicians have said they "have no plans" to do something & then suddenly decide they what to do that something? Also, by saying Episode VIII "...will be Fisher's last" is very true. However, a computer generated Princess Leia will not actually BE Carrie Fisher will it?
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Posted in: Cars vs Autobots: Disney sues Chinese firms in copyright dispute See in context
Sorry (not really) for the late response, but... Are you actually implying that two wrongs make a right?
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Posted in: Netflix launches offline viewing, matching Amazon See in context
The Marvel stuff alone keeps me on Netflix.
-3 ( +0 / -3 )
Posted in: First-ever animated Godzilla movie coming soon See in context
@Erin Loydi Brummette: If you're referring to the Hanna-Barbara co-produced animated series, then that was most definitely NOT anime... Not by any stretch of the imagination.
I watched that show as a kid (in 1978 I was 12 years old) & I do recall enjoying it (with the exception of the Godzooky character... Even as a kid I knew Godzooky was "forced" on us to make it a "kids show").
As far as the 1998 Tristar series (which was based on the Matthew Broderick "In-Name-Only" Godzilla film released that same year), while the animation was definitely amped up in terms of quality, it still was not anime.
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Posted in: Police say black man shot in Milwaukee had a gun in his hand See in context
What do any of your comments have to do with the truths I'm speaking? None of them show anything I said to be wrong.
Nobody appears to be saying your views are "wrong." You're moving the goal posts, here.
The vast majority of law enforcement (not the relatively "few" that the media likes to shine the spotlight on) do their jobs & do them well. From all appearances, in THIS particular case (stay in context, if you can), this police officer handled the situation in the only way available to him.
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Posted in: Hikaru Utada to release 1st album in 8 1/2 years See in context
Responding to smithinjapan...
Utada never retired... She took a hiatus. Even announced (back in 2010, I believe) that it would last anywhere from 2 to 5 years.
And where does it mention anywhere that her "'s dried up..."?
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Cars vs Autobots: Disney sues Chinese firms in copyright dispute See in context
In regards to public domain characters, Disney has never attempted to sue others unless there were similarities to story content and/or blatant character appearance similarities.
Regarding Disney/Pixar's Cars (which is not based on public domain characters) & Xiamen Lanhuoyan Film Animation Co.'s The Autobots... The blatant similarities are all too obvious.
As much as Disney is obviously in the right in this particular situation, I don't see China relenting because based on the history of situations like this, China never admits to any wrong-doing (" root there is no plagiaristic behaviour...”).
Watching The Autobots, anyone with an ounce of gray matter in their skulls will have no doubts about the blatant lack of originality in the characters in question.
Bottom line... Shame of the "creators" of The Autobot.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: PS4 sales hit 40 million as Sony console dominates See in context
Imagine how great sales would be if the PS4 were backwards compatible.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Obama and Hiroshima: Revisiting reconciliation in an age of lingering hatred See in context
As much as the Internet has grown into the monster that it is (that's not a bad thing, IMO), thinking that bloggers & message board commentators are representative of anything of an REAL significance is laughable at best.
Sure, there are some very serious opinions made out there (some are even INFORMED opinions), but when push comes to shove, posting your opinions on blogs & message boards amount to very little in the grand scheme of things.
Being able to type words (or text) & make opinions known on the Internet seems to have "empowered" many individuals into believing that their opinions (and like I said, even the INFORMED opinions) count. They do not.
Makes for interesting debates (sometimes), but that's about it.
Some people need to ground themselves (and I don't mean by their parents... although that's not such a bad idea!).
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: 'Predator' reboot to begin filming by October See in context
I think using the term "reboot" is what the writer of this online article decided upon.
In reading other online articles & interviews with those involved, it appears to be a continuation (especially when they mention Arnold Schwarzenegger possibly reprising his role).
Anyway, I look forward to it. I enjoyed all of the Predator films, as well as the Alien/Prometheus franchise (with the exception of Alien3, which I I've decided was just a dream sequence that occurred while Ripley was floating around in space after Aliens).
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Posted in: Ben Affleck to direct, star in next Batman movie See in context
Ben Affleck should do quite well... IMO.
Far too many (as usual) are jumping the gun & prejudging. The vast majority of moviegoers enjoyed how Affleck portrayed Batman/Bruce Wayne in Batman versus Superman, so they should try to hold onto that & hope Affleck continues this portrayal.
Far too many (again?) jumped the gun on Batman versus Superman based on idiotic & negatively biased reviews & blogs & message board commentaries.
Ridiculous! Think & decide for yourself based on the trailers that they show. Sure... It's a gamble, but that's how we've always decided as far back as I can remember. That's a part of what made going to the movies fun. Sure, there were times when some movies were a disappointment, but more often than not you were entertained. That's why we keep going back.
