Japan Today

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Posted in: Biden meets South Korea, Japan leaders for pre-Trump talks on risk See in context

Diplomatic progress”

“Diplomatic and “progress” are both words shunned by the leaders of the new majority in the IUSA, who actually have faith their new leader can time travel back to the early 1950’s just after WW2 when the USA was the global power. Now their motto seems to be ‘make Russia great for the first time’

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan beats Indonesia 4-0 to edge closer to World Cup spot See in context

Stay healthy along the way to to the World Cup!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Olympics 'above politics,' say LA 2028 organizers after Trump win See in context

Donald Trump to the U.S. presidency will have no bearing on preparations for the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics, organizers

Trump having 'no bearing' is pretty hard for me to believe, Trump now has the leverage to involve himself in any event in which he thinks he might profit in some way. There's a lot of time between now and the next games, and I foresee Trump and his cartel barging in wherever they think they might find a way to benefit themselves and the Trump cult/cartel. The graft and corruption long associated with the Olympics will be a magnet for someone like Trump's who's spent his long, long life whole life finangling ways to make a buck hawking things like Chinese bibles, sneakers, NFTs and T-shirts.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: North Korea tests exploding drones as Kim calls for mass production See in context

North Korea tested exploding drones designed to crash into targets

So North Korea with a little help from Big Brother Putin gets more deadly hardware to showcase in the next Kim glorification parade for the starving masses, and all this latest tech exchange cost Kim was however many North Korean soldiers are needed to assist Putin's warmongering efforts. The latter is a win for Kim, if they're killed glorifying Putin that means fewer mouths for Kim feed so he and his family can eat more.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: Trump's team drawing up list of Pentagon officers to fire, sources say See in context

@koha: If Musk is going to reduce government spending, this is the place to start.

By creating another government agency? How much will that cost, especially after Musk and his fellow nutjob partner partner take their shares and give some back to Trump.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Posted in: Trump's team drawing up list of Pentagon officers to fire, sources say See in context

, in what would be an unprecedented shakeup at the Pentagon.

Cue music to play while the country's being driven over the cliff, Trump and his cult are doing what they've long proposed which is inflict as much damage to the US as is needed to make sure Trump spends zero time behind bars and is able to continuing grifting, along with his cult members. Trump has won the revolution, maybe not head chopping for his enemies within, perhaps a detention center followed by re-education camps, the despots in the axis of totalitarianism and the anti-Americans in the U S and around the world are grinning, thinking about all the things in the US Trump might put up for sale to the highest bidders. What side hustles will Trump have this time beyond selling pardons..

5 ( +10 / -5 )

Posted in: Japan, Britain to start economic security talks before Trump's return See in context

The United States withdrew from the partnership in 2017 during Trump's first four-year tenure.

Trump probably could not find ways to benefit personally and financially, his sole motivation is fuhrer fattening his bank accounts, nation matters little last to him and his cult.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Posted in: Trump, Biden meet at White House; promise smooth power transfer See in context

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump and President Joe Biden,

A band I still enjoy listening to is called "old and in the Way", that's how I feel when I see those two together.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Posted in: Ishiba receives 2nd medical checkup in 5 days See in context

67-year-old lawmaker

Which means he's younger than many of the globe's other leaders. It's the waning years of the fossil era, so the end of the alphabet generations need to up their game if they want any say in who and how how their respective nations and planet are run.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan This Week Podcast | Nov. 8, 2024: Customer harassment crackdown, Mount Fuji light rail, bike law penalties, new train safety measures and missing student update See in context

Re customer harassment: Once not that long ago while walking by a phone repair shop I overheard a broken-English raised-voice exchange between an employee and I assume. customer about a repair taking much longer than the shop had promised. Several minutes later I watched three policemen enter the shop and remove the customer. I have long heard that in Japan criticizing a store could result in police action. In Japan the shop is king, Fortunately in most of the places where I've done business I have been treated fairly, honestly and respectfully.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Trump announces immigration official Tom Homan as 'border czar' See in context

he wildly exaggerated local tensions and misled his audiences about immigration statistics and policy.

Trump the king of fraud knows his audience well, and knows how easy it is to mislead them. He knows most only read far right media, and media billionaires like Musk and Murdoch who simplify and slant stories for their readers.. But the democratic principles of the republic have run their course and now the US and world are left to deal with what remains of US systems after the Trump cartel seizes more power and wealth for themselves. As if Musk needs anything more, which country will Musk end up supporting? , China, Russia or will he stay in the US hoping for more multimillion dollar federal contracts? The robber barons have re-emerged as the clear power in the US, will they call the Pinkertons to machine gun down workers like the earlier robber barons did?

