Japan Today

penguincome2tea comments

Posted in: Anti-base ad See in context

I also just wanted to address something to you voXman, there is a large difference from people willingly allowing a base into their area and a base being forced onto them. Also, saying that if they don't like it they should just move would be like if France built a military base in California just because they felt like it and when people complained about it they saying, well just move because we're here to stay. We're talking about a foreign country coming in without anyone asking them to and setting up shop and when people complain they just say "too bad."

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Posted in: Anti-base ad See in context

Why do you think it's necessary for there to be so many bases on such a tiny island? If it weren't for the US not really LETTING Japan have a military maybe Japan could defend itself. The US likes to have this sense of control over Japan. Plus, the US bases cause tons of trouble for Okinawa. There are young soldiers going around just causing loads of trouble. Also, all of you who use the movie "the Cove" as a reason to say that the Japanese don't care about the environment and the wildlife are insane! You can't take the acts of a few companies and apply it to the entire country! Majority of the Japanese don't even know that sort of stuff is happening! Also, you're just on your high horse because it's not your own country. Take a look at all the terrible stuff that the US does to its environment, its wildlife, and even all of its domesticated animals. If you wanted to use the same logic America has no right to say that something shouldn't be done for the sake of any environmental reasons. Plus, their not saying that the US should pull out every base, they're just saying that it's ridiculous that the US should see it fit to put yet ANOTHER base on this tiny island. This poor island has been through enough from both the American and the Japanese governments. Ever since the war those of Okinawa have been forced around by everyone around them. Good for them for standing up for their rights and saying enough is enough.

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