Posted in: Woman, 77, ordered to repay Y400 mil she got from 79-yr-old man for sex See in context
A woman is always blamed for the follies of a man...this guy knew what he was doing, he did pay for what ever reason, but, I do not believe it was a loan he extended to her....he is not telling the truth....
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Posted in: Woman, 77, ordered to repay Y400 mil she got from 79-yr-old man for sex See in context
The best option is marriage - what proof is there that the man had good intentions...if it was for sex, he paid for it with his full consent...therefore, the woman is not guilty as charged - end of the story....
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Posted in: S Korea considers extraditing Chinese man to Japan See in context
The Chinese man accused of committing an unlawful act against the Japanese embassy in Seoul, South Korea can be tried only in a court of law in South Korea. Under the circumstances Japan is demanding extradition of the accused and the South Koreans are working on how to go about it - if they do extradite it will be treated as an illegal act - An accused can only be tried in a country where crime has been committed and not anywhere else - should they go ahead with this, than we will have so many other countries demanding the same facilities specially the USA - imagine what would happen if the USA demands that Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and Pakistan extradite all protesters who periodically attack the US embassies in their respective countries so that they stand trial in the USA....America would soon be flooded with such people who'd be happy to go to the USA even if it means living in a jail cell for a few days, months or years -
Japan should have faith in the South Korean justice and let them handle the matter according to the law of the land and if the verdict is not satisfactory for Japan they can always appeal and send a Japanese panel of experts....
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Posted in: Gay marriage backers say NY vote has national impact See in context
This indeed is a Black Day not only for America, but the entire world - I was shocked to see and read this terrible sinful news and further shocked that the Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo a Roman Catholic swiftly signed this Bill - What is happening have all the Americans gone bonkers or what - it is time the two principals of the US Constitution: Liberty and Equality be amended - the amendment should be "Liberty and Equality only for the Straight" - if this Satanic curse of Gays and same sex marriages is not stopped and controlled now the whole world will soon perish - NOAH is not around anymore to rescue us this time over.....
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Posted in: Pro-Gadhafi forces fight rebels in 2 cities See in context
President Obama should not listen to the Hawks and use his own brain for a change - America and the EU should mind their own business and not to consider any kind of military interference in Libya - in the long run a military action may be the biggest strategic mistake ever and any further military actions in the Arab and Islamic countries are "Unacceptable".
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Posted in: Hotel's safety policy under fire after woman employee molested See in context
The hotel guest should be arrested and sent to face the firing squad like they do in China....they should show on all tv channels as a lesson to other would be molesters....
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Posted in: Gunmen attack Japanese consular car in Pakistan See in context
Deeply regret the attack on the Japanese consular car - the guy must have been illiterate or crazy - not being able to read the diplomatic number plates of Japan a very good friend of Pakistan - and, besides there wasn't any Japanese or Japanese look alike person in the car only Pakistani staff members....
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Posted in: Gunmen attack Japanese consular car in Pakistan See in context
So what if Japan announces a nuclear deal with India - who cares - good for them - keep them all happy we Pakistani really care two hoots about all this rubbish - we Pakistanis have our time tested true friend CHINA the Super Power in the making.....
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Posted in: Herbal medicine tablets See in context
It is a refreshing Herbal Medicine and if taken a few minutes before activity you wont need a crane to lift it...
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Posted in: China to show hit sci-fi thriller 'Inception' See in context
Good Idea and hope more will follow - great life long friendships are created with interaction between people and governments
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Posted in: Trial ends for woman who killed son by putting him in garbage bin See in context
The Husband and wife should be put in the garbage bin and sealed till they die....this is the best way they'll experience what their poor little boy went through...poor fellow must have suffered, suffocation, hunger and thirst and the horrific frightening experience of being sealed in a garbage bin....unbelievable, a mother doing this to her son....she will suffer in hell...
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Posted in: Man's body found in Osaka apartment building See in context
No, this is not Yakuza job - too amateurish
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Posted in: U.S. poised to seize Afghan town as Taliban dig in See in context
The American people are so gullible that they believe anything and everything they're told by each successive Administration at the White House. What the American people are not told is, that this is not Vietnam or Korea or Japan or for that matter Timbuktu. This is Afghanistan we are talking about - take the trouble to read their history and while you're doing that, take the trouble of reading Persian (Iran)and the Indus Valley history and become wiser and leave while the going is still good. I feel so sorry and sad for the poor gullible and lovable American People being lead by the nose like sacrificial lambs.The US Taxpayers are loosing Trillions of dollar which could be instead put to good use in making the USA a truly 100% welfare state where all citizens will enjoy the good and happy life. I am beginning to wonder if Afghanistan is America and NATO's "WATERLOO"........May God in his mercy grant them greater Wisdom........
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Posted in: Elderly woman found dead in snow in Hokkaido See in context
How sad, poor woman - which cruel evil person did this to the poor elderly woman....Police, please search and arrest the culprit and award death sentence by "Firing Squad" in public....
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Posted in: Prisoner commits suicide at Hiroshima detention center See in context
Solitary confinement should be abolished worldwide - it is very cruel and can be considered as 'psycho-torture'........
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Posted in: Baby girl taken from car while mother shops in Nagoya See in context
What a careless mother - hope the poor girl is recovered by the Japanese police soon and reunite her with her mamma - I feel so sad and hope the poor heart is OK there are lot of SICKOS in this world - Elahi Protect this poor baby from all harm and keep her safe and sound.....
