Posted in: Turkish pilots, official face 12 years jail for Ghosn flight See in context
International & national laws recognise the right of any alleged crime committed on an aircraft registered with the country's appropriate authority to prosecute any person flying or using same whether local or foreign national. In this instance we have Turkish nationals, Turkish registered aircraft arriving at a Turkish airport and carrying a non-declared foreign national who failed to present himself to Turkish immigration upon landing.
Of course Turkey has full & proper jurisdiction to try these aircrew, the owners of the aircraft and any ground crew or others who assisted the alleged crime. Indeed it is reported that two American nationals who are said to have arranged the release of Ghosen are awaiting extradiction to Japan from USA
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Posted in: Japan to invalidate 2.8 million visas for Chinese amid virus fears See in context
Japan let the way on a run on toilet paper. UK quickly followed (incl bacterial dispensers, pasta, masks, dry goods) Not to be left out France is beginning to catch up slowly but surely (bacterial dispensers, masks, disinfectant). There is serious price inflation for soaps and masks in both countries and France is attempting to control this.
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Posted in: Japan to invalidate 2.8 million visas for Chinese amid virus fears See in context
In the spirit of fairness and natural justice is it about time to forbid entry to Japan from the following CV invaded countries: UK, France, Italy, Germany to begin with ?
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Angry confrontation breaks out after man coughs on Yamanote Line train in Tokyo See in context
In the UK, sadly, it would end in violence. So there are still standards and morals in Japan
0 ( +3 / -3 )
Posted in: Store shelves stripped of toilet paper amid coronavirus fears See in context
"wipe away ". Was that Japanese humour? Anyway amusing
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Posted in: Transportation, tourism sectors hit hard by virus outbreak See in context
The message of Mark above is very worrying and confirms my suspicions on this subject. Briefly, even if WHO has not yet declared a world Pandemic for CV, it seems there is no longer any cover (including repatriation) available for visitors to Japan or elsewhere now and for the possible July Olympics !
This , surely, is the death knell for Japanese tourism & the Olympics this year at least ?? Another legal/medical complication is what happens to a visitor who catches such CV etc on a flight to or from Japan ? Who if any is responsible for the health care of the passenger/s? The airline where the flight originated from, its government ?
I again wonder if its a solution to protect such valuable revenue if the respective Governments (possible airlines) under right full travel insurance cover ? I recall seeing insurance booths at major airports where one could apply for additional cover
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Transportation, tourism sectors hit hard by virus outbreak See in context
I heard recently on BBC that new travel insurance policies are restricting cover for virus infection so that obviously now presents a severe restriction for visitors from UK. Maybe the Japanese Government may have to consider offering such full cover for arriving tourists ?
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Posted in: Transportation, tourism sectors hit hard by virus outbreak See in context
So have hotel & air travel charges been reduced in the likes of Osaka & Tokyo in an attempt to attract foreign tourists ? Have the Ministry of Tourism been pro-active b y reassuring such tourists that Japan is safe and welcoming now and for the Olympics ? It would at least be a start
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Will the ease with which Ghosn fled Japan inspire infiltration by terrorists? See in context
In the columns of this online newspaper some weeks before the escape of Ghosn I predicted and warned the high possibility of his escape. I strongly recommended that he should, under no circumstances, be given house-arrest bail terms. I am in this field of work . However, as the writer suggests Japanese authorities seem very naive towards terrorism risks (and now even coronavirus). Maybe, in some ways, you have been too protected over years with a feeling on invincibility and superiority ? The country will no longer be the same and have to adapt quickly
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: 7 countries restrict entry from Japan to thwart new virus spread See in context
Diamond Princess lives again in Tenerife Canary Islands. If CV is confirmed there are literally many thousands of people of all nationalities who have crossed paths with the carrier from the airports, hotel, sites, beaches, shops he visited and they are now spread everywhere. Hey is this not the same as the Japanese carrier allowed on the train ? Not a good prospect in either case
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Posted in: 4th person from quarantined cruise ship dies See in context
Just read in the UK Daily Mail online newspaper that an Italian Doctor maybe diagnosed with CV in a Tenerife (Canary Islands) hotel with many Britons and other nationalities in residence. The Spanish authorities there seem to be making the exact same mistake as the Japanese !! (Presumably there is no radio, TV or internet there ). They have locked the tourists in their room without, it is reported, any food or drinks. The hotel's entrance is photographed chained closed and security/police patrolling outside to make sure there are no escapees. The airconditioning, due to the hot weather, is still functioning and that maybe an additional CV spread.?
