Japan Today

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Posted in: Putin says West will be fighting directly with Russia if it lets Kyiv use long-range missiles See in context

@: Oh dear, now the scaredypants are going to start screaming of DOOM again.

The doom, the US is bad crowd claim to believe in something called America-first, while at the same time saying Putin is strong, savvy and smart, mostly because he's a Caucasian rightwinger that claims to be Christian, with powers to have sins forgiven.

2 ( +10 / -8 )

Posted in: Putin says West will be fighting directly with Russia if it lets Kyiv use long-range missiles See in context

Putin says West will be fighting directly with Russia

Anything Putin says has to be questioned, he's lied so many times. The reality is Russia is already fighting the West by meddling in elections, and having its criminal gangs involved in battles over control of resources around the globe, also by influencing right wing media, established and social, se Elmo X Musk and Murdoch amongst others for examples.

1 ( +11 / -10 )

Posted in: Southeast Asia battles floods, landslides as death toll passes 200 See in context

Climate change is causing typhoons to form closer to the coast, intensify faster and stay longer over land, according to a study published in July.

It would be nice to think the fossil era is nearing its end, but the reality is the aging fossil fuel fossils leading the world are still in charge, and they are unwilling to do much of anything to reduce the effects of having burned so much fossil fuel these last few decades.. Global masters like Putin along with MbS and MbZ plus those that have heavy investments if the fossil fuel industries have become too rich and powerful and in many cases are too old to want to change things.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: 9/11 anniversary brings Biden, Harris and Trump together at ground zero See in context

 Most of the 19 hijackers were Saudi, but the kingdom denies involvement by senior Saudi officials.

Left out in the above are the roles played by Saudi Arabia's partner in fossil fuel and war: the UAE. Both are oil/gas states led by fossils that have enriched themselves and the foreign politicians they help control, especially those pols that want the US and other nations to keep burning burning huge amounts of fossil fuels and engaging in wars to make the fossils richer and more powerful.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Posted in: Iranian missiles in Russia are legitimate target, Ukrainian official says See in context

@JJE: Tehran suddenly becomes "party to the conflict".

See Syria for another example of Iran and Russia being 'party to a conflict'. Fossil fuel financed nations, ld by fossils are warmongering vultures of a feather killing civilians together.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Posted in: Iranian missiles in Russia are legitimate target, Ukrainian official says See in context

Iran has provided ballistic missiles for the Kremlin’s war effort.

Iran and Russia are countries led by fossil fuel titans that have been warmongering together keeping tensions high around the globe; they're joined by fellow axis of totalitarianism nations like North Korea and China, each doing what they can to further destabilize life on the planet.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

Posted in: For many investors and intellectuals leaving China, it's Japan — not the U.S. — that's the bigger draw See in context

For intellectuals like Li and Jia

China and Russia are the leaders of the axis of authoritarianism, both experiencing a brain drain, leaving mostly a population of individuals willing to allow the state to control them, maybe be fodder for their big brother's wars.

8 ( +16 / -8 )

Posted in: For many investors and intellectuals leaving China, it's Japan — not the U.S. — that's the bigger draw See in context

China’s once-sizzling economy is also in a rut

The above should surprise no one, after all Xi and the CCP have control, and have shared China's wealth with a small handful of their most obedient and loyal followers.

8 ( +18 / -10 )

Posted in: Super typhoon Yagi makes landfall in China's Hainan See in context

Typhoons are becoming stronger, fueled by warmer oceans, amid climate change, scientists say

But the masters of fossil fuels and the industries hooked on burning huge amounts of fossil fuel, plus their respective investors, the politicians and media they control say: as long as we keep making make lots of money let the typhoons get stronger.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Posted in: Harris' debate plan: Goad Trump, call out lies, create social media moments See in context

R&R: his ability to stand his ground, could bring about compromise

The above suggests 'compromise' has a different meaning in the poster's idiolect.Not surprising when many far right extremists misunderstand 'majority' and half'

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Posted in: Harris' debate plan: Goad Trump, call out lies, create social media moments See in context

That what the far right have left is mocking the way she laughs, while continuing to support a convicted felon, adjudicated rapist who's mental abilities show he is dealing with dementia, shows their biases have blinded them. Reading mainly extreme right media can do that.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Posted in: Harris' debate plan: Goad Trump, call out lies, create social media moments See in context

Will Trump to claim Russia, China and Iran have the right to interfere in elections to help him again? With so few US Americans willing to support him, he needs all the help he can get. He's got the big tech billionaires and their media backing him, now he needs more help from the axis of totalitarianism and their media.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Posted in: Japan's cyclists to be punished for riding drunk, phone use from November See in context

posing a danger to traffic

will this include posing a danger to pedestrian traffic especially while cycling on sidewalks; will bicyclists continue to be allowed to ride while holding open umbrellas.

