Japan Today

Psych comments

Posted in: Police officer strangled to death by wife in Chiba See in context

cleo, i know. I worked with them. end of this discussion.

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Posted in: Police officer strangled to death by wife in Chiba See in context

There is a lot of stress for wives of J-cops. Depending on their department, some are told to go to sex shops with their seniors. They cant refuse this or they will lose their chance to be promoted. They also pull 23 hour shifts (with pay). and if they live in the police dorm, there is great competitions between the wives of the j-cops. sometimes wives are silently threatened NOT to divorce by the department.

I really would not be surprised to see any other of the j-cop's wife snap like this. It is a horrible position.

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Posted in: Carradine may have died from sex act: Thai police See in context

alone in Thailand, in a hotel, yellow nylon rope tied around his neck and a black rope around his genitals, yep. thailand, alright.

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Posted in: Man charged in death of Kansas abortion doctor See in context

to prevent killing, this person killed someone?

Lovely how only one person can decide the fate of all people. what gives Scott Roeder( the man who killed the doctor) the right to make such judgement? This has nothing to do with him. This is up to the doctor, law, and family members involved.

to have an abortion isnt soley based on a girl and guy not using protection, but it also helps prevent birth deaths or deaths of the mother for medical reasons. Dont forget there are women who were raped and who do not wish to give birth to a child out of a crime. and also dont forget that there are some underaged girls who were molested by a relative. in your opinion, should they not be allowed an abortion? Not all are Christians and do not have the same belief.

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Posted in: N Korea readying several missile tests See in context

Kim Jong Un seems to be influenced from the outside world and may have a better perspective of how NK could change for the better.

but before that, Kim Jong Ill seems to want to go down in NK history by throwing some nukes around...

hmm...... somehow this seems quit similar to the "Austin Power" movie where Dr. Evil and his son (Scott Evil ) had some disagreements.


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Posted in: Hiroshima man held for burning girlfriend’s 4-yr-old son with cigarette See in context


people like this should be whipped in public.

I couldnt agree with you more. Betcha the kid would have gotten a laugh from watching the abuser being whipped in public.

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Posted in: Dealing with sexual harassment in the workplace See in context

What I have heard in the Japanese workforce:

If the girl likes a man and the man makes some comment about her shirt, clothes, etc, she sees it as a compliment.

If the girl does NOT like the man and he says the same (as stated above), she calls it sexual harassment. Surely it isnt wise to say anything to anyone that may hurt them or make them feel uncomfortable, but where can we draw the line?

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Posted in: Saitama train conductor assaulted after asking man to smoke in designated area See in context

if its the law, i abide by it. for now, its only a rule. smoking on a plane is prohibited by LAW. walking in non-smoking areas is a RULE. you DONT have to pay the fine. i used to smoke around shibuya but not anymore as it made sense not to smoke by people who dont smoke - also it is too crowded and would rather fight my way across that intersection than to light up. Quite honestly, i am becoming too lazy to find a smoking place to smoke and end up skipping a smoke because of it. but as long as there is a smoking spot, its ok.

There are people who do not go by the rule or smoking manner, but i guarantee that i personally dont affect anyone around me. its just simply rude.

It could be best to get rid of the smoking sections little by little but having people tell other people what and what not to do simply because "today" is the day that smoking will be prohibited. Especially if they had no protest or vote in it and if they have been smoking at certain places at certain times in their life for years.

as for the "donut theory" (hahaha), being a little overweight could influence children. They may end up regulating "when" and "where" you are allowed to eat donuts as they dont want overweight people influencing children. Seems a little unrealistic, but so was having the idea of "designated smoking sections" in Tokyo 40 years ago.

in defense, if someone reaches for something i have in my mouth, a french fry or cigarette, i call that stealing and an invasion of my space. I AM against violence but i will protect, in any means, my space and body from people who violate it. (these two are different)

It is unfortunate for the train conductor to get hit. The smoker should have just said "i am sorry" and put it out. it is the alcohol-influenced persons fault. the is clearly the train conductor and the assailant should be punished for his crime. and you know, i bet the assailant stops smoking from today ;)

You simply dont pet a dog you dont know.

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Posted in: Saitama train conductor assaulted after asking man to smoke in designated area See in context

Hotbox08 is so right. It should have ended as soon as the conductor told him to stop. there shouldnt be any violence from anyone. if he were urinating on the platform where he is not supposed to, the result would have been the same, but quite messy.

i vote for Hotbox08 to resolve the differences. well explained.