The island attracts elder tourists for its climate and good travel deals. Unless they and the staff, if CV is confirmed, are taken out, tested and individually quarantined for 21 days this incident may end badly and damage the tourism industry there which basically relies on it to live.
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Posted in: Floating petri dishes? Coronavirus puts cruise industry in the dock See in context
Numan can you recall the cruise company's name please ?
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Posted in: Quarantine measures questioned as woman tests positive after leaving cruise ship See in context
Maybe as a matter of interest there are no longer any dedicated isolation hospitals in the UK. Until about 1970 there used to be several strategically placed around the country and available on very short notice 24/7 with dedicated trained medical staff on call. However, due to costs and operating on the basis that such outbreaks will not happen again (why I cannot answer) they were stood down and demolished as they were invariably old. I guess the same has occurred in Japan and other western countries. With hindsight the various Health Ministries were extremely negligent and we are paying the high price to day. Will things change in the future with better provisions ?
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Posted in: Quarantine measures questioned as woman tests positive after leaving cruise ship See in context
"on a train" ! presumably a typical crowded one !! well that's a recipe for multiple contacts and could literally involve thousands of people of all ages. How effective is the health tracing services in Japan, it is doubtful unlike air travel, is there are details kept of passengers. Maybe the ones who paid by credit card can be traced but it takes alot of time & effort. I know as I was once in charge of such tracing in a provincial industrial town. Our "success" rate on a good day was never better that 75% -often much lower.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Floating petri dishes? Coronavirus puts cruise industry in the dock See in context
The author is actually minimizing the risks by focusing on the "elderly" on such cruises. In addition to the current grave crisis there have been several very serious outbreaks on on cruise ships focusing on the likes of chicken pox, samonella , general food poisoning, grippe etc. And these outbreaks are certainly not confined to the "elderly" who often have better vaccinations and acquired immunity to younger travellers. It was not so long ago that middle aged British husband and wife died suddenly from a mystery illness at Egyptian Red Sea resort and the cause still remains to "be determined". Many visitors have fallen seriously ill particularly in Egypt and our Japanese readers should be aware of this.
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Posted in: Ghosn's lawyer says he is stunned his client left country See in context
In this column on the 21 January last year I wrote that as a criminal Barrister specialsing in bail applications I would on no account consider allowing this powerful rich Defendant any form of bail. Of course nobody listenened and as I predicted he fled to his relative lawless Lebanon, a country now in choas and without any rule of law. He or his advisors chose the destination well for the moment. My guess, at great expense, he gathered a "rescue" crew of foreigners who entered the country gradually not to arose suspicion. They selected a remote airfield or even suitable landing strip and a small light plane met the fugitive. It clearly evaded radar by flying low. It cost him "a bob or two" but a good job was done. As an other commentator wrote Ghosn now needs 24/7 protection as others will surely seek to "rescue" him.
0 ( +15 / -15 )
Posted in: Ghosn again asks for bail; promises not to flee, pay for security guards See in context
Being a criminal defence Barrister admitidly in the UK I would like to add my "tuppence" to this case. I have read the very comprehensive articles regarding the allegations against Mr. Ghosn in Japan Today and other media. They are very serious and consequently as he very wealthy man with many powerful friends not to possibly include a major European country if I was involved in the prosecution I would consider Mr. Ghosn a high "flight risk".
I could see the scenario where if he was granted bail on whatever condition he has proposed to day or even if he was on permanent house arrest house guarded round-the-clock by Japanese Police there would still be a risk that some external force would try and spirit him out of the country by , say, helicopter or from some isolated part of the coast. There could be a waiting submarine to escort him to, for example, Renault HQ in France.
The French have a reputation of acting in such extreme manner. Does anyone remember the French commando raid on Green Peace ships in New Zealand port several years ago? Best to keep Mr Ghosn remanded in custody and to endeavour to have a trial within 9 months which I would consider reasonable.
-3 ( +6 / -9 )
Posted in: U.S. judge blocks Trump buyout offer for government workers until at least Monday
Posted in: Trump says Israel would hand over Gaza after fighting; no U.S. troops needed
Posted in: U.S. judge blocks Trump buyout offer for government workers until at least Monday