Japan Today

RepublicofTexas comments

Posted in: McCain says Obama wants to forfeit war in Iraq See in context

I certainly don't believe we should stay in Iraq indefinitely, but I also definitely don't want a premature pullout. (We've been there long enough, so to clarify, I mean not to pullout before Iraqi security forces are ready and the Iraqi gov't is a little more stable).

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Posted in: Jingu-Gaien Fireworks See in context

Fireworks show are always so nice, natsu hanabi (in general) and July 4th are probably my favorites. However, the shows get a little too crowded in Japan, so I prefer the smaller ones (like in Itabashi). DisneySea does a pretty nice show as well.

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Posted in: How airlines deal with 'customers of size' See in context

1) Total weight

2) Cabin space used

I think total weight should be irrelevant, but i think cabin space used should be taken into account.

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Posted in: Israel mulls military option for Iran nukes See in context

The US having nuclear weapons is not a good reason for Iran to seek them. No country should have nukes. Two wrongs don't make a right. However, I can see why Iran wants them i just think it would be better for everyone if Iran didn't. Surely the Iranians know that even if they develop nukes, the US will still have many times the firepower.

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Posted in: How airlines deal with 'customers of size' See in context

I think the only reason someone should pay extra is if they're so big that they overflow into a second seat. It's unfair to the customer who paid for the seat if a large person next to them is encroaching. If there are no extra seats on the plane the obese person should wait for the next flight or should have bought two tickets in advance, if there are extra seats they should shift 'em around so that the horizontally advanced person can have extra room, although once again, they should have bought 2 tickets or a first class ticket.

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Posted in: White House denies faking letter linking Iraq and al-Qaida See in context

the nation is overjoyed and prosperous,

haha, all he did was destabilize the country. he might have gotten rid of an evil dictator, but he created a lot of problems for Iraq and the US. Islamic fundamentalism is more dangerous than ever. His tarnishing of the US' image and wasting of our hard-earned tax dollars is what's treason.

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Posted in: White House denies faking letter linking Iraq and al-Qaida See in context

Bush is honest

He might be honest, but he was WRONG.

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Posted in: White House denies faking letter linking Iraq and al-Qaida See in context

You ae free because you are American.

I could also be free if i was British, Spanish, Danish, or Japanese.

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Posted in: Bush greeted by demonstrations in South Korea See in context

Most Koreans love our wonderfull leader.

Now you're starting to sound like a Kim Jong supporter

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Posted in: White House denies faking letter linking Iraq and al-Qaida See in context

These are myths spread by the LIberal media.

Ha, conservatives and liberals are in agreement that the US helped prop up evil, "ungodly" regimes

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Posted in: Bush greeted by demonstrations in South Korea See in context

The KOreans against us are a small minority of thugs, who should be impisoned for spreading anti democratic ways throughout their country.

Democracy means having respect for different view points, imprisoning people who disagree with you is very UNdemocratic.

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Posted in: White House denies faking letter linking Iraq and al-Qaida See in context

So, the more than a million Iraqis who died under US bombs and bullets were ALL terrorists?

Beat me to it.

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Posted in: France took part in 1994 genocide: Rwandan report See in context

The French never "invaded" Rwanda.

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Posted in: White House denies faking letter linking Iraq and al-Qaida See in context

The war against Iraq was just and was aglorious act of kindess by the US.

Now you just sound like Pope Urban II...

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Posted in: White House denies faking letter linking Iraq and al-Qaida See in context

Any war , ie Iraq that frees the population from tyranny and gives them freedom is glorious. I believe that is gods will.

I believe you have failed to notice the fact that the majority of the Iraqi people want the US out.

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Posted in: White House denies faking letter linking Iraq and al-Qaida See in context

raving fanatic...

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Posted in: White House denies faking letter linking Iraq and al-Qaida See in context

There is no such thing as a "glorious war". War is a tragedy, not some achievement. As for fighting Tojo, that was a defensive war, not a war of aggression.

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Posted in: White House denies faking letter linking Iraq and al-Qaida See in context

No, he's not - he's just pulling your leg, and succeeding by the looks of it :-)

If he was just pulling my leg, he wouldn't actually be supporting the decision to go to war

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Posted in: France took part in 1994 genocide: Rwandan report See in context

The US has one or 2 bad apples out of a huge fighting force.

Same with the French.

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Posted in: White House denies faking letter linking Iraq and al-Qaida See in context

Anyone who wants to forcibly spread democracy is not a true supporter of democracy.

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Posted in: Does the U.S. need to have military bases anywhere in Japan? See in context

how do you know for certain that deutschland declared war on the us back in wwii?

Are you serious? It is a proven FACT that Germany declared war on the US, b/c,

a) they believed in their interests

b) they hoped the Japanese would reciprocate by attacking the USSR.

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Posted in: White House denies faking letter linking Iraq and al-Qaida See in context

Atrue conservative would agree with my statement.

Any true peace/freedom loving American would be appalled and thoroughly embarrassed by your statements. People like you are the cause of America's image problem.

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Posted in: White House denies faking letter linking Iraq and al-Qaida See in context

USAPatriot, you are not a conservative, you are way further right than conservative, you would be what they call a reactionary, possibly a fascist.

only decided to go to war after god chose to speak to him and tell him

WOW, the scary thing is that you are serious.

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Posted in: White House denies faking letter linking Iraq and al-Qaida See in context

liberal bias

You don't have to be a warmonger to be a conservative. There are many conservatives who oppose and have opposed the Iraq War.

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Posted in: White House denies faking letter linking Iraq and al-Qaida See in context

War can be good. The US involvement in WWII and the bombings og Hiroshima and Nagasaki were glorious and rightous. Bush

That is one of the worst things I've ever heard. I;d hate to sound anything like Aso, but that's the sort of thing Hitler would have said.

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Posted in: White House denies faking letter linking Iraq and al-Qaida See in context

Your liberal bias cannot spin the facts. The War was morally justified,

First of all, i'm from Texas, in other words conservative. Second and more importantly, war is NEVER morally justified.

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Posted in: White House denies faking letter linking Iraq and al-Qaida See in context

several shells were found containg mustard gas i believe.

That's nowhere near the amount of WMD's that the White House implied Iraq had in its arsenal.

"In 2006 Fox News reported the claims of two Republican lawmakers that WMDs had been found in Iraq,[37] based upon unclassified portions of a report by the National Ground Intelligence Center. Quoting from the report Senator Rick Santorum said "Since 2003, coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent". Many news agencies, including Fox News, reported the conclusions of the CIA that, based upon the investigation of the Iraq Survey Group, WMDs have yet to be found in Iraq"

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Posted in: White House denies faking letter linking Iraq and al-Qaida See in context

WMD were found in Iraq

What weapons of mass-destruction? Saddam Hussein deliberately acted vague about the WMD's as a way of deterring arch-rival Iran from any aggressive moves as well as the belief that the Americans would never invade even if their were WMDs. In other words there were never any WMDs.

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Posted in: France took part in 1994 genocide: Rwandan report See in context

I think the report exaggerates French involvement.

we fought an honorable war and treated our enemy with respect.

So Abu Ghraib, Gitmo, and the killing of civilians never happened...right...

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Posted in: Bush greeted by demonstrations in South Korea See in context

If you dont support Bush, you dont support freedom and peace.

That's the slogan that forced us into the WAR in Iraq. "If you don't support us your anti-american, etc."

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