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Posted in: Saitama train conductor assaulted after asking man to smoke in designated area See in context

seems that everyone thinks that their way to live is the best. No one can clearly agree.

i smoke occasionally. that means if it is a non-smoking restaurant, i dont smoke. if it is an izakaya, i smoke. if i have no money, i dont smoke. if I had a bad day at work and im walking back home and there is NO ONE around, i smoke. if there are people around, i dont smoke.

some laws are put there to control people from the complaints it recieves from people who complain. not always for the safety. there are more things that need to be a law before taking away the smoking sections. The guy in the article, yes, was wrong. we all must come to an agreement. not just decide on everyones fate from one group that complains.

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Posted in: Saitama train conductor assaulted after asking man to smoke in designated area See in context

and to note:

it is against the "rule" to smoke in undesignated areas. it is NOT the law.

if some city official chases you down and demands that you pay the 2,000/3,000 fine, you dont have to. But to smokers, dont walk and smoke while there are others around. Even I smoke, i HATE when someone blows smoke in my face.

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Posted in: Saitama train conductor assaulted after asking man to smoke in designated area See in context

USNinJapan2: wno help needed. There seems to be a lot of stereotyping of people here. If you smoke, then you blow smoke at people who dont smoke. I for one, do NOT smoke if there are non-smokers or anyone closeby. I do like an occasional smoke if im outside by the river where there is no one around (or even a cigar).

Perhaps the picture that you and i see are different. But from what i see from my perspective is one person is smoking and then "you" approach the smoker (even if the smoke wasnt bothering you) and you take the cigarette out. In this sense, it can get violent. I abide by the law and rules about smoking because i dont want anyone to suffer from what i am doing as i dont want anyone to fart in my area.

As for the smoker in the article, it was the alcohol that made him violent. So in this case and for the immediate care of people around alcoholics who are proned to be violent, Japan should make it illegal to be drunk in public. And since i do not drink, i will form a group and stereotype drinkers, put them down and inslut them. (i am a drinker, but wanted to put it in another perspective.)

once smoking is banned, then alcohol? Then being fat? Then walking and using cell phones? Then the way people walk? if this continues, then everyone will be the exact same.

Ari94: has valid points. great perspective.

smithinjapan: i do not like violence and think that the drunk smoker in the article above should have smoked in the smoking section. I would appreciate it if you would not say that I am a sick individual. I do NOT defend the guilty and accuse the victims. I do not go out to public places and start smoking close to others. If there is no one around and i am relaxing anywhere, then i have every right as you do. If you are home and you see me smoking in a public place, should i stop smoking there? no, thats crazy. Before you call me a "sick individual", dont jump to conclusions. i am not that sick individual that goes out and tells how everyone should live the way i do.

Stop this witch hunt on smokers and fix your own faults. Obviously, the man was drunk and probably a bad apple. but when i smoke, i dont affect anyone. and when i drink and smoke, i abide by my own rules, "dont hurt anyone".

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Posted in: Saitama train conductor assaulted after asking man to smoke in designated area See in context

I dont think it is wise to control other people to live the way that one believes. While some of you punish one person in which "you" think they are doing wrong, you too are doing something wrong. Quite hypocriticle of anyone to tell/force them to live your way. Everyone is different.

If anyone were to grab a cigarette out of my mouth...boy that person better run quick. It would be the same if I saw someone eating a donut as it isnt good for your health either.

no one is perfect but we dont need anyone threatening us to be completely healthy. Especially a stranger.

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Posted in: Saitama train conductor assaulted after asking man to smoke in designated area See in context

i didnt see any problem when there were smoking sections. Now that they have taken away the smoking sections, there may be more problems in the future.

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Posted in: N Korea warns Japan that intervening in rocket launch will be act of war See in context

Now NK says that they will attack the military out at sea and Japan. China says that they would not block US or Japan from doing what they can do to prevent the missle from flying above. Couldnt they pick another day to do this instead of during the days to see the cherry blossoms!?

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Posted in: N Korea warns Japan that intervening in rocket launch will be act of war See in context

perhaps, but starving their people seems to be allowed.

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Posted in: N Korea warns Japan that intervening in rocket launch will be act of war See in context

I dont think that it would sit well with the neighbors and could furher escalate. It has only been about 60 years. I could not picture the Japanese military being confident floating around the pacific. especially if they were equipt with nukes.