Stay away from idiots that are trying to negatively influence you. Make your own decisions. Have fun.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: 'Batman v Superman' signals a new dawn for DC Comics See in context
Critics & reviewers (especially the online versions who believe that just because they can type words & "publish" these words that their words "count.") have been given more power than they should have. Make up your own minds & decide based on what you have actually seen. Sure, it's a gamble, but it's what I've been doing since as long as I can remember (I've been around nearly 50 years) & I never once let a critic or reviewer influence my decisions to see, listen or read anything. My "system" words & at least if something that I have seen, listened to, or have rad turns out to be "bad," at least I came to this conclusion on my own.
Anyway, that's my informed opinion...
Regarding Batman versus Superman (I'm too old to use the "hip" letter v in place of the actual word... Sue me!)... It looks like fun. It looks like there is good acting involved, good special effects, good action sequences... I'm in! I'll be taking my wife & kids to see it on Thursday at the nearby IMAX theater. Should be entertaining... To say the least.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Spider-Man swings his way into 'Civil War' See in context
Just like in the comic book... I wonder if, like in the comic, he will eventually choose the "right" side?
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Posted in: Film depicting horrors faced by World War II comfort women tops Korean box office See in context
BertieWooster: "We are different, we are the pure race."
I'm ignorant of most politicians & their idiocy, so please forgive that ignorance (or don't!), but has any of "Abe and crew" ever made such statements? Please provide sources... I'm genuinely curious.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Smartphone addiction spreads to younger set See in context
It may not be many people's favorite movie (it is definitely entertaining to me, though), but the scene(s) in Adam Sandler's film Grown Ups, where the kids are "forced" to go outside is a very real issue. Even though the film depicts the issue via video games, I believe it is cellphone addiction these days.
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Posted in: Illegal mosaic-free porn business busted See in context
Sensato: Often with Japanese online porn, although genetals are not pixelated, the man's face is, but not the woman's face.
Obviously, there is some need to protect the man's identity, but not the woman's.
I think in this case it's more that it's a predominantly male audience that likes to fantasize that they are in the film with the actress. The pixelation of the face allows this.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: 'Star Wars' hits $2 billion global sales mark See in context
Fadamor: I can't say that any of the actors put in an Oscar-worthy performance.
I dunno. That Stormtrooper death scene between Finn & his fallen comrade... ;P
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Posted in: Apple customers report devices crashing on iOS 9 update See in context
C'mon... Nobody is going to mention that Charlie Brown has become a technology expert? Way to go, Charlie Brown! The Little Red-Haired Girl is sure to notice you now!
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Posted in: Marvel adds Native American, Korean superheroes See in context
For the record, my honor, the original Red Wolf character first appeared in 1970 & the Amadeus Cho character has been around since 2006.
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Posted in: Kentucky clerk who fought gay marriage released from jail See in context
This is a VERY interesting read for the more open-minded among us... Most will understand the similarities involved...
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Posted in: 5 myths about solar power – and the real facts See in context
Solar Roadways
-4 ( +0 / -4 )
Posted in: Superheroes, for once, don't rule Hollywood's summer See in context
As much as I respect & admire Steven Spielberg for his creative output all these years, I have to disagree with his views (“There will be a time when the superhero movie goes the way of the Western...”).
Western films are few & far between because they are all pretty much are based on the past.
Superhero films, for the most part, are based on present situations. This enables the audiences to, more or less, relate.
I do believe that superhero films will eventually die down a bit, but I don't believe they will ever go "the way of the Western..."
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Posted in: Cosby said he got drugs to give women for sex See in context
Bill Cosby is innocent until PROVEN guilty.
That so many are willingly ignoring this fact is something that REALLY should cause concern.
People are trying to analogize by asking some to picture their own daughter or wife being victims of rape & perhaps then their minds will be changed. Ridiculous. One doesn't need to experience rape (either directly or indirectly) to be horrified by the crime. No one in their right minds would condone such a filthy act.
What's being glossed over here is that a man's life is being affected by unproven allegations. That so many are willingly believing something without proof is downright mystifying. A man's life is practically on the line here and so many are condemning him & proclaiming him guilty. Why? Why on Earth would somebody willingly turn their back & betray someone based on the words of another? Especially complete strangers.
If it can ever be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, then, and ONLY then, should justice be brought forth. If it is ever proven, then, and only then, should condemnation begin. It is cruel & just completely wrong for so many people to make such presumptive statements. It is also very irresponsible for so many because of the fact that their harsh & downright contemptible behavior just leads to others, who cannot or will not, think for themselves.
People want to analogize? Picture someone you love who is innocent of a crime, yet others who don't even know you or truly care about you or your family, condemn your loved one for a crime that they did not commit.
If you truly want to show how much you support justice & truth, then believe what you see & not what others tell you to believe.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: LA police pursuing Cosby sex assault accusations See in context
Bill Cosby is innocent until PROVEN guilty.
That so many are willingly ignoring this fact is something that REALLY should cause concern.
