Japan Today

Quo Primum comments

Posted in: Japan's new flu cases hit record high in late December See in context

I can't believe this is the "top story" today on this site.

It's the flu, for crying out loud.

People have been catching the flu ever since there have been people.

Get over yourselves, folks, and your post-COVID-era penchant for treating every contagious medical malady as if it's the next Black Plague.

-17 ( +8 / -25 )

Posted in: Japan's new flu cases hit record high in late December See in context

Mr Kipling Today  08:07 am JST

Schools have just restarted so expect the numbers to go up.

And ... so what?

It's the flu. It's been around since forever, and 99.999999% of people end up recovering from it just fine.

We never would have seen alarmist headlines & stories like this five years ago.

Thanks to COVID alarmism, society seems to have entered a new era of hypochondria and medical hysteria.

-18 ( +7 / -25 )

Posted in: Porn for women in Japan: No plumbers or pizza delivery men here See in context

If you watch porn, you're contributing to human trafficking, the degradation of women, the breakup of who knows how many marriages and families, and most of all, to the poisoning of your soul.

Porn has absolutely no benefit at all.

Porn should be banned.

And don't give me this "define what 'porn' is" nonsense. Save your pretenses of cerebral, academic sophistry. We all know what porn is. And, again, it should be utterly banned.

It contributes absolutely nothing of substantive value to society, and only harms it and contributes to its destruction.

-15 ( +3 / -18 )

Posted in: Miami and Tampa to host outdoor NHL contests in 2026 See in context

"In Miami, we have every intention of playing with the roof open, but the retractable roof gives us some options and helps protect our rink build," said Dean Matsuzaki, NHL executive vice present of events.

If they have to close the roof, then it won't be an outdoor game, will it?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Kyoto eyes raising city lodging tax to up to 10,000 yen per night See in context

They'll have a major undertourism problem if they do that.

What will it take for government brainiacs to realize that excessive taxation always disincentivizes an activity?

5 ( +12 / -7 )

Posted in: Kyoto eyes raising city lodging tax to up to 10,000 yen per night See in context

@Wallace - not "could".


3 ( +9 / -6 )

Posted in: McDonald's is latest company to roll back diversity goals See in context

Hopefully tv shows and movie won’t do this, as we need them to represent all the different races

That would necessitate the accentuation and prioritization of skin color ahead of everything else about people.

And when we accentuate and prioritize skin color ahead of everything else about people, it's called racism.

Hence, the "DEI" crowd claims to be fighting racism -- but is actually engaging in it.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Posted in: McDonald's is latest company to roll back diversity goals See in context

Japantime Today  07:47 am JST

Hopefully tv shows and movie won’t do this, as we need them to represent all the different races, genders and orientations we see in everyday life.

No, we don't. We don't need to see every group of people out there being "represented" in every movie or TV show we see. Not even in most movies or TV shows we see.

This DEI nonsense reached hysterically silly stage when the film "The Promised Land" was criticized for its "lack of diversity."

The film was set in 18th-century Denmark, for heaven's sake.

Surely, pretty much everybody in Denmark at that time was white. If there were any non-white people at all, they could probably have been counted on one hand. Literally.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

Posted in: McDonald's is latest company to roll back diversity goals See in context

Another company has finally realized that "go woke, go broke" is a real thing.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

Posted in: Police academy instructor arrested for trespassing in apartment of woman he did not know See in context

3RENSHO Today  10:18 am JST

Instructor? Of what?

As the headline and the article clearly say, he's an instructor at a prefectural police academy.

Presumably that means he teaches police cadets how to be police officers.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Posted in: Despite Nippon Steel rift, U.S. and Japan say ties stronger than ever See in context

The "Nippon Steel rift" has absolutely no impact on 99.99% of people's lives.

Whether the sale happens or not, almost no one will notice or experience any effect on their lives at all.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Posted in: Japanese actor dropped from beer ad campaign after drunken escapade See in context

A popular Japanese actor hired to be the face of a low-alcohol beer has been fired after getting drunk and breaking into his neighbor's home, officials said.

