Japan Today

Petey Wheatstraw comments

Posted in: Michigan cop's mistake leads to $320,000 deal with Japanese man wrongly accused of drunken driving See in context

"“I have no idea what I’m doing." -- every cop, actually

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Posted in: KDDI to acquire 50% stake in Lawson; take it private with Mitsubishi See in context

Lot of galaxy brain businessmen in the comments rn.

Diversifying your holdings and ventures allows you to weather different economic and technological changes. everyday consumer retail and services is a business that won't suffer when telecom does, and vice versa.

It's "useless" except it strengthens KDDI's overall market position, which is of course why they did it.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Posted in: Foreign-born Miss Japan sparks debate on what it means to be Japanese See in context

Japan's myth of a homogenou monoculture must die, or Japan will die. The conservatives, as conservatives tend to, would rather burn something than allow it to change. Conservative thinking is the genesis of every problem--social, political, economic, and environmental--that plagues this planet today.

7 ( +17 / -10 )

Posted in: Fans outraged by Barbie Oscar snubs See in context

The Oscars are a meaningless popularity contest. Most of the voters don't even watch enough movies to be able to adeuately assess a field of nominees or winners, and industry politics play a huge part in their decision-making process. This is the truth of every intra-industry awards ceremony. "Fans" need to chill and realize they're angry about something that is utterly devoid of real importance.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Posted in: Japan goalkeeper racially abused online after Asian Cup errors See in context

If you've got the passport, you're 100% Japanese. It doesn't matter if you are yellow, white, brown or black, know 2000 or zero kanji, wear a turban or a burqa, or prefer sandwiches to onigiri. All that matters is the passport.

Passport matters not a single whit when it comes to international sports team eligiibilities. Each governing body defines its own eligibility requirements. In the case of FIFA, "a player must have at least one parent or grandparent who was born in that country, or the player must have been resident in that country for at least two years." Neither of these requirements involves a passport. Lars Nootbaar has never held a Japanese passport, and he won the WBC with the Japanese national team, and has become quite popular here (despite being a mediocre MLB pro).

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan goalkeeper racially abused online after Asian Cup errors See in context

There’s no penalty for racial abuse in Japan as there is no law to deal with it.

But there are laws against online harassment, which would cover this. So go after the racists, and hit them in the pocketbook.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan literary laureate unashamed about using ChatGPT See in context

Kudan snagging a lit award with a 5% AI assist? Mind-blowing, right? This is pushing boundaries and sparking a real conversation on the soul of creativity. What's your take on it—absolute brilliance or maybe a tad controversial? People here are throwing around some passionate opinions, some praising the innovation, others raising an eyebrow. And, let's not forget the legal chaos with authors suing over AI rights—this is shaking up the literary world! Kudan is turning heads, but where do you stand on the whole AI-in-literature debate?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Unification Church in Japan offers to set aside up to ¥10 bil in compensation fund See in context

If the cult can afford a Y10 billion PR fund, then the culting buisness must be booming.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Posted in: After weeks in besieged Gaza, some foreign nationals and injured Palestinians allowed to leave See in context

Israel has the right and duty to defend itself, with no mercy towards the enemy. Whatever it takes.

It literally doesn't. War crimes are illegal.

9 ( +14 / -5 )

Posted in: Kishida asks ruling bloc to weigh income tax cut to fight inflation See in context

Reduce consumption tax on essential goods (groceries and sundries) to zero or near-zero. Drastically increase consumption tax on alcohol and cigarettes/e-cigs, and luxury goods. Remove the tax-rebate option for foreign travellers. Significantly increase income tax on single-person households making over 15 million yen a year or multi-person households making over 30 million yen a year.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Posted in: Kishida to deliver policy speech as gov't maps out new economic stimulus package See in context

You mean, like having higher taxes for beers, than for non-beers?

This is a really bad idea.

All it does is cause distortions in economic behavior as people are incentivized to take actions to minimize the tax they pay.

Lol, no, evidence from countries or provinces that tax inessentials higher says otherwise.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Elon Musk wades into U.S. immigration debate at Texas-Mexico border See in context

Elon Musk is a stupid person's idea of what a smart person is.

3 ( +13 / -10 )

Posted in: 41% of local leaders want My Number insurance card shift delayed See in context

Incorporate with driver license? So your health insurance will become cheaper when you have gold driving license, once it's downgraded because you've done traffic violation/accidents your health insurance will go back higher since they thought you are high risk. is that system you interested in? System that moving toward China social credit system.

That isn't how health insurance works in Japan, at all. The premiums are based solely on income and nothing more. You must not live in Japan.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Posted in: 2nd French arrest warrant issued for former Nissan chief Ghosn See in context

It must be tough for Carlos to see his peers commit the same crimes and constantly get away with them while he actually has the face the consequences of his actions. He must look at the world and think, "Oh, it's so unfair! I'm rich, why do I have to play by the rules." The only thing more pathetic than this conman is the sycophants who want to be his peons and the peons of other rich criminals like Elon Musk. Money is the oldest cult, and the oldest pyramid scam, and fools clamor to be the bottom rung getting bled dry.

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

Posted in: Halloween train attacker admits to stabbing passenger in 2021 See in context

It must not be that hard to become a lawyer in Japan if the straws you have to grasp at are "the fire wasn't intended to hurt passengers" during the trial of a 10-man stabbing spree.

It certainly is harder than being a Japan Today commenter, considering you're conflating two separate cases. Reading comprehension is amazing, try it sometime.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Posted in: Dating apps most popular way for Japanese newlyweds to meet: survey See in context

@Michael Machida with an take based entirely on his own personal bias:

However, what is the divorce rate for this un natural way to meet your life's partner? Meeting someone naturally has a very low divorce rate. And, what do you tell your friends and family when you meeting someone online? How did you two meet? Online. ;-((

Oh, if only there were professionals who studied such things! Oh, there are!?

Marriage breakups were reported in about 6 percent of the people who met online, compared with 7.6 percent of the people who met offline. Marriages for people who met online reported a mean score of 5.64 on a satisfaction survey, compared with a score of 5.48 for people who met offline.

Facts once again not caring about feelings.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: Gov't plans ¥50,000 handouts for each low-income household to fight inflation See in context


Japan has the second largest governmental budget in the G7 (by revenue and by expenditure), the second largest economy (by GDP) and its per capita GDP, the only metric by which it isn't "behind the US only" in the G7, ranks 6th, not last. Your statement that Japan is the "poorest country in the G7" is wrong in every conceivable way, by every conceivable metric.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

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