1 ( +7 / -6 )

Posted in: Japanese gov't to support companies boosting geothermal power plants See in context

 promote the development of geothermal power plants as he sees it benefitting local economies, given that many geothermal resources are in rural areas.

More power to those involved in the development of geothermal power plants that might benefit local economies, though I'd be surprised if Japan, Inc. supports this, because by continuing the nations's reliance on burning large amounts of fossil fuels fuels got from Gulf nations, Russia, the US and elsewhere might limit some of the profits corporations have had for centuries, and thereby lose some of their control over the economy. I have not read a life-cycle study regarding geothermal powerplants, but want to believe anything is better than burning huge amounts of fossil fuels and having to pay for building, maintaining and later cleaning up the wastes from nuclear power plants.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Drastic efforts needed to open door for Japan's 1st female PM See in context

because citizens are diverse," she said.

'Diversity' is a negative word to many males in the extremist groups pushing for male led authoritarianism, see China, the Russian Federation, North Korea, India, and now the USA, many extremist males in the USA see 'diversity' 'equality' and' inclusion' as words that somehow threaten their ability to maintain the control they've had for generations. Similar to how some French men seem to see "fraternity, equality and liberty' as negatives, they seem to think that 'liberty only applies to males, and want the 'liberty' to be able to restrict those they deem 'others'.

-14 ( +13 / -27 )

Posted in: North Korean GPS manipulation disrupted dozens of planes and vessels, South Korea says See in context

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un flaunts his advancing nuclear and missile program and engages in electronic and psychological warfare, 

I wonder where Kim got the abilities to engage in that form of warfare, probably from the same state that North Korea got the ability to create missiles that could fire nukes, which would be Russia and or one of Russia's partners in the axis of totalitarianism as they continue their quest to be masters of the new world order. How quickly will the US with its newest masters now in full control give the axis the USA's consent to further destabilize the planet so Americas newest masters can increase their personal wealth.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Amsterdam bans protests after 'antisemitic squads' attack Israeli soccer fans See in context

 it is horrifying to witness antisemitic violence on the streets of Europe once again," it said.

To reasonable people it probably is horrifying to see anti-semitic violence on the streets of Europe,

but what the world is witnessing now is the global re-emergence of extreme right movements and cults led by despots looking for enemies, and for too long in European history and in many other places, Jews have been deemed enemies. By saying this I am not siding with the Israeli government and its supporters that want to destroy Palestinian people. I find what's happening there repulsive, but will not hate Jewish individuals for it .

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

Posted in: Ishiba eyes utility bill subsidies, cash handouts as fresh stimulus See in context

includes subsidies for utility bills and cash handouts to low-income households,

the cash subsidies could be used by those receiving them for any reason, including playing Pachinko, why not directly subsidize the energy retrofitting of homes and buildings, that way reformers could earn money, which would kick taxes back to the government, and the building owner might be able to pay less for utilities. The main reason that probably won't happen is the corporations and their share holders profiting most from maintaining centralized control over the utilities would not get richer and more powerful. Japan Inc. have known for decades the country has to rely on imports for energy needs, time for Japan Inc. to put country first, and not Japan Inc.'s legacy control

11 ( +14 / -3 )

Posted in: Nissan announces 9,000 job cuts, slashes sales forecast See in context

as fast-growing electric vehicle firms backed by Beijing race ahead.

With Elon Musk central to Beijing's fast-growing electric vehicle control, and Musk's rumored involvement in a Trump administration in which Trump and his GOP lackies push for increasing the use of fossil fuels, it will be interesting to see which way the US goes, and whether MbS, MbZ Putin,Exxon, BP, Shell and the other global masters of oil/gas and war will continue to have global hegemony and keep the fossil era going until the planet is damaged beyond repair. US Americans used the remaining bits of the republic's democratic principles to elect a fossil, and need to be held accountable for voting him in.