Breaking into?

Sounds like he just walked through an unlocked door to accidentally enter the wrong apartment. The sort of thing that happens somewhere in Japan probably almost every night.

"Breaking into" -- well, I guess the media have this insatiable need to overinflate and sensationalize things.

11 ( +15 / -4 )

Posted in: Japan and the United States have different national interests. However, there must be some common ground. I want to build a win-win relationship. See in context

Tokyo Guy Jan. 6  12:17 pm JST

He's right tho. The "national interest" of the United States as of January 20 will be "the national interest of Russia".

I guess that explains why Russia invaded someone under the administrations of Bush, Obama, and Biden -- but not under Trump's first administration.

I guess that also explains why Putin endorsed Kamala Harris in last November's election.

Thanks for the comment, Tokyo Guy. I love Internet satire.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan and the United States have different national interests. However, there must be some common ground. I want to build a win-win relationship. See in context

"America First" doesn't mean "America Only." Too many people seem to be conflating the two.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Canada's Trudeau announces resignation after nearly a decade as prime minister See in context

His policies have produced job-killing and economy-killing taxes (in the name of "saving the environment").

His policies have produced massive spikes in violent crime.

His time as PM has seen highly alarming financial mismanagement, incompetence, and corruption.

His policies have enabled a destructive out-of-control "migrant" crisis.

He has responded to people who disagree with him as having "unacceptable views" -- under his rule, Canadians have less free speech and freedom of thought, and Canada became one of the world's worst "COVID prisons."

The guy tried to entirely ban un-COVID-vaxxed people from normal society -- in the name of (his words) "protecting vaccinated people."

What??? How much more idiotic can a guy be? Why did vaccinated people need protecting, if their vaccination was so effective???

I could go on and on, but this will suffice.

I have my issues with Pierre Poilievre, but good heavens, he's going to be light-years better than Blackface Justin. Good riddance to the latter.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Posted in: Man arrested for kicking police car outside koban in Mie Prefecture See in context

The incident occurred at around 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, TBS reported. Police said Kazunori Mashima, a dentist, was drunk at the time.

Drunk at 7:30 p.m.?

He got off to an early start, didn't he?

And a dentist? I hope he doesn't kick his patients while shouting, "I said 'open wide!'"

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Canadian PM Trudeau likely to resign this week: report See in context

Tokyo GuyToday  12:12 pm JST

If he does, I reckon it might actually be a relief for him, as he won't have to deal with Trump.

Yes, it's probably a relief to him because he knows that Trump will outperform him and out-negotiate him at every turn and in every dealing between the two countries.

Trudeau's been a disaster for Canada and his departure is long overdue. He should have quit at least months ago.

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

Posted in: North Korea fires ballistic missile as Blinken visits Seoul See in context

The North is shooting off rockets while Biden's secretary of state is visiting the South -- more proof of the weakness of this (thankfully outgoing) joke of a presidential administration.

Two more weeks.

January 20 can't come fast enough.

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

Posted in: Man arrested after hitting male acquaintance with bottle at bar in Nagasaki See in context

Police said the suspect, who runs a human resources dispatch business, hit his drinking companion with a bottle that was on the bar, injuring his head. 

A human resources specialist with anger-management and people-skills issues.

Not a good combination there.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: 85-year-old woman found dead at home; 63-year-old son dies in hospital See in context

Speed Today  05:57 pm JST

Accidental carbon monoxide poisioning?

That's what I was thinking. Sounds like it.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Father, son arrested for assaulting police officer at Sapporo game center See in context

@Japan GlimpsedToday  04:57 pm JST

Important detail not included above: the father and son were quarreling violently with each other.

That's not really all that important.

What's important is that they were drunk in public, and then proceeded to assault a police officer who responded to a call about them.

Whether they were arguing with each other or not is no excuse.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Father, son arrested for assaulting police officer at Sapporo game center See in context

owzer Today  08:59 am JST

So did they look at the security cameras?

