Posted in: Airbus acknowledges slow progress on hydrogen plane See in context
Germany tried to make hydrogen work as a power source for submarines in WWII and while they had limited success they couldn't make it work. It is great that Airbus is trying so hard, but it may still be beyond them at this point.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Countries vow support for ICC as Trump hits it with sanctions See in context
The left have claiming they have a brain, but after what they did with our money doesn’t give me and the majority of Americans with common sense any confidence.
Not about left, right or center, its about whats right and whats wrong and what Trump is doing is plain wrong.
They don’t have to, again, he’s an advisor and if he can cut waste and given the businesses he has and knows how to cut waste, why not?
Now your on Musk, and as he destroyed Twitter your now ok with him doing likewise to America. Thats just sad.
Yeah, the left needs to just leave that one alone.
Its not the left, it is ordinary people. But Trump and you apparently care nothing for the ordinary Americans.
No, he’s killing the Dems secret….well, not secret anymore, slush fund.
Like Trump you make stuff up and twist everything to your view.
No, he is fixing it in a way it benefits the U.S., that’s the only thing that matters..
No, it isn't. Thats like living your life with no friends, never doing things for others and making everything about YOU. A sadder life there could not be, than a lonely self centered person, or in this case nation. Sooner or later the loner always finds they need help, and when they need it, it is not there because they have no friends because of their own poor choices in life. Trump is America's poor choice. Now you must all live with it, and so must the world. Not a better world, but a much more dangerous one for everyone and everything on it.
9 ( +13 / -4 )
Posted in: Countries vow support for ICC as Trump hits it with sanctions See in context
According to the left
According to me and everyone else with a brain.
Which is what all Presidents past and present have done.
Nope, just the dictators like Hitler and Trump. Normal procedure is to leave career public servants in place, not throw them all out if they didnt vote for Trump.
But he hasn’t broken any laws, now with the birthrights citizenship issue he may have legal some issues going forward but that’s it.
He breaks laws like others have breakfast. He is after all a convicted felon and has more court cases than anyone else I have ever heard of.
No, but he definitely is ensuring that Dems don’t screw up the country again and that is just the best thing he could have ever done.
Garbage. He is killing the very fabric that holds America together and that made it a beacon for freedom. Not any more, he is destroying your country.
Not at all, he’s focusing on fixing the U.S. and making sure we don’t get ripped off by our allies
But he isn't fixing anything, he is making things so much worse and attacking allies is a good way to end up with none.
No, they can’t and won’t, but they can try.
They can and must, there is no other option.
14 ( +18 / -4 )
Posted in: Countries vow support for ICC as Trump hits it with sanctions See in context
Trump is an absolute disaster for America. Rooting out anyone that could oppose him in any way and replacing them all with people loyal to him alone. Exactly what dictators like Hitler, Putin and other did before him. he has had four years to figure out how to take full control so that he can ignore laws and even the US constitution and get away with it.
Trumps installation of loyal followers will attempt to fix the next election so that Trump, after being granted the right to a third term, can stay in the white house well into his dotage.
Trump is out to destroy the world order that helps keep the world stable, leaving an anarchy where the strong do as they like and everyone else has to abandon their rights when told to do so, or face destruction at the hands of the powerful.
The EU better find itself fast because that is the only block of free nations capable of having a chance to hold the line.
12 ( +18 / -6 )
Posted in: Australia passes tough hate crime laws with mandatory jail time for Nazi salutes See in context
But anyone who doesn't see the inherent danger in giving the government the power to decide what "hate speech" is either is (a) horribly naïve, or (b) is actually okay with political leaders potentially using "hate speech laws" to censor, silence, and even engage in "lawfare" against their opponents.
Governments can "try" but the judiciary in Australia is separate and any interpretation must pass legality through the courts. Trying to use this for their own political ends would see uproar by opposition parties and the general public. It could cost a government in any election year, and see them removed and the laws watered down, removed or replaced.
10 ( +11 / -1 )
Posted in: Ishiba to pledge more LNG imports from U.S. in talks with Trump See in context
What's more, LNG — which the U.S. sends in by the ton — is by definition much more expensive than Russian gas.
But does not come with the stigma of doing business with the Russian's currently invading a peaceful nation.
Regardless of that they buy the worlds best LNG from Australia, so have no need of dirty Russian gas used to fund Russia's invasion.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Australia, Japan, Philippines, U.S. to conduct maritime cooperative activity See in context
Australia, Japan and Philippine defense forces will work together with the U.S. to conduct maritime activity within the Philippines exclusive economic zone on Feb. 5 to enhance cooperation and interoperability.
Great news for Philippines, and good training for all concerned.