19 ( +32 / -13 )

Posted in: Who will staff Trump's government? A look at top contenders See in context

Given the list of names mentioned in this article, it looks like Trump is deepening the swamp, while setting up his own personal deep state. Now he's well on his way to implementing Project 2025, for his benefit and that of the billionaires making up the global establishment, among whom are those controlling oil and gas who must be pleased hearing Trump claim he's going to have the federal government eliminate all refernce to climate change and clean energy sources. And in the US the fossils, via their control of a 78 year old fossil will continue to rule the nation and planet, pleasing the fossil misanthropes that think it's best to use all our resources now, not consider generations to follow not of fossil age.

6 ( +20 / -14 )

Posted in: China bracing for fresh tensions with Trump over trade, tech and Taiwan See in context

if Trump stays true to his campaign promises — is his threat to slap blanket 60% tariffs on all Chinese exports to the U.S.

If Trump stays true to his promises, that would be a first, his pattern to date suggests he won't stay true to promises, and given his age new tricks are pretty unlikely. What Musk and other establishment billionires around the globe, including ruling caste members in China and Russia tell him to do is what he probably ends up doing.

Also another of Trump's promises is ending inflation, but slapping 60% tariffs on Chinese goods probably would result in increasing inflation for US Americans. Trump has shown he has had employees that understand golf course management, but he has not shown he understands much in the way of global trade and economics outside the world of golf where he's no Arnold Palmer..

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Posted in: Trump's victory raises prospect of trade war impacting Japan, other U.S. allies See in context

Mr. Trump is a true fighter 

Fighters do not cat-punch their way through real fights, they rely on fixers to do the dirty work for them. Trump was a reality TV star famous for saying "you're fired". but once he got to reality, had to have fixers fire people for him. He knows his base thinks they win when they 'troll the libs', that's the only thing I've seen Trump and his base do. They have nothing of consequence to back their beliefs. 

Will their toilets flush better after Trump's in office? if they don't Trump and his base will blame their imaginary demons like the 'deep state', maybe a Chavez, Hillary or Obama. Cat punchers love their cat punching cult heroes like Trump, they live in a world where Marvel Comic characters are real to them after all, they think there are actual superheroes and super-villains. Start the blame for that fixed dichotomy with the Zoroastarians and their belief in a good vs evil existence.

-3 ( +7 / -10 )

Posted in: Trump's victory raises prospect of trade war impacting Japan, other U.S. allies See in context

Trump's tariffs, even if he goes ahead with only some of those aimed at China, would be "very destructive to the world economy."

And to the US economy, but Trump has convinced many US Americans, among them large numbers that are that are poorly educated, that the tariffs are good for them; maybe because they see tariffs as punitive, and they follow Trump in wanting to 'spank' those that disagree with big brother 'daddy' Trump. Americans deserve the government they vote in, and now they and the world have to live with a US president who has a history of bankrupting multiple businesses, plus who's a conman and liar. Democracy prevailed, thanks to Trump's billionaire backer, their media, see Musk, Murdoch, Putin etal and a poorly educated population willing to believe they might be trickled down on. Hopefully Trump and his billionaire establishment backers don't do what Trump wants which is be a 'president-for-life, which would mean the end of the republic's elements of democracy. Trump interpreters was Trump 'joking' when he said he wanted to be president for life? Was he joking when he said he wanted to create detention centers for his 'enemies within'? How much time, this time, will Trump spend playing golf at one of his global courses? Will he allow the public to know what he says in his conversations with Putin, Xi and others despots?

4 ( +12 / -8 )

Posted in: Election Day voting in U.S. unfolds generally smoothly with some scattered issues and delays See in context

Through four years of election lies and voting-related conspiracy theories

Pretty much one-sided lying, especially if you believe the results of many court cases, which the Trump backers, among them some US Americans, refuse to accept in part because of their hatred for the country. Conspiracy theories have long been used by despots to rile up their respective bases, telling them those that are not willing to follow the despot and obey his thugs are 'enemies within'. Then the despots promises his followers he'll solve the problems many have created for themselves. I believe one candidate, the gross liar, told his rally followers they'll be making more money soon if he's elected, earth forbid.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Posted in: North Korean troops in Russia shelled by Ukrainian forces See in context

His claim could not be independently confirmed.

The above is easy to understand considering both sides connection to the Soviet Union where truths could often be dangers to the rulers, so the state suppressed them, and replaced them with alternative 'facts', and also made up places, for example Potemkin Village. Many Eastern Europeans have lived under some form of state control for so many years left over by Moscow led regimes, so 'evidence' is probably a meaningless term to them, and have given up trying to find truth knowing if they did accept truths, big brother would hurt them even more.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Posted in: Harris and Trump make furious final push before Election Day See in context

careened through a felony trial,

Trump has too much support from the US establishment to be jailed for his crimes, two-tier justice at its worst.

