Japan Today

RedMars comments

Posted in: WWII comfort women: the pain that time cannot heal See in context

comfort women during war crime existed --> admit it and be sincerely and wholeheartedly apologetic about it --> pay compensation if you had too --> move on.....

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Posted in: Part-timers strike back with all kinds of antics See in context

in another news, a Yakuza employer paid 287 yen per hour of overtime to his foreign worker and he was proud to announce it and boasting it to be "strictly regulation"........

there you go, we have idiot employers in the midst of all these funny employment rules...... sure it is "strictly regulation = Yakuza regulation he meant" I suppose.

Any1 would steal knife and forks or beers if 287 yen is all u get for an hour of overtime, can u imagine what you would get for normal hour?

This Yakuza employer should be put under "strict regulation" too!

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Posted in: 'Black companies' exploiting foreign trainees See in context

The overtime I pay is strictly regulation. I have nothing to feel guilty about


Suzuki is not so sure. Kato, open as ever, lays out his payroll records. They show him paying on average 287 yen for overtime, far below the minimum wage of 652 to 850 yen an hour. ”

Paying 287 yen for overtime and you called it strictly regulation and not feeling guilty about it? Overtime my @ss!!! I can't imagine what you would pay on normal working hours then!

Listen, he says when Suzuki questions him – “at some factories they work their employees from 8 in the morning until 6 the next morning, giving them all of two hours’ sleep. We’re better than that."

Yea much better, 50% I guess, at least his employees get 3 hours sleep or maybe 100% better I suppose, that means 4 hours sleep!

Asking opinions from idiots or morons will only get idiotic or moronic comments. Garbage In Garbage Out! What a waste of time interviewing @ssholes!!!

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Posted in: Tokyo, Istanbul, Madrid make final 45-minute pitches ahead of 2020 vote See in context

Congratulation to Tokyo!

I guess safety, infrastructures and cultures are dominant factors in winning. Tokyo has never failed in any major world class events at all and they proved to be credible and reliable in most aspects including the public transportation systems are well organised and orderly.

Tokyo, you deserve it!

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: Tokyo says support for Olympic bid 92% See in context

I FULLY SUPPORT 1000000000000000%!!!! though I am a foreigner to Japan. Japan has good infrastructures and facilities for a good Olympic game! Count me in as one vote too!

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Posted in: Tomoko Nakajima becomes porn video director See in context

Director CUM Actress pleeeeeeeeease!!!

I am watching you!!!

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Posted in: The top 10 words to describe Japanese people (according to foreigners) See in context

Daytime - straight! Night time - weird!

Daytime - Normal! Night time - Strange!

Daytime - Male Night time - Gay / Shemale

Daytime - Well-Groomed Night time - Punky

Daytime - decent! Night time - Gruesome!

Daytime - Serious Business! Night time - Funny (Monkey) Business!

There you go, need more than 10 ???

Daytime - I love Japan Night time - I love Japan too

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Posted in: Man fatally stabs sister, injures mother day after prison release See in context

They just released an Incredible Hulk from a prison!

"Mister, you won't like me when I am angry!

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Posted in: Snoozing here, there and everywhere See in context

Well, well, well! As a foreigner or an expat, I came to Japan for work, the first thing I learned in Japan is to doze off in a train....... it is actually quite fun!

In order to be able to do this act is you must get a seat at all cost...... then you can doze off easily and happily, coz nobody cares!


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Posted in: Few married women interested in having an affair: survey See in context

Japanese culture is all about work, work, and work. Spending long hours at work, long hours travelling, long hours of drinking sessions with colleague after a whole day at work or pachinko, attention to kids and parents are all the show-cause for less desire to spend intimate time with your spouse/partner not to mention about having sex.

I am a foreigner in Japan and I see everyday most of my colleague work long hours at work almost everyday, I truly feel sorry for them. As for me, I am an expat male and I do travel between Japan and abroad occassionally to oversee my company's projects, however, when my work hours is up, just too bad for my employer, by 6pm I call it a day to return to my hotel room even though I don't have a partner waiting. That's my personal time and I need space for personal things.

Once in a weekend outing with colleague and family members, I remember I overheard a wife of my Japanese colleague complaining to us that her husband hardly have time with the kids and family members because he worked whole day and whole night. By the time he returns home, the kids and her have gone to bed and by the time the kids wake up in the morning, the father has gone to work. The father does not even have time for himself and sex is probably the last thing they could even think about.

Well, some1 just said >I think the less sex you have the less you want it and the more you have it the more you want it.

I disagree totally with this notion. It is a 2-way thing and the desire is hidden within only to be explored to the ultimate.

Sex in Japan is so open and yet I am still surprise many couples have sexless life. I sincerely hope Japanese should consider putting their partners and family first before works!

Well, I believe sex is necessary for a decent couple whether married or not, it is part of our life and I always believe in clean and healthy sex, even though I am now divorced and still waiting for the new partner to come along. My ex never complained about my advances for sexual appetite but we broke up because of personality clash. Well, I am still waiting...........any decent ladies? (ahahaha).

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Posted in: 4-year-old boy falls between shinkansen, platform See in context

As a parent myself, my children safety comes first. Knowing very well, boarding trains is always a safety consideration for myself and my children, I will ensure I hold my kid's hand to board safely. This happens due to the carelessness of the mother and nobody else.

I have even seen a 40+ year old lady carrying a baby walking straight into the platform and fell directly unto the rails when there was not even a train to board. How stupid and careless the guardian of this poor child. I wondered what was on her mind at that point in time? Can't she see there is no train waiting? I bet the child and her slammed directly head on unto the rails, thanks god there was no incoming train at that time. I can feel the agony of the poor child slamming onto the hard iron rail.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Signs in government district get English makeover See in context

An idea of long overdue! They shouldn't only think to make it friendly for the sake of Olympic, but they should have implemented this like 20 years ago to boost their tourism standards!

anyway, please plan ahead and good on you, Japan!

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Posted in: Bradley Manning says he wants to live as a woman named Chelsea See in context

A man of many contracts......

oh sorry, I mean a shemale of many contrasts!

oh sorry, I mean a ladyboy of many contrasts!

a person who sold his (her) own country, family, cultures, body and gender!

a person with unknown identity!

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Posted in: Japanese men reveal costumes they want their girlfriends to wear See in context

Japanese men reveal costumes they want their girlfriends to wear????

Not only Japanese men, I bet all men's ultimate preference is for their GFs to reveal all!

Enjoy your day, guys!

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Posted in: Sales tax hike won't damage economy: BOJ governor See in context

Joel Lim's quote "

Any naïve economy first year student would know 'Sale tax will affect the economy no matter how big or small"... it is as simple as ABC

Not only students, even anyone on the street knows a small hike in sale tax will affect the majority of people livelihood on daily basis. It's shocking, a BOJ Governor can make this kind of unsubstantiated ill-statement. I think by appointing him as Governor of BOJ will do far more damage than the sale tax hike itself!

Tokyo is already ranked as the second highest most expensive city in the world to live in after Luanda. He is now trying to make Japan to go back on top to number 1 spot!

An idiot with so low common-sense and uneducated mentality. How can he be BOJ Governor? I am equally shocked!

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