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Posted in: Student held for hitting girlfriend with rock, and trying to strangle her See in context
The girl should strike the boy with a rock like he did - Tooth for a Tooth,Eye for and Eye - this will be a lesson to other such barbarians
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Posted in: Man attempts suicide on Ginza subway line See in context
Poor chap, he must be very disturbed - needs help, comfort and understanding - some kind soul, perhaps a woman should find out what and why he did what he did - It may be a domestic problem or perhaps honour bound, one of those Japanese type...perhaps his wife left him or scolded him or went off without his consent to see her aged parents not keeping well, perhaps he has financial problem - if so than I suggest that the people in Japan should do what the people in Indonesia did for a woman who allegedly scandalized a hospital by complaining to her friends on email how the hospital said that she had cancer when she only had mumps...The court in ordered her arrest and along with her baby whom she breastfeeds - soon the people across Indonesia started collecting money and they had truckloads of coins worth thousands of dollars, the Indonesian President also sent her a sympathy message and contribution, it is to be seen if the Judge may have a soft heart and release her and her cute little breastfeeding baby...Farakh Malik Adviser to Japan on Special Affairs
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Posted in: Climate rally See in context
Furthermore, we don't have Prophet Noah to rescue us, nor do we have Prophet Moses with his Divine Staff, so people let us get cracking...I have a few ideas which can be shared and may help in reversing the process of Earth's speed hence ending the global warming phenomena....Farakh Malik - Special Adviser on Japan Special Affairs
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Posted in: Climate rally See in context
The global warming in my opinion is due to the gradual increase of Earth's speed of rotation on its Axis since the last two decades - which in turn causes increased friction resulting in increase in temperature having adverse effect on global environment including Tsunami, Polar Ice melting etc...and also the psychological effects on human and animal world....
It is suggested that the Japanese and other world scientists and creative thinkers concentrate on how to slow down the speed of Earth's rotation on its Axis instead of wasting their and our Earth time holding useless seminars and conference - They must also study other planets of our solar system including Jupiter and its moons and Saturn and its moons and also our own moon and the planets closer to us....A solution to this problem which can end life on Earth has to be found after all mankind was created by the Al mighty God in his own people, let us do it and let us not waste anymore time on greenhouse gases and other such rubbish....Farakh Malik - Special Adviser on Japan special affairs
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Posted in: Man arrested for punching 6-yr-old girl on Hyogo street See in context
A very cruel man, should be given 100 Lashes - 50 while on his feet and 50 upside down...he'll never do it again....Poor little girl my heart goes out to her - Hugs & kisses for the little girl.....
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Posted in: Kyoko Hasegawa makes sexy comeback after having first child See in context
Wow !! Kyoko must be even more beautiful and her whole body must now have reshaped into a real womanly woman body, reshaped breasts and nipples, belly and deeper belly button (very sexy indeed)and of course the hips too must now be in great shape...Kyoko should breasts feed her baby boy - this will help her to keep in better shape always...Farakh Malik
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Posted in: Iran says it is prepared to crush any military threat See in context
Furthermore, American should pull back all its military forces from foreign lands and relocate them on the mainland American soil and should respect International Laws fully - American should change it's "Corner Stone" policy towards Israel and treat it like it treats others on equality bases - peace will prevail as a result of this good action by the American Administration, there will be no need to call any nation "The Axis of Evil", so called America's wars on terror will end and world will finally heave a sigh of relief and every one will live happily ever after.
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Posted in: 18-year-old Japanese woman loses Y8 mil antique violin on Austrian subway See in context
Very sad to hear about this terrible loss, very sad indeed and I hope that the Austrian subway company and the Austrian police will soon find it and return to the 18 year old Japanese woman which will make her very happy indeed. Good Luck Japanese woman my thoughts and prayers are with you. Farakh Malik
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Posted in: Does hugging ever make you feel uncomfortable? See in context
Hugging is very good(Man & Woman)brings you closer to each other and may lead to a more exciting and meaningful life...Farakh Malik
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Posted in: Voting under way in general election with DPJ favored to end LDP rule See in context
Congratulations in advance Mr Yukio Hatoyama for becoming the new Prime Minister of Japan - Farakh Malik
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Posted in: Candidates take to streets to appeal directly to voters See in context
The Japanese people should vote for Yukio Hatoyama, who heads the opposition Democratic Party of Japan which will bring prosperity and a more independent and free thinking Japan. Japan needs to free itself and start seeing and hearing with its own eyes and ears for a change and form its own strategies with greater wisdom - the Democratic Party of Japan is the right one to make that change. Farakh Malik
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Posted in: 2 pardoned U.S. journalists leave North Korea with Bill Clinton See in context
Congratulations Bill for a great PR & top class diplomacy - however, to the best of my knowledge and understanding, the only reason why Kim Jong Il agreed to release the two journalist is a way to say sorry for having called Bills wife Hillary "Funny Lady" and "Old Age Pensioner going shopping" and finally, "a primary school girl" who does not know what she wants.Of course, all this was behind the scene and not for general public knowledge, but, the other reason is that Kim and the North Koreans like America and would like to develop a deep relationship. American should stop call North Korea and others "Axis of Evil".
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Posted in: JR conductor chases runaway train See in context
WOW !!! what an ordeal - chasing a runaway train. However, over weight people should do the same - chase trains from station to station. Farakh Malik
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Posted in: European leaders meet to discuss Ukraine as UK troop offer hardens regional resolve
Posted in: Japan's private rice imports hit record high
Posted in: Russia’s shrinking world: The war in Ukraine and Moscow’s global reach
Posted in: Do Japanese kids need to wear special slippers at school? One part of Tokyo doesn’t think so