People are trying to analogize by asking some to picture their own daughter or wife being victims of rape & perhaps then their minds will be changed. Ridiculous. One doesn't need to experience rape (either directly or indirectly) to be horrified by the crime. No one in their right minds would condone such a filthy act.
What's being glossed over here is that a man's life is being affected by unproven allegations. That so many are willingly believing something without proof is downright mystifying. A man's life is practically on the line here and so many are condemning him & proclaiming him guilty. Why? Why on Earth would somebody willingly turn their back & betray someone based on the words of another? Especially complete strangers.
If it can ever be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, then, and ONLY then, should justice be brought forth. If it is ever proven, then, and only then, should condemnation begin. It is cruel & just completely wrong for so many people to make such presumptive statements. It is also very irresponsible for so many because of the fact that their harsh & downright contemptible behavior just leads to others, who cannot or will not, think for themselves.
People want to analogize? Picture someone you love who is innocent of a crime, yet others who don't even know you or truly care about you or your family, condemn your loved one for a crime that they did not commit.
If you truly want to show how much you support justice & truth, then believe what you see & not what others tell you to believe.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Bill Cosby counterattacks in alleged sex assault storm See in context
Bill Cosby is innocent until PROVEN guilty.
That so many are willingly ignoring this fact is something that REALLY should cause concern.
People are trying to analogize by asking some to picture their own daughter or wife being victims of rape & perhaps then their minds will be changed. Ridiculous. One doesn't need to experience rape (either directly or indirectly) to be horrified by the crime. No one in their right minds would condone such a filthy act.
What's being glossed over here is that a man's life is being affected by unproven allegations. That so many are willingly believing something without proof is downright mystifying. A man's life is practically on the line here and so many are condemning him & proclaiming him guilty. Why? Why on Earth would somebody willingly turn their back & betray someone based on the words of another? Especially complete strangers.
If it can ever be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, then, and ONLY then, should justice be brought forth. If it is ever proven, then, and only then, should condemnation begin. It is cruel & just completely wrong for so many people to make such presumptive statements. It is also very irresponsible for so many because of the fact that their harsh & downright contemptible behavior just leads to others, who cannot or will not, think for themselves.
People want to analogize? Picture someone you love who is innocent of a crime, yet others who don't even know you or truly care about you or your family, condemn your loved one for a crime that they did not commit.
If you truly want to show how much you support justice & truth, then believe what you see & not what others tell you to believe.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Cosby detailed his womanizing, secrecy efforts a decade ago See in context
Bill Cosby is innocent until PROVEN guilty.
That so many are willingly ignoring this fact is something that REALLY should cause concern.
People are trying to analogize by asking some to picture their own daughter or wife being victims of rape & perhaps then their minds will be changed. Ridiculous. One doesn't need to experience rape (either directly or indirectly) to be horrified by the crime. No one in their right minds would condone such a filthy act.
What's being glossed over here is that a man's life is being affected by unproven allegations. That so many are willingly believing something without proof is downright mystifying. A man's life is practically on the line here and so many are condemning him & proclaiming him guilty. Why? Why on Earth would somebody willingly turn their back & betray someone based on the words of another? Especially complete strangers.
If it can ever be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, then, and ONLY then, should justice be brought forth. If it is ever proven, then, and only then, should condemnation begin. It is cruel & just completely wrong for so many people to make such presumptive statements. It is also very irresponsible for so many because of the fact that their harsh & downright contemptible behavior just leads to others, who cannot or will not, think for themselves.
People want to analogize? Picture someone you love who is innocent of a crime, yet others who don't even know you or truly care about you or your family, condemn your loved one for a crime that they did not commit.
If you truly want to show how much you support justice & truth, then believe what you see & not what others tell you to believe.
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Posted in: Japan's 'Godzilla' director wants to surprise See in context
Shinji Higuchi is not unfamiliar with Godzilla. His work (uncredited on assisted SPFX) with Godzilla goes all the way back to The Return of Godzilla (1984), as well as a SPFX sequence on Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack that involved Godzilla retaliating against jet fighters. Of course, as mentioned, Higuchi-san worked on the SPFX of another well-known Kaiju in Gamera, when Toho revived the character in 1995. From what I understand, Higuchi-San was selected to work on Godzilla due to his work on the live-action Attack on Titan films. The new Godzilla film will apparently be co-directed with Hideaki Anno, who is world famous for his involvement in such anime classics as Super Dimensional Fortress Macross, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Gunbuster & many other popular projects. I look forward to it.
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Posted in: Russia, U.S. agree to work toward improving ties and ending Ukraine war
Posted in: Russia, U.S. agree to work toward improving ties and ending Ukraine war
Posted in: Russia, U.S. agree to work toward improving ties and ending Ukraine war
You have already told us that American expats don't pay income taxes. I never said that
Posted in: Russia, U.S. agree to work toward improving ties and ending Ukraine war