No, of course not.

The Japanese police really ought to read the Japan Today comments sections and learn how to do their job from this forum's plethora of law-enforcement experts.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Posted in: Father, son arrested for assaulting police officer at Sapporo game center See in context

Marc Lowe Today  09:41 am JST

The police were called to sort them out. There was no obstruction whatsoever. 

The police were called to sort them out, and the father & son attempted to obstruct the police officer by kicking and pushing him.

Hence the obstruction charge.

If that vocabulary isn't to your liking, fine. Let's call it something else -- assaulting a police officer. Which to me actually sounds worse than obstruction.

Stop defending those two overage derelicts.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Father, son arrested for assaulting police officer at Sapporo game center See in context

Upstanding family there.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Posted in: U-turn rush begins after New Year holidays See in context

The crowded airports, trains, and highways seem like mostly a Tokyo and Osaka thing.

The wife and I had a nice drive from where we live (southern Hokkaido) to her hometown & parents' house (central Hokkaido) on Monday, and a nice drive back today.

Didn't have to drive anywhere near Sapporo, and other than some snow through the mountains, it was pretty smooth sailing all the way.

Not all of Japan is like Tokyo or Osaka. Not all of it is a crowded mess during the holidays.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Posted in: 9 hospitalized in Tokyo after choking on mochi; two die See in context

LindsayToday  06:01 pm JST

It’s about the same every year despite the warnings.

Or, it's about the same every year, in part, because of the warnings.

Millions of people in Japan ate mochi over New Year's.

Of those millions, a grand total of nine were taken to hospital and two died.

When I do the math, I find that it's a very small number.

And if we presume that at least some of those millions who ate mochi without incident were keeping the warnings in mind while eating it --

-- then I'd say the warnings were successful and effective.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: 9 hospitalized in Tokyo after choking on mochi; two die See in context

factcheckerToday  04:34 pm JST

That government warning the other day was real effective. 

It probably was.

Millions of people in Japan ate mochi without incident over New Year's. At least presumably.

Many of them likely saw "that government warning the other day" and kept it in mind while they ate their mochi.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Record number of teachers in Japan took mental illness leave in FY2023 See in context

I don't think this means that teachers in Japan are more stressed-out these days than in past years.

It's just that what qualifies as "mental illness" these days was probably not seen as such back in the day.

It's like saying that soldiers in war zones today experience PTSD more often than, say, soldiers in World War II or the Korean War did.

No, they don't. It's just that back in the 1940s and 1950s, there was no awareness of something called PTSD. The soldiers back then were experiencing it; it just wasn't known about.

Probably a similar situation here with teachers -- in the past, they probably experienced just as much mental & emotional trial as they do today. But society just wasn't aware of it.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Posted in: FBI says driver in New Orleans rampage acted alone, was '100%' inspired by Islamic State group See in context

In the hands of terrorists, guns are just as deadly as trucks.

By that logic, then, if we're going to keep talking about banning guns, we should also talk about banning trucks.

After all, it's being explicitly admitted here that the one is, and I directly quote, "just as deadly" as the other.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Posted in: FBI says driver in New Orleans rampage acted alone, was '100%' inspired by Islamic State group See in context

A lot of hay is being made about this guy being a U.S. citizen -- as if that somehow minimizes the evil that he committed.

In my book, at least, he was a U.S. citizen in name & on paper only.

He effectively renounced his U.S. citizenship because of the act he chose to commit against U.S. citizens on U.S. soil -- and because of the flag that he chose to fly while he was doing it.

Let's call him an "undocumented citizenship-renouncer."

After all, if (according to "progressive" rules) we have to call people "undocumented migrants" or "undocumented workers" when referring to people in our country illegally --

-- then it's only fair & logical to work that "logic" the other way.

This monster renounced his U.S. citizenship by his actions, even if such renunciation wasn't, ahem, "documented."

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

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