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Posted in: N Korea warns Japan that intervening in rocket launch will be act of war See in context

from what has been written in the news (which may partially be true or false), NK just wants to hit something. All the buzz seems to be around Japan and not US. if you have a read on: http://www.kcna.co.jp/index-e.htm (NK news outlet)

it states: "Should Japan dare recklessly intercept the DPRK's satellite, its army will consider this as the start of Japan's war of reinvasion more than six decades after the Second World War and mercilessly destroy all its interceptor means and citadels with the most powerful military means."

This seems that NK is trying to pull Japan into a war. i cant believe they are still thinking that way.

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Posted in: N Korea warns Japan that intervening in rocket launch will be act of war See in context

comparing this to, lets say, your own home - if someone were intentionally shoot a bottle-rocket over your house (though it could be dangerous), would you accept this? or would you prevent them from shooting it? and, if you were to confront the person shooting the bottle rocket over your home, he threatened to hit you, how would you handle this? Even after you called the police (UN) about this man threatening you if you dont allow him to shoot a bottle rocket over your home,what would you do? i personally would feel quite alone to make my own decision with assistance from my neighbors. and, we are seeing this now.

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Posted in: N Korea warns Japan that intervening in rocket launch will be act of war See in context

the satellite is for what reason? they dont even have receivers spread around N.Korea. whats next? Mobile communications? NK going to the moon? I see no reason for NK to have satellites unless its for war.

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Posted in: N Korea warns Japan that intervening in rocket launch will be act of war See in context

NK got it wrong. April Fool's is today, not the 4th.

combinibento is so right. How can Japan start a war while it is simply protecting people from all nations who live in Japan? but we should allow a junky, underperformed satellite to pass over Japan? Didnt other countries try to pursuade NK to not launch!? Let just wipe NK off the map. it is taking too much time. the constant hidden fear of NK "someday" nuking Japan needs to stop.

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Posted in: Global sales of Nintendo's Wii top 50 million See in context

quite fun for me. my arm hurts playing wii sports. there arent that many, but hey, im not the pro gammer. its just fun to do something active on rainy days or days when its before paydays. It would be great to get games here in japan from overseas. (darn regional restrictions...)

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Posted in: What are your views on parents hitting their children as a means of discipline? See in context

the decision should soley be from the parents. I believe that anyone prying into other families' affairs destroys the family's dependency on each other. To make a law restricting particular punishments can never be reinforced.

I do remember getting swats on the rear-end by the principal when i was in middle-school. there was no regulations on how to swat. when i got to high school, there was an actual system and protocol. "extend arm out with paddle at 90 degrees, count to 5 and using gravitational pull, touch tush lightly." there was an actual paper on how to swat. it didnt hurt at all, but the embarassment was painful.

I dont think that i would do such punishments when i have children. it is pointless and i personally couldnt live with the guilt what i had done to my child. if my child acts up, i think that would be my fault.

if we turn this around and say that a law was inacted for ALL parents to use corporal punishment (you think only scolding is enough and not use corporal punishment), would you still do what the law requires you to do? no. we are humans and we are not perfect. even prying into other families' affairs isnt perfect either.

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Posted in: Sony Pictures to cut nearly 350 jobs See in context

they use the economy as an excuse. Perhaps we should ask our boss for a raise due to "economic decline". How can economic decline affect pawns so quickly? excuses, excuses. well ex-sony employees, upload what you have from Sony and sell it to get revenge+money to stay alive. then if caught, you can simply say that you were affected by "economic decline". same thing, is it not?

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Posted in: Ibaraki woman held after slamming 2-yr-old daughter’s head into floor See in context

hmmm...must make baby stop crying. oh! let's slam her head on the floor! that will make her quiet?

i wonder what their tv remote looks like...

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Posted in: Across Mideast, Arabs hail shoe-hurling journalist See in context

great security. what if it were something else thrown...twice!

quick reaction!

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Posted in: Name your five favorite TV show themes. See in context

"I Love Lucy"!!! clean comedy that still makes me laugh!

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Posted in: Police hand out leaflets on murdered girl in Chiba See in context

wait... the girl is dead. why are they passing out photos of the girl and her clothes!? Can anyone recall what a child was wearing that you saw today? Not helpful at all.

What would be a good business is bounty hunting in Japan. surely if someone offered a lot of money, someone would snitch on the murderer.

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Posted in: How do you think Taro Aso will do as prime minister? See in context

at least he doesn't say "I'm not you!"

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Posted in: Dental student arrested for sexually molesting woman on Tokyo campus See in context

come on..... free dental cleaning? its like some teachers here offer free English for..... you know...

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