A spokesperson for Chinese People's Liberation Army Southern Theatre Command later said China had conducted a routine patrol in the South China Sea on Wednesday. The troops will remain on high alert and defend China's territorial sovereignty, maritime rights and interests, and control any military activities that disrupt the South China Sea, the spokesperson said.
Since China does not own the international waters of the South China sea, let alone Philippines exclusive economic zone, they shouldn't try to interfere in the legal maritime activities being conducted on Feb 5. That would be bad for them if they tried. China can not control the legal activities of several nations in waters that are not Chinese. Even in ones they want to try to control illegally.
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: The heist of 100,000 eggs in Pennsylvania becomes a whodunit that police have yet to crack See in context
It may be an inside job! Word around the farms suggest the hens hired the "A Team" to rescue their unborn chicks. That is only a rumor though.
6 ( +8 / -2 )
Posted in: Japan weighs Alaska LNG pipeline pledge to win Trump's favor See in context
Japan already has the best stable supply from Australia. US LPG from Alaska would cost more, take longer to get to Japan and increase transport costs from a more distant supplier.
Drag it out for four years until Trump is nothing but a smear in history.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan concerned over impact of U.S. tariffs on China, others See in context
The entire world needs to be concerned, because Trump is taking a wrecking ball to everything he can reach. He could literally be the cause of the downfall of our current civilization.
Trump see's himself in competition with a few other individuals to build new empires around the globe. This will have implications for Japan and indeed all nations.
Russia wants to reclaim the old Soviet Union into a new greater Russian empire.
China wants to own the South Asia sea including territory now Philippines, Indonesian, Japanese and more.
America wants the Panama Canal, Gaza, Greenland and Canada.
The world is slowly going crazy, as well as over heating through man assisted climate change.
I feel so sorry for the young as it is they whose whole lives and futures are being threatened.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: 'Riviera of the Middle East' — Trump says he wants U.S. to take charge of Gaza Strip and redevelop it See in context
as gig
as big
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: 'Riviera of the Middle East' — Trump says he wants U.S. to take charge of Gaza Strip and redevelop it See in context
Wow, kick them while their down. Who pays for their land and homes that they owned in Gaza? the homes may be rubble but the land remains their land, so who is forcefully buying it from them and giving them no say in selling? This is as gig a tragedy as has happened to the Palestinians in decades. Turning 2.3 million into refugee's, on a whim from Trump.
I struggle to identify who is worse, Putin for hundreds of thousands of dead, Netanyahu for destroying Gaza, Xi for thieving in the South Asia sea, in Philippines territory and encroaching on Japanese territory while planning on a war with Taiwan, or Trump for his desire to take Panama canal, Greenland and now Gaza, while pressuring Canada to be his lapdog 51st state.
I cant be the only one that thinks the world might just be better off without these guys. Destroying the world in their own barbaric ways, while they all live in luxury and have everything material they could ever desire, thanks to overwhelming riches they all control.
2 ( +5 / -3 )
Posted in: China hits back with tariffs on U.S. goods See in context
anti-Beijing hysteria,
Haha, so funny for anyone to label China's continued hostile behavior within the Asia region, and beyond as if its imaginary. Clearly one of those within the CCP bubble who have not been on the receiving end of Chinese belligerence.
Lucky for you. Not so lucky for those effected.
4 ( +9 / -5 )
Posted in: China hits back with tariffs on U.S. goods See in context
The problem is the US refuses to change and accept the fact that it’s no longer the sole hegemon.
The US is primary, that has not changed yet, but with the idiot felon in charge of America it may actually change.
Asia welcomes China because China is part of Asia, unlike the United States of America
Asia despises China because it wants power over everyone else in Asia.
3 ( +12 / -9 )
Posted in: Canada, Mexico announce tariffs on U.S. in retaliation for Trump's tariffs See in context
Trump the criminal is showing America's friends and allies that under his disastrous leadership, America will attack trade from allies and increase taxes on all Americans, while giving select people tax cuts paid for by tariffs on incoming goods that Americans pay for.
America under Trump will have no friends left, just suspicious and untrusting nations that used to be close allies and friends. Trump is shifting world opinion on America and moving it into the basket case section, at least for the next four years.
America is now the loud mouth obnoxious nation nobody wants to invite to parties. Trumps America first idea is in practice America last.
Oh dictators and others will appease and suck up to Trump but when his back is turned, the knives will metaphorically come out. Deals will be done without America, leaving them out in the cold where ever they can.
Trump making America come last and stand alone.
16 ( +20 / -4 )
Posted in: Independently funded jet's sound barrier mark revives talk of commercial supersonic travel See in context
As sad as it may sounds, this project is dead.
