Posted in: NHK employee arrested for assaulting taxi driver See in context
More details JT. What kind of street? No sidewalks? etc.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Kono says supply will determine vaccination progress See in context
Can Japan Today confirm the correct number of available vaccines that did arrive? It was widely reported to be 400,000. Yet this article states only 40,000 will receive the vaccine but doctors and nurses at hospitals. Where or whom is receiving the remaining 360,000? The elite of course is a given, police leads of course, but what about firemen, first responders, cashiers whom are all front liners, delivery folks, etc.
5 ( +5 / -0 )
Posted in: Tokyo Olympic committee to pick Mori replacement; is a woman likely? See in context
I nominate former PM Abe. He has the experience and connections hence this job is a short gig and not in the official capacity call of duty as PM.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: No. of juvenile suicides in Japan hits record-high 479 in 2020 See in context
Extremely shocking news but realistically true. The kids today are under strenuous conditions to perform academically and socially. The internet while good is also a negative impact on many kids via social platforms i.e. virtual bullying (VB). Though efforts have been made to combat VB it's almost impossible to stop it. The job market outlook by many older employees over 65 not willing to retire much less train the 40 to 55 age group is to blame as there is no upward movement for them to succeed, not withstanding the good ol boy network system to get a job in the first place. Many of the top jobs go towards the "in the network" vs best qualified. A recent example is the Mori incident. Had a younger person been properly trained by the elders then there would not be a need to bring an 80 yr old out of retirement to do the job due to Mr. Mori's resignation. All of this adds up to the youngsters and their "no hope for a future". Add SARS2 to the equation it brings down their motivation for education and compound the added home stresses well the number speaks for itself. Kids are simply not allowed to be kids anymore and that is clearly visible day by day. The root cause is the willingness and governments late acknowledgement. More social programs is not the answer. Technology is not the answer. Abuse at home by parents and teachers is not the answer. Kids simply need to be kids as they once used to.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Nikkei ends above 30,000 mark for 1st time in over 30 years See in context
If those who follow the financial reports would recall that just last Friday it was report in the evening news that the GDP was at the lowest. Common sense says buy low sell high. The people in the market only high five themselves at the expense of the the consumer and yes the poor economy. If one looks or guys to the labor workforce office one will see the mass amount of unemployed looking for work or filing for unemployment. Many stores are empty in shelves that were once full meaning the COVID is still having an effect and not to be the bearer of bad news the recent earthquake shook more than just buildings but added to economic woes.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Ex-Tokyo fire chief recalls tense days of Fukushima disaster response See in context
how much thinking does it take to know and understand of flushing cold water on the reactors to keep them cooled down at all costs possible prior to them blowing due to overheat. Responsibility i.e. not my problem? come on.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: 2 men hit and killed by car in Kumamoto Pref; driver arrested See in context
I'm wondering if they weren't at the crosswalk but near, and this happened at night, what kind of clothing were they wearing. It makes alot of differences if you don't see them until its too late. Many people at night do not wear proper clothing for drivers to see them until the last minute or its too late.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: 1st batch of 400,000 doses of Pfizer COVID vaccine arrive in Japan See in context
1st batch of 400,000 doses of Pfizer COVID
Japan's first batch of the COVID-19 vaccine arrived on Friday, local media reported, with official approval for the Pfizer Inc shots expected soon as the country races to control a third wave of infections ahead of the Olympic Games.
Japan has arranged to buy 144 million doses of the vaccine made by the U.S. drugmaker and German partner BioNTech, enough to inoculate 72 million people.Can someone tell me why only the selected few will get the Pfizer doses and whom they will be distributed too and why are we the rest of the 72 million getting different batch mfg?
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Man arrested for stalking woman repeatedly placed notes in her handbag See in context
if he had a salary over 1 million yen per month, he wouldn't be having such a hard time in attracting any of the women. Too many women today have to high standards. Granted that by stalking or the appearance of stalking in his case notes is not the way to attract the ladies but rather as he has learned quite the opposite effects.