9 ( +15 / -6 )

Posted in: Trump shares social media posts with QAnon phrases and calls for jailing lawmakers, special counsel See in context

Trump once again bites a dog, and his followers blame the media for reporting dog biters the lot.

10 ( +14 / -4 )

Posted in: Trump shares social media posts with QAnon phrases and calls for jailing lawmakers, special counsel See in context

His supporters see themselves in him, wackos all

18 ( +22 / -4 )

Posted in: Japanese gov't appeals for calm as panic rice buying continues See in context

jA is another agency long passed its pull date

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Posted in: 5 people die in shelling of a Russian border region while Russian fire hits hotel with reporters See in context

Stop this war, send all troops back to their homelands

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Posted in: Biden hails Harris as their party's future in DNC speech See in context

she vowed to defeat Republican rival Donald Trump in the November election.

If Trump keeps slinging mud and making nonsensical staetments like saying he is more attractive than her, then the GOP might be fully dragged down by the cult and its aged and cognitively challenged leader.

Making things look even worse for Trump are the allegations of the millions in bribes he got from Egypt. And no that has not been 'debunked', but it does need further investigation. Now with Trump in great debt he's even more likely to be for sale, just like Justice 'Clearance'-Sale Thomas and his wife, along with other Republicans. The Trump Republicans might be the most corrupt the US has ever seen, no wonder shady GOP billionaire backers support the convicted fraudster. Trump and his media are still mocking the way Harris laughs, that is the level of political substance they can understand. And they are still attacking Walz about his military record while alienating most veterans by comparing a filthy rich woman getting a civilian medal and again being dismissive of actual military medal recipients. Trump has said he wants generals like Hitler had who'd obey him and ignore the Constitution. I imagine he can dive even deeper into swamps he surrounds himself with to find a few who'd serve him and not the nation, and shoot protesters at his instruction.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Posted in: Civilians flee Pokrovsk as Russia's army bears down on key eastern Ukraine city See in context

@banthu: Why isn't the Ukrainian army protecting these civilians and their city?

Why are Russian terrorists attacking civilians? The terrorizing invaders should go back across the border where they could protect Russians from their own domestic terrorists, which clearly Putin has been ineffective at doing, examples of terrorism include Russians attending music concerts and religious services. Putin continues to fail, how many more years will Russians be forced to live under his bootheels 2030 or 2036? How old will he be then?

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Posted in: Civilians flee Pokrovsk as Russia's army bears down on key eastern Ukraine city See in context

Russia closer to its stated aim of capturing the entire Donetsk region.

The 'aim' seems to change fairly often, I though Putin had said his invaders were going after Nazis, but: Civilians with small children in their arms suggests maybe Putin and the Kremlin might instead be looking for more children to kidnap. Russian invaders go home and take care of the many problems Putin and the Kremlin have caused within their own territory, stop spreading Russian terrorism outside your borders, tend to Russia's domestic terrorism.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Posted in: Owner of 7-Eleven convenience store chain gets takeover bid from Canada’s Couche-Tard See in context

I know nothing about Canada’s Alimentation Couche-Tard, but question whether they could improve on what 7&I currently provide. On the rare occasions I return to the US and go to a convenience store, I'm again reminded that Japanese convenience stores vastly outshine those I've been to in the US. Maybe if they brought Tim Hortons along that would be an upgrade.

19 ( +25 / -6 )

Posted in: Ukrainian president says push into Russia's Kursk region is to create a buffer zone there See in context

@banthu: Any moral high ground the Ukrainians could have claimed

"moral high ground"? from those saying using a nuke could be justified; credibility and claims to morality long, long gone, though probably never had any.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Posted in: Ukrainian president says push into Russia's Kursk region is to create a buffer zone there See in context

If confirmed, the Ukrainian strikes would further complicate Moscow's attempts to replenish its forces and evacuate civilians.

'Evacuate civilians', their health and well-being have been shown to be of little regard to Putin and the Kremlin, Putin's Russia will go down in history as one of the worst ever with regard to caring for its civilians, or civilians anywhere for that matter. And with the huge number of Russian military personnel killed and disabled in Putin's war, (why haven 't the Kremlin released those figures?) also go down in history as an authoritarian regime that cared nothing for them either. Cults of personality are all about the cult leader and his upper caste pals who are rich enough to find ways to protect their cult leader. Putin at least does not beg his cult members to send him money, he's been able to skim enough from Russia's coffers to become reportedly the richest man in the world, Putin instead demands that his subjects obey him and give their lives when he requires that.

