Posted in: New Zealand Maori begin march on capital to protest indigenous treaty bill See in context
To get an understanding of what New Zealand is going through would take pages and pages. It is very complex. A Treaty was written by the Governor of the time in 1840 - Governor Hobson and a copy was also made in Maori - so that the many chiefs who could not speak English could have it read out to them. The crux of the Treaty was that the Chiefs gave up sovereignty to the Queen of England and that all New Zealanders would be treated equally. This was signed by the Chiefs and became the founding document. In 1860 another meeting was held by the then Governor and 180 chiefs to ask how they felt about the Treaty. To a man, they all agreed that life could not have been better and they were happy with the Treaty. In 1975 a Tribunal was formed - called the Waitangi Tribunal - to look into alleged grievances and they re-wrote the interpretation of the Treaty - using 1975 language and not the 1840 language, inventing new words and adding words like "partnership", "principles", all of which found in favour of Maori. They ignored the 1860 meeting as "irrelevant". As a result, there has been a continuous payment to Maori groups that has totalled more than $6Billion in total so far and continues today. Maori have been given control over things that were never intended in the Treaty and they command special places in New Zealand. Places for entry into specialist areas like Medical school are reserved for Maori applicants who do not have to attain the same pass marks for entry as do other applicants. Try watching this to give you an idea...
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Posted in: New Zealand gov't reverses move to introduce bill to lower voting age to 16 See in context
Nope. And neither is Transparency International:
NZ is the second least corrupt country out of 180 countries.
I hate to bust your bubble but Transparency International has got it wrong. If you look at the current education system in New Zealand, you will find - according to statistics "The report pointed to data including a 2020 UNICEF finding that only 64.6 per cent of fifteen-year-olds in New Zealand had basic proficiency in reading and maths." In the following three years it has gotten much worse, probably closer to 75% and the maths is worse still. What it shows is that Labour have allowed our standards to drop, truancy is at historic highs and not dealt with and young people can commit crimes - often at the behest of gangs - knowing that they will not go to prison. Life for the young is great, free lunches and breakfasts at schools, an unemployment benefit of $309 per week minimum- as soon as you leave school . If you got the vote, wouldn't you vote for the hand that feeds you?
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Posted in: Japan to launch pilot program for issuing digital yen See in context
People do not realise what it means to have a digital currency. Once banknotes are withdrawn, people are at the whim of the Government and electricity. Should there be a major earthquake or another tsunami or a major earthquake that takes out the electricity - thus making electronic use incapable, people will be unable to pay for essentials, fuel their car, transfer money and their electronic equipment will be useless. This can also happen with solar flares - which happen from time to time - as it did in Quebec in 1989 and the most dangerous - the EMP or Electro Magnetic Pulse - a weapon that China has - and if I am right Russia too. Should they become our enemies (and with the current rhetoric it might not be far away), and we have digital currency, they can cripple the whole country in a matter of minutes and for a great amount of time... Think of the anarchy that will ensure when people cannot get food, fuel or transport. This is a short sighted idea fraught with unthought of consequences.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Lions pick Colombia See in context
Don't know if anyone noticed, but the bag the lions picked had a piece of meat in it, the Japan one
had only straw......
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Posted in: EU warns of 'serious blow' from Trump on climate change
I'm in the US for both holiday seasons and it really is shocking to see it up close rather than…
Posted in: No more fact-checking for Meta. How will this change media — and the pursuit of truth?
Kei, amazing comeback congratulations.
Posted in: Nishikori rolls back the years in five-set Australian Open win
Posted in: Brazil gears up for first climate conference in Amazon