-8 ( +5 / -13 )
Posted in: High school student arrested for sexually assaulting 4-year-old girl in toilet See in context
The boy needs to be studied further to see where this pattern started and find the root cause vs directly attacking the boy in the media. This is a behavioral issue that needs further looking into. It is possible he was acting out on a behavior done to him when he was a youngster and now surfacing yrs later.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan, U.S. broadly agree on Tokyo's costs to host U.S. troops See in context
Interesting post by warispeace. The private companies who benefit from both countries should shoulder the costs vs just profits from the services provided by both countries and not let the entire burden by on taxpayers from both countries.
5 ( +7 / -2 )
Posted in: Mori's sexist remarks show slow progress in narrowing Japan gender gap See in context
Perhaps Mr. Mori's remarks were taken out of context and not clearly representative of his real feelings towards all women in public service but simply came out the wrong way in expressing his words.
-11 ( +4 / -15 )
Posted in: 390 Tokyo Olympic volunteers quit after Mori's sexist remarks See in context
If the government leaders back Mori because of his connections, begs to wonder what ties or leads he has on them.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Girl sues Tokyo high school that made her drop out for breaking no-dating rule See in context
hmmm. tough one, but agree that the two should not have been dating but rather focusing on what their parents are paying for vs selfish action. The dating could have waited until after education. Then they would see the wisdom behind what they don't know.
-20 ( +2 / -22 )
Posted in: With Olympics at stake, Mori seen as too influential to push aside See in context
"If he resigns, there'll be no Olympics. We need him to continue whatever the cost," a government source said.
How so when there is a large pull of youngsters supported by the taxpayers willing to replace the archaic antique to a museum in order to keep the Olympics moving in unity and diversity. If he is allowed to continue then there is no point to the games outside the mindset of blame due to the pandemic as if this isn't enough to deal with in the coming future. This guy should retire not because of his age but his comments that totally demeaner and not represent the overall Olympics. IF not then no woman should be a part of the Tokyo Olympics per this statements and his true meaning behind his words.
6 ( +7 / -1 )
Posted in: Chinese vessels enter Japan's waters near Senkakus for 2nd straight day See in context
Japan needs to take a page out of India's border clash and put an end to it head to head. No seems to have heard of further aggression moves in India sovereign China claimed borders since that day have they.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Man arrested for assaulting, robbing Uber Eats deliverer See in context
Japan has unemployment compensation sort of, but it takes 3 months for it to kick in, in the meantime SOL. Desperate measures call for desperate actions. Instead of the Olympics why doesn't this government do more to speed up the process, what a waste of funding.
12 ( +12 / -0 )
Posted in: Firefighter arrested for shoplifting in convenience store See in context
This guy is a national employee so he gets pretty good pay compared to other service employed personnel. So instead of paying for such a waste of change he is gonna pay a lot more now not to mention what happens to the loss of wages while suspended by the FD. hmmmm.
8 ( +8 / -0 )
Posted in: Chinese ships enter Japan's waters for 1st time under new coast guard law See in context
A few years ago during the Clinton Administration a US spy plane was literally shot down by China for being in their claimed airspace, then later on CNN live after stripping it, cut it in half live news feed. Hence Japan should do the same but in this case it is defensive measures not act of war on Japan's part which is known by the entire world as legal course of action. Claims can be made all day but Japan has bona fide documents that prove who has ownership and administrative rights. Sink the vessels or board them and then cut them in half. Japan has the right.
8 ( +9 / -1 )
Posted in: More than 110,000 sign petition against Mori after sexist comments See in context
This archaic artifact needs to be preserved in the museum for the younger generations not out in public office of some sort including Olympics. Retire him out, let a youngster have the opportunity to gain the experience of his position. Too many old people holding on and need to let go of the reins. HIs thinking is way out of date and can only change by removing that generation out and called upon as needed for consultation.
7 ( +8 / -1 )
Posted in: Senior bureaucrats' lavish dining with Suga's son under probe See in context
This is exactly what happens when the system in place fails to jail the elite and senior politicians in office or long after they have served. Any one else would be jailed and prosecuted heading to prison right about now. The posh elite seem to get more rich and powerful at the expense of the people's backs. Time for good ol fashioned justice to come back.