Given Trump's obesity and obviously declining mental, emotional and physical health, it's likely he might not last long after the election, so he's be better off in jail with less stress. If he wins he'll probably spend most of his time playing golf at one of his global golf courses, on the taxpayer's dollars. Given Trump's rapidly declining mental emotional and physical health he might not last long after the election, meaning a vote for Trump could be a vote for his VP Vance, or whatever he might change his name to, with Vance in charge look for Musk/Thiel and other billionaires whose allegiance to China and Russia might be more than to the US, to gain increasing control over media and the nation, unless of course Musk etal can continue to get more contracts and be further subsidized by the US government.If Trump wins then grifters will grift even more, pleasing conmen and oil/gas barons around the globe.

6 ( +13 / -7 )

Posted in: Japan gov't-backed agency opens Kyiv office to promote trade, business See in context

Japan will continue to contribute to the sustainable development of Ukraine

Good on Japan, It would be nice to think that Japanese entities involved could get money from the Russian Federation and its fellow authoritarian states to pay for the damage caused by Putin's invasion. With all the money Kleptocrat Putin has skimmed from the sales of Russia's natural resources, he personally should be billed. Putin and the Russian Federation need to be held accounatable for their brutal invasion and their war continues putting the region and world at risk

7 ( +15 / -8 )

Posted in: Trump increases violent rhetoric; Harris vows Gaza peace in final hours See in context

What do they have against the Constitution?

Does Project 2025 propose the US president be given supreme authority? If so is that consistent with a US President's duties according to the US Constitution, at least as traditionally understood? I would not trust this corrupt iteration of the Supreme Court to uphold the Constitution, but think Musk and other billionaire extremists will try to buy off the most corrupt current members of the Court to enable Trump to rule supreme like his global despot idols.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Posted in: Trump increases violent rhetoric; Harris vows Gaza peace in final hours See in context

78-year-old Trump again indicated he may not accept a defeat a

So is he going to turn his rabid his mobs on the capitol again. He continues to try to undermine elections while trying to further weaken the democratic principles that have een a key part of the republic in his quest to join despots like Putin/Xi /Kim and the Ayatollah in their axis of totalitarianism, he has the script for Project 2025 written by some of his establishment backers to follow. He is so broke he is desperate , and will sell the country out for his sake, sorry MAGA you'll continue to be trickled down on and stepped on, best move on to the Russian Federation, where your idol has full control for now, though his replacement might be even worse, Russia after all.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

Posted in: Reactor in Japan's 2011 disaster area halted just days after restart See in context

Reactor in Japan's 2011 disaster area

The disaster is another reminder that Japan and most other countries need to rethink whether to continue having large-scale centralized entities control electrical power and distribution, or instead find alternatives including assisting individuals and local entities (e.g. public utility districts, found in some parts of the world) to become better able to become more self-reliant when it comes to how electricity is generated and used.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Posted in: Harris appears on 'Saturday Night Live' See in context

Her whole candidacy is a Hollywood production.

At least Hollywood makes US American movies and not Russian deep fakes, which the reality TV star's cultists prefer because the deep fakes 'troll the libs', which is their main interest in politics like their gross entertainer in chief, who once was a star of a reality TV show, who now fattens his bank account trolling the libs in his quest to further undermine the republic so he and his billionaire pals around the globe can skim off what's left of the country'w wealth, and Trump can be the US kleptocrat-in-chief like Putin his master

2 ( +15 / -13 )

Posted in: Ukraine's Zelenskyy urges allies to act before North Korean troops reach the front See in context

one of the most powerful offensives” by Russia since its all-out invasion of its southern neighbor in February 2022.

All the deaths on both sides could most likely end soon after warmongering Putin withdraws his invading murderers from sovereign Ukrainian territory, plus gives up his and his totalitarian allies' goal of controlling not just former Soviet Union lands but also having an empire larger than the one once held by the Mongols. Putin envies not just Peter the Great and Stalin, but also Genghis/Chinggis Khan, Kublai and others that had devastated eastern European lands. The Kremlin's Eurasian Economic Union, and China's Belt and Road are current efforts to build the hegemony the totalitarians desire, 'back to the 10th century' is one of their cries, plus 'let's refight WW2' echoed by their global reactionary followers.

7 ( +13 / -6 )

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