Japan Today

Patrick Lane comments

Posted in: Smartpets from Bandai See in context

Great! Just as long as it doesn't piss on the floor, I'm in.

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Posted in: Man arrested for assaulting girlfriend's 4-year-old son See in context

Japan is certainly an uncivilized society when it comes to the care of their children.

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Posted in: Man stabbed to death in road rage incident See in context

Glad I'm not the only road rager in Japan.

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Posted in: Oakland shooting suspect upset about expulsion, teasing See in context

Koreans don't like to be teased! The expelled him for anger issues. Oh really? He had anger issues? No way!

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Posted in: NHK apologizes for April Fool's Day Twitter joke See in context

hahahahahahahahahaha! Nice one NHK!

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Posted in: 1-year-old girl dies after being hit by car in Saitama See in context

How the hell does a one year old get hit by a car? It is due to the negligence of the mother and the driver of the car. Not enough care and attention is given to children in regards to traffic safety in this country. I always see kids bouncing around inside cars in front of me when they should be restrained by seat belts. I also see kids playing on or near the roads with as little regard for their safety as the drivers on the road next to them. Driving in this country is a nightmare and I have never seen such careless and selfish drivers in my life. This story echos an incident in China where a two year old was killed by a car just outside the front door of her house. I expect a story like this from China but not Japan which is rated as a first world country yet after living here for the past six years I feel it is anything but due to it's incredible lack of caring for children. There have already been several cases of children being killed by their parents here this year already. I have seen many children left unattended in cars at the supermarket or the hundred yen store and have been constantly subjected to the cries of Mama mama while at the supermarket while some little boy or girl desperately looks for their mother. They stand in the middle of the store yelling and crying for what seems like forever for the rest of us shoppers and I wonder why the mother hadn't noticed that her child is missing nor can she hear it's call. It amazes me that people can be so selfish as to not pay attention to their child crying alone in the middle of a supermarket.

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Posted in: Fukuoka offers cash rewards for hand grenades See in context

Got a box full of them in the basement!

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Posted in: 7 dead cats found on train line in Yokohama See in context


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Posted in: Pole-dancing robots wow world's biggest high-tech fair See in context

Replacing strippers with robots? Say it isn't so!

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Posted in: Two men taken to hospital after smoking 'legal herbs' See in context

Herb shops abound throughout Japan , more than 100000 of them. They sell three gram packages of "herb" for three thousand -6000 yen each. The result of smoking it has a similar effect to smoking marijuana. I think many who try it are surprised by it's strength and therefore freak out when they get too high.

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Posted in: Woman arrested for abandoning 12 dogs in house See in context

The door wasn't locked....hahahahaa..like they were going to let themselves out? She should be locked up with the dogs.

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Posted in: Amazon Japan profiting from slaughter of whales, dolphins: investigation agency See in context

Time to stop shopping on Amazon Japan until they get this issue resolved.

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Posted in: Man fatally stabs father over TV channel argument See in context


-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: 8 men arrested for smuggling gold from S Korea to Japan in rectums See in context

New James Bond villian, Gold Rectum! Man this story is hilarious!

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Posted in: Noda appears in eye patch for tax fight See in context

He looks as stupid as everyone esle in this country that wears one of those eye patches in public. Didn't they show pirate movies in Japan? If you have to wear an eyepatch then at least wear a pirate one.

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Posted in: Man hits woman with car in front of 10 police officers See in context

Did the police do anything or did they just stand and watchand do nothing like they usually do?

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Posted in: Body of naked man with genitals sliced off found in apartment See in context

Hahaha! Cheating bastard!

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: Do you consider the anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd to be eco-terrorists? See in context

Sure, but they are effective in showing the world the continued pointless slaughter of whales by the Japanese.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Posted in: Record Y56.49 mil paid for single tuna fish at Tokyo auction See in context


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Posted in: Mother cycling with 2 daughters run over at crossing; both children die See in context

Gunma drivers have got to be the worst in Japan. I have been driving since the day I got here six years ago and I am constantly surprised by the selflessness of the majority of drivers. I have seen far too many close calls and near misses to even begin to think how many exactly. I have driven on route 354 in Tatebayashi and I know how crazy people drive on that road. This is a very terrible thing to have happened and I don't think it mattered at all if the mother had two children on her bike and they weren't wearing helmets. Bicycles are an essential mode of transportation in Gunma as there is very little public transit service and is costly when used. She was crossing a road at a pedestrian crossing and was struck and her children were killed. Drivers here are so terrible and the older drivers are the worst of the worst. They drive slow most of the time but always gun it at the intersections and run the red light. They are most dangerous in their total disregard of any of the established traffic rules. They drive as if the road is their own personal property and all others around them are intruding and should be treated as hostiles. Unfortunately, this young family was treated as such. 'I tried to swerve', the man said as he was arrested. Swerve my ass! You shouldn't have been driving in the first place.

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