8 ( +8 / -0 )
Posted in: Mori apologizes for sexist remarks, but refuses to resign See in context
In my experience its just quite the opposite and getting them to talk much less voice their honest opinions is hard enough without this antique politician who sleeps during most meetings at the expense of our taxes. What a job get paid to sleep and make absurd comments. Time to FIRE the guy. RESIGN and put him in a museum. Thank you for the service but time to move on.
5 ( +5 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan proposes tentative 1-year deal on cost-sharing for U.S. troops See in context
@ sandy beach B. Japan pays the salaries etc. of Japanese nationals on the bases.
C. Japan pays for all base infrastructure and maintenance.
Quite wrong and right, B. US taxpayer funding now pays a much larger share for both US and Japanese salaries it is sheltered funding that is funneled differently. C. Japan pays for all base infrastructure and maintenance, nope that stopped happening years ago. The US pays a much larger share of the costs for infrastructure and maintenance for both US employed contract workers and Japan Contract companies who hire both US (residents here in Japan legally and Japanese local employees. Ask and DPW or CES plans, programs they know where the money comes from and which budgets support projects.
-4 ( +3 / -7 )
Posted in: Woman arrested after punching convenience store manager who asked her to wear mask See in context
I just wonder if the "traditional ...I don't remember I was drunk" will work for the woman?
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan's COVID crisis reawakens deflation fears as cash hoarding returns See in context
Why not stop taxing everything across the board. Seriously, no reason to add tax to toll roads, services, etc. Just a sales tax added to consumables would have sufficed. This way the hard working people can afford to eat out every now and then vs paying a tax they will never get back
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: IOC, Tokyo Olympics to unveil rule book for beating pandemic See in context
My vote is cancel them. The only ones allowed to be at the Games are the elite, politicians and pretty much the talent with a very limited "other" ordinary fan base for show and tell only. Think about it just during the recent emergency due to covid it has been the same group enjoying themselves pretty much like free reign of the town.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Tokyo apartment prices rise to near bubble-era high in 2020 See in context
Either way, the rental is too high and buying is too high. No jobs that pay well to make it worth the cost of buying or renting. Until people are willing to make drastic sacrifices the greedy builders, owners and developers will not bring market prices down.
5 ( +6 / -1 )
Posted in: Man arrested after refusing to wear mask on plane refuses to wear mask in custody See in context
Holding on to what you believe and not supporting your actions via legal means are not the same. Unfortunately there is a real life threat pandemic ongoing and while the mask is not 100% safe proof, it and proper washing, healthy diet, plenty of rest and exercise, wearing a mask increase your chances of survival and everyone around you. Please put the mask on not for his own worth but for ours.
5 ( +5 / -0 )
Posted in: Do you think China is a military threat to Japan? See in context
2 re: I dont' know history: best learn it and quick.
17 ( +20 / -3 )
Posted in: China authorizes coast guard to use force amid disputes See in context
I have a question and greatly appreciated if someone can respond with a proper response?
If China as the article states has authorized the use of weaponized force against such claims in this case clearly Taiwan and the Senkakus, and if China does not recognize the San Francisco Treaty of 1945 or administrative control as ruled by International Board regarding of Senkakus which are a part of the Ryukyo Kingdom islets under Japan administration, then does this allow Japan to legally attack any country that does not recognize such treaty? Afterall in China's opinion it doesn't exist thus clearly leaving Japan open to any action it deems necessary to include military action against such countries. Now I'm not saying that Japan should attack nor attack but rather can it do so regardless of how other countries view the treaty since they recognize this treaty as it applies to each one independently and recognize the treaty as it stands. Mind you the action of such a response from Japan against an attack by China to Japan is relies solely on China's action.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Netanyahu threatens to resume fighting in Gaza if hostages aren't released Saturday
Someone headed to jail in Trump administration
Posted in: Facing 40 lawsuits, Trump blasts judges, fueling fear of constitutional clash
Posted in: Trump presses Jordan to take in Palestinians from Gaza; king opposes displacement
Posted in: Netanyahu threatens to resume fighting in Gaza if hostages aren't released Saturday