13 ( +15 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan to survey Alaskan island in hopes of recovering WWII dead See in context

@gstring: The whole war with Japan was based on a lie..../s?

Spin BS, then claim the spin was sarcasm is just spinning more BS. LOL

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Posted in: Harris campaign reserves $370 mil in ads after Labor Day, including battleground state push See in context

@BS4: not a 2 piece bobblehead controlled swamp establishment tool.

Establishment, like the Slickbilly Vance/Don old Trump team beholden to Musk, Peter Thiel, their fellow big-tech billionaire bros, and who knows how many Gulf oil leaders, among other despots around the globe. 'Swamp', which Trump during his failing time in office further deepened. Face it Trump wants the deed to the country and his establishment Supreme Court to give him unlimited get out of jail free cards. He cares nothing and has never cared anything for those not of his born rich caste, but he has learned how ro manipulate them.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Harris campaign reserves $370 mil in ads after Labor Day, including battleground state push See in context

Former President Donald Trump 's campaign

Trump's campaign seems to be sputtering, because Trump continues to show he is cognitively unable to speak coherently about any topic. It looks like the Republicans as their support continues to falter, will be like Trump and blame any negative issues on Vance, "he's the weird one, not me", and will again blame the media outlets they do not control for writing "man bites dog" stories about Vance. Ignoring the reality that "dog bites man" stories have been part of journalism since there has been journalism. One of my favorite recent Trump biting a dog scenes come from his bromance show with Elon when Trump claimed he told Putin 'not to invade Ukraine', which Putin obviously iignored, countering Trump's claim that he could end the war in minutes. Another story was Trump using a small size container of Tic tacs and a larger size container as an example of something he thought was 'inflation', Trump is intellectually and emotionally unable to run anything except his mouth, maybe a few golf courses, especially those that profited from his time in office. The GOP need to get him to stand down. His physical, mental and emotional health are at risk, and he is dragging millions of people down with him, some of whom he says are 'very fine people'.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Posted in: Russian missile sparks blaze in Ukraine as Kyiv's troops push into Russia's Kursk region See in context

 because citizens are arriving (from front-line areas) and they’re scared, very scared,” he said.

Putin's regime cannot keep Russian citizens safe. Mad Lil' Vlad needs to send Russian troops back to Russia where they can be assigned to protecting Russian citizens, not murdering Ukrainian civilians.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

Posted in: Russian missile sparks blaze in Ukraine as Kyiv's troops push into Russia's Kursk region See in context

With a prewar population of roughly 5,000, it is the biggest town to fall to Ukraine’s troops since the incursion began.

Sudzha is another example of a Russian city that Putin's regime could not protect. The little cockroach must be scurrying into one of the holes under his desk or somewhere else in his bunker. And his personal security troops must be on higher alert. Why doesn't Putin send some of his private guard members to the front lines, and more importantly why doesn't he bring all his troops back into Russian territory, where they could be safer. I think the main thing Putin worries about is maintaining access to the riches got from his wealth gained selling Russian resources, which should have been shared with the Russian people. History might record him as the Kleptocrat who had the most money in the bank. Perhaps Lil' Vlad is richer than Iraq's Saddam and maybe Libya's Gaddafi were; maybe even richer than some western oil corporation bosses.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

Posted in: Ukrainian officials urge civilians to evacuate eastern city of Pokrovsk as Russian troops close in See in context

more and more infantrymen come in a seemingly endless wave.

If this is like previous Russian assaults, the 'endless wave of infantrymen' will result in the end of lots of Russian infantrymen, but Putin and the Kremlin do not care about the deaths of Russians fighting Putin's war, while the little fella' sits hunkered in one of his bunkers under a long table. How many Russians have been killed in one of Putin's foreign wars, and how many Russians have been killed inside Russia because Putin could not provide what was needed to protect them. He does not sound very strong or savvy to me. That he is still alive suggests he might be more like a cockroach than a human. His followers cheering his killings side with their cockroach tsar.

10 ( +15 / -5 )

Posted in: Typhoon buffets Japan's Pacific coast, causing transport disruption, power cuts See in context

Typhoons in the region have been forming closer to coastlines, intensifying more rapidly and lasting longer over land due to climate change


One way to understand tropical cyclones is to examine the relationship between the atmosphere and the ocean. The ocean-atmosphere coupling relationship influences weather patterns, ocean circulation, and climate variability.

This is especially important for typhoons as the intensity of tropical cyclones is linked to increases in sea surface temperature (SST). As the size of a cyclone increases, SST decreases, limiting its intensity. However, under global warming, the SST is higher. As a result, this could make a typhoon last longer.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

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