It does not sound like its dead. They have a factory built that can produce 66 aircraft a year at full output, so they already have 2 years work on the books once they dial it in with the full sized edition.
"American Airlines and United Airlines have pledged to buy jets from Boom Supersonic. Boom said last year it has orders for 130 aircraft, which include orders and pre-orders."
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Independently funded jet's sound barrier mark revives talk of commercial supersonic travel See in context
The Concorde had a top speed of Mach 2.04 So it would be funny to be in a commercial jet and to pass a F-35 going flat out at Mach 1.61. or a F/A18 Super Hornet maxed out at Mach 1.8.
Wonder what speed they will be flying when the service starts. Will it be faster than most jet fighters? A little embarrassing for the pilot of a slower fighter jet to be passed by a plane filled with passengers waving through the windows.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Europe considers sending troops to Ukraine if there's a ceasefire. But would Russia accept? See in context
As we all know the main responsible for this full scale disaster is the big US industrial military complex,
Deflection, deflection, deflection is the Kremlin policy to keep away from the truth that everyone knows the entire responsibility for Russia invading Ukraine, is Putin's desire to expand Russian borders and to increase his personal wealth through the giant Russian military industrial complex that Putin has grown exponentially to keep his invasion going for as long as possible.
Putin and his greed, warmongering blood lust has seen hundreds of thousands of casualties for his personal monetary benefit. He doesnt want this war to end, he wants POWER and the more the better. That is Gods honest truth!
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Europe considers sending troops to Ukraine if there's a ceasefire. But would Russia accept? See in context
Simple answer: No. They are still under the illusion that they can bully Russia like the usual third-world nation easily bullied by Nato.
Russia still thinks it can dictate to other independent and sovereign nations what they can and cant do in their own country.
Simple fact is, Russia is a major power, and Nato at its throat is unacceptable. And this has nothing to do with the much maligned Putin.
NATO has been on the border of Russia for decades and since Putin's invasion of Ukraine, that border with NATO has increased with Finland joining up. So attempting to use NATO as the excuse is fruitless. It is a bogus concept used by Putin to try to justify invasion.
Putin wants to expand Russia, plain and simple. Russia is a huge threat now and if it expands and gets another 40 million people, guess what, that threat gets bigger too.
Deal with this while it is smaller. Letting it grow is like letting a cancer spread before taking medical steps to halt the threat.
Russia is not a victim, it is a predator and falling for its threats is letting it get its way and win. Standing up to it face to face is the only way to stop this lunacy.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: 7-Eleven pancakes become a hit with American tourists in Japan See in context
Replace the margarine with real butter, even then I wouldn't pair it with fried chicken.
Better with vanilla ice cream and whipped cream.
5 ( +5 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump blames diversity hiring as probe into deadly midair collision begins See in context
Trump lies, he has no common sense what so ever. The un-presidential president that Americans voted in is an idiot and this statement from him is just absurd. It will get worse as his mind fully degenerates into senile old age. Welcome to MAGA world.
8 ( +12 / -4 )
Posted in: Did DeepSeek copy ChatGPT? Trump adviser thinks so See in context
The real issue is using an AI that spouts Chinese communist party dogma, ideals and perspectives, not to mention outright coverups or ones that dont.
It seems obvious that people will shy away from a platform that says eg, China is the best nation on earth and that the CCP is the best governing system on earth. Most intelligent people will shy away from using that, especially when they find out that profiling including voice profiles and keystroke retention is reportedly part of DeepSeek coding.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Australian PM defends antisemitism response as Israel urges more action See in context
Australia has a deeply entrenched neo-nazi problem, which isn't surprising
No more than most western nations around the world. The US has a much larger White supremacy problem as does Russia which is even more fascist as its invasion of Ukraine has shown. Compared to them Australia doesnt rate a mention.
2 ( +6 / -4 )
Posted in: Australian PM defends antisemitism response as Israel urges more action See in context
If the Israeli government wants Australia to treat citizens the way they treat Palestinians, they are barking up the wrong tree. Once the Gaza war is behind us all the upset it has caused will die down and things will return to normal here.
While disgust with the actions against civilians and property by Israel has ceased for now, the memory will remain. This is not based in any way on religion, so antisemitism is not the applicable term to use. This is anger towards the Israeli government and unfortunately the most readily available Israeli buildings are generally churches or schools.
There is no anger towards god, or how Jews pray to god. It is not faith based, but nation based anger. The trap of calling any show of anger towards Israeli people as antisemitic is easy to fall into. There is a difference between anger at a religious belief, and anger at Government directed violence and destruction metered out to others.
