Posted in: Korean group Big Bang finish 5-dome tour, drawing 740,000 fans See in context
Chinese, Korean, Filipino, Thai, Malay, Indonesian etc etc is very interested in Bing Bang, they have quite large numbers of fan that residing in Japan, we dont really know much about that 740.000, and how did they count the numers, don't just go assumed that Japanese entertainment is less interesting or less open, in my opinion, Japan entertainment is fine as it is.
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: Most Japanese want Abe to heed fallout over Yasukuni: poll See in context
So if your parents are has some crime convicted you dont want and wont pay them visit? What a logic, China and S.Korea need to get over it, eapecially China, historical wise your parents is no less cruel compare to the Japanese, and for Korean has their own comfort women system what is there to blame?
-5 ( +5 / -10 )
Posted in: Japan to supply ammo to South Korean troops in South Sudan See in context
No, only China and South Korea are hating Japan for nothing, even Vietnam has forgave Japan a long time ago, even U.S has become one of Vietnam partner.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Father of woman abducted by N Korea dies at 96 without reunion
Posted in: Tourism boom sends prices soaring at Niseko ski resort
Posted in: WHO calls for tobacco-style cancer warning labels on alcoholic drinks across Europe
Posted in: Singapore court finds opposition party leader guilty of lying to parliament