Posted in: Japan, 2 other Asian nations warn citizens not to use marijuana in Canada See in context
Although the history of cannabis hemp in Japan goes back to the neolithic Jomon era, thousands of years ago, cannabis was not made illegal in the country until after the defeat in World War II. Few people nowadays realize that it was the American military occupation government of General McArthur (himself a tobacco smoker) that passed the Hemp Control Act in 1948, the first hemp prohibition law in the entire history of Japan. Marijuana most certainly was not made illegal in Japan because it was dangerous. In 5000 years of recorded worldwide hemp history not a single death has been attributable to an overdose of marijuana.
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Posted in: Russia targets Kyiv, Odesa in latest drone attack
Posted in: ‘Joker 2’ stumbles at box office amid poor reviews from audiences and critics
Posted in: Abolishing death penalty 'inappropriate,' says justice minister
The sequel is a musical! A musical of all things. Well, I don’t like stuff like that at all and…
Posted in: ‘Joker 2’ stumbles at box office amid poor reviews from audiences and critics