6 ( +9 / -3 )
Posted in: Trump withdraws U.S. from Paris Agreement. Here’s why that’s not such a bad thing See in context
Trump is a true imbecile. But the American public voted him back, (seemingly forgetting he was a total catastrophe) the worst US president ever. The number of people who voted him back was less than those who voted him out four years earlier.
Now the people pay a heavy toll in America. Those most vulnerable are being hit hardest and the rich once again get a free ride and tax breaks.
So many people inside and outside of America are now shaking their heads and saying "I told you so". Trump is destroying the fabric of life in America as he tries to remake it.
Trump treats everything and everyone like a business and he has no understanding of diplomacy or right and wrong.
Every day brings a new Trump disaster. Its going to be long 4 years, and if he gets his way he will take 4 more after that. Assuming he lives into his mid eighties. A doddering old fool and convicted felon is the best leader the US can come up with? Not even Hollywood would make a film that outlandish.
Come on America, your much better than this. Trump is beneath you all and should be relaxing in jail. Find a real leader in that 350 million population. There must be some somewhere.
8 ( +13 / -5 )
Posted in: Japan defense chief arranging talks with new U.S. counterpart Hegseth See in context
Good luck. Someone will need to hold his hand and show him what to do. His last job as a Fox employee doesnt really transfer to defense secretary.
I would be waiting till other nations deal with him first, so he gets some idea of what hes doing. Dont be the guinea pig for everyone else. Remember this guy has no experience or qualifications for the position he holds. Worst pick ever, by the worst president ever. Seen like that it makes perfect sense.
17 ( +28 / -11 )
Posted in: Auschwitz survivors warn of rising antisemitism at 80th anniversary of camp's liberation See in context
Auschwitz survivors warn of rising antisemitism at 80th anniversary of camp's liberation
There are underlying reasons for this rise, and it is in no small part for the deaths and utter destruction Israel has caused in Gaza for over a year after the barbaric attack by HAMAS.
There was no justification for that high a body count that killed more women and children than terrorists. This angers people and strains sentiments towards Israel. However it is not based on race or religion, but on actions by a nations government gone rogue and vainly attempting to eradicate HAMAS when the only possible to achieve that goal is to eradicate all Palestinians.
This long drawn out war has given HAMAS a huge pool of recruits that have all suffered loss at Israel's hands. You cant snuff out the ideal of freedom and self determination, no matter how much destruction you cause.
The only solution capable of allowing peace is the original two state solution. As long as Israel resists the creation of Palestine, and occupies Palestinian lands they drive this anger and conflict that will never end. Then they cry they are the victims. It is of their own making.
The world has witnessed this ongoing conflict with dismay and helplessness. But it has no end until both peoples have their own homeland.
Live as neighbors in the land they both love, or face generations of conflict. It will not be swept under the carpet, never forgotten, but forgiveness by both sides is needed in the end. That may be the hardest goal to reach.
-3 ( +5 / -8 )
Posted in: Do you think democracy is the best form of government? See in context
UK is a borderline democracy.
Untrue, it is the democracy many nations used as a base for their own.
The USA is a fascist democracy that don't have universal Healthcare and $2.10 minimum wage
"In 2009, Congress increased it to $7.25 per hour with the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007."
and importation of $200 billion cocain each year a low standard of education system. China as a better form a governing than the USA when compared the two.
China has a system of one party rule, no national elections, so the people are unable to have a say or remove the governing party.
The US has multi party elections every 4 years and the peoples vote can remove sitting Presidents, as it removed Trump in 2020 with the largest vote in US history.
The US has by far the better system to China, but no system is perfect.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Trump floats plan to 'just clean out' Gaza See in context
BlacklabelToday 06:51 pm JST
involve genocide.
i heard “moving”. Is that genocide now?
No, thats ethnic cleansing. The genocide is what was happening over the past twelve months.
Two state solution is the only one that leads to peace.
4 ( +7 / -3 )
Posted in: Indigenous rights activists protest on Australia Day See in context
The January 26 national day commemorates the arrival of a British fleet in Sydney Harbour to establish a penal colony.
Happy penal colony day everyone. For the rest, commiserations on invasion day.
I will celebrate my country on Jan 2 from now on. Nothing controversial about that day.
1 ( +8 / -7 )
Posted in: Trump revokes security clearances for Blinken, Sullivan
Posted in: 'SNL50' anniversary special will feature Bad Bunny, Sabrina Carpenter, Dave Chappelle and more
Posted in: Hamas releases 3 frail-looking Israeli hostages for 183 Palestinian prisoners under Gaza ceasefire
Posted in: Trump revokes security clearances for Blinken, Sullivan