Japan Today

Rank_Amatuer comments

Posted in: Japan tourism still suffering one year on from quake See in context

11 days till the kids and I arrive.. and ill be spending more than 50000yen (those germans must be frugal!)

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Posted in: Before the earthquake I didn't do it (play pachinko) much. I lost my son to the tsunami, my house was washed away, and now I live with my wife in temporary housing nearby. I don't know anyone there, a See in context

I didn't do it much

Dyslexia runs rampant!.. the quote says "didnt do IT much" a small but game changing 'IT', a refrence to pachinko, he didnt play it much.. as we're jumping to huge conclusions i could say he didnt play it much because he held down three jobs and cooked/cleaned/played with his son.

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Posted in: Why do Japanese change their attitude when they communicate with foreigners? See in context

Well I'm going to japan next month for the first time with my two teenage boys, and as I only know japan as a neon lit world populated by Ninjas and schoolkids who have superpowers and fight with really BIG swords, im sure i will have some times when the Japanese people think I'm acting strangely.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: What do you think of the revised plan to realign U.S. forces in Japan by sending some Marines to Guam, and rotating others to Australia, the Philippines, Hawaii and possibly Iwakuni in Yamaguchi Prefe See in context

Come on down to Australia, it will bring some money to Darwin and give the opportunity to use some nice toys in training (not that id complaining about our current equipment funding levels....much)

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Posted in: 3 Sea Shepherd activists detained aboard Japanese whaling vessel See in context

Firstly, I apologise on behalf of Australians who DONT support the sea sheppard or forrest gnomes. Whats the escalation Lucky?.. are the Japanese going to invade us with their customs officers?, perhaps we are upset because anyone eating whale isnt eating our Aussie Beef (largest export year to Japan was 2011 I believe) and a customs ship in southern waters could curtail the tactics of the Sea Sheppard, Abbott has previously cautioned against protesting about japanese whalers http://www.theage.com.au/environment/australia-tells-japan-stop-whaling-20100108-lyrv.html , and yes patrick, i have delt with forrest protesters in Pemberton Western Australia and they are very militant, jail time to promote a cause would'nt faze them.

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