Japan Today

RichardPearce comments

Posted in: Iran is willing to give Trump diplomacy 'another chance', senior Iranian official says See in context

So, if Trump's 'maximum pressure' didn't work when Iran wasn't a member of the world's largest trading organization, what makes the supporters of the genocidal scofflaw regime think it's going to work now that it is a member?

Oh, right, arrogant ignoramnce.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Trump aides defend Gaza takeover proposal but walk back some elements See in context

As predicted, lots of effort to return the truth Trump accidentally made visible, that the only place the population of Gaza can legally (and morally, and ethically) can be moved is back home to what some mistakenly insist is Israel.

It's also the only place using force to prevent that population from going is a Crime Against Humanity.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Posted in: Trump aides defend Gaza takeover proposal but walk back some elements See in context

The one good quality that Trump consistently exhibits is saying the quiet part so loudly that it is impossible to pretend he didn't day it.

And he openly admitted that the US and Scofflaw regime are trying to remove the population of Palestine from the remaining fragments of Palestine where they are the acknowledged majority.

That it also exposes a truth that so many have been trying to bury for a long time, that the only legal place to move the Refugees from Gaza is right back into what for lifetimes was ubiquitously called Palestine but is now, in many parts of the world, mistakenly called Israel, and, indeed, it is the one place where preventing them from going and being citizens is a Crime Against Humanity, and them going there forcibly is not even a crime, let alone terrorism or racism or a crime against humanity, is being steadfastly ignored and reburied by those who buried it in the first place.

13 ( +20 / -7 )

Posted in: 'Riviera of the Middle East' — Trump says he wants U.S. to take charge of Gaza Strip and redevelop it See in context

Trump can't stand that Israel is a bigger violator of international laws than the US, and is going to try to change that the easiest way possible, violating as many of tholaws as possible

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Posted in: Trump says Americans could feel 'some pain' from his tariffs that are triggering trade war See in context

If you live in Japan (and, really, anywhere else that exports to the United Hates of America) as the failure of these tariffs to do what Trump promised becomes apparent, don't assume that Trump will take the loss. Unless someone is literally looming over him telling him that his idea not only has turned into a disaster, that him doubling down will have CALAMITOUS effects, and that if Trump orders a doubling down, he would make it his mission to make EVERYONE know that it was all Trump's fault, Trump will double down, and Japan will face tariffs, too.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Trump says Americans could feel 'some pain' from his tariffs that are triggering trade war See in context

Bass, yes, there are Canadians who move to the hot parts of the US, but most of them also make sure to be back in Canada often enough not to get stuck with no alternative to the poor American health care system.

Meanwhile, in multiple places, American health care providers depend on people who live in Canada to cross the border to keep their operations going.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

Posted in: Trump says Americans could feel 'some pain' from his tariffs that are triggering trade war See in context

So, did you hear the one about the loudmouth who walked into a quiet bar, saw a dei guy and a girly man sitting at a table for 3, and shoved the table at them...and the dei guy sitting at the next table.

Turned out the 'girly man' had actual experience in the boxing ring, and the dei guy helped by hitting the loudmouth from the other side. Oh, and the other DEI guy is taking the loudmouth to court for assault.

As for the loudmouth, well, he's warning his family their going to be facing financial difficulties.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Posted in: Data from the deadliest U.S. air accident in a generation show conflicting altitude readings See in context

It won't matter if the actual, qualified, fact first investigators find that the helicopter was at 200 ft, and the plane descending faster than it was supposed to crossed the altitude line into the helicopter, or that both were off their altitudes, and their altimeters slightly off, Trump has declared and that's all that matters to some people.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Arab nations reject Trump’s suggestion to relocate Palestinians from Gaza to Egypt and Jordan See in context

They know that participation in that would be a Crime Against Humanity, and because part of the crime would take place in ICC jurisdiction, they would be the first targets while the US and EU countries would be too busy protecting their 'leaders' from arrest to lend them any cover.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

Posted in: Israelis and Palestinians rejoice after more hostages and prisoners are freed See in context

When civilians illegally snatched from their homes are 'prisoners' and members of the squad that does such snatches and worse are 'hostages', the calendar might say its 2025, but really its 1984

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Posted in: Australian PM defends antisemitism response as Israel urges more action See in context

When denouncing the perpetrators and enablers of race based violent oppression and mass slaughter is deemed to be a racist act, you know that Orwell and Kafka wasted their time trying to warn us about the dangers of allowing reality denialism take root in the media, government, and courts of the society we live in.

That history shows that such societies either implode because of a generation that refuses to believe the lies kicks down the scaffolding holding it up, explode as the drive to impose the lies on others pulls apart the scaffolding holding it up, or rots away as the efforts to maintain the scaffolding consumes every more resources until it doesn't have the ability to adapt to the changes time brings.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: More than 60 feared dead after jet collides with Black Hawk helicopter near Washington airport See in context

A plane coming in for landing would be more 'nose up' than normal, making for a larger blindspot ahead and down.

Biggest blind spot for most helicopters is behind and up.

Many commercial airliners have a collision warning system that uses on board radar and/or transponder reader that helps cover such a blindspot, but the helicopter being military complicates that and other traffic control/conflict alert systems.

All in all, the Why's of this crash will be difficult to determine.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Posted in: Australian police say they have foiled antisemitic attack involving explosives See in context

Perhaps someone objects to the continued slaughter of Palestinians strongly enough to target individuals and institutions that voice absolute support for that slaughter, and the religion/ethnicity of the supporters is irrelevant to them.

Would that qualify as an antisemitic viewpoint or an antigenocide/pro human rights one?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Auschwitz survivors warn of rising antisemitism at 80th anniversary of camp's liberation See in context

Funny how someone ties the Gaza Uprising to the perpetrators of the Holocaust, rather than tying the regime that Gaza Uprising was against to the regime the Warsaw Uprising was against.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Auschwitz survivors warn of rising antisemitism at 80th anniversary of camp's liberation See in context

What stands out is that because 'we' have decided that opposing genocide and race based oppression is antisemitism, 'antisemitism is on the rise', but the other ethnic group that was on the Short Austrian's kill list somehow never got the protection of being given a 'homeland', or White Bloc politicians and entertainment screaming about the discrimination they continued (and continue) to face.

That indicates that the sudden decision to, decades after, adopt an overwhelming 'the Jews must get land and a pass on their activities there' had more to do with White Bloc desires to control that land than with the atrocities of the White Western Christians against the Rom, the Jews, and the 'defective individuals'. Oh, and the difference between how the Short Austrian treated prisoners from the White Bloc countries versus how the prisoners from Russia were treated seems to have been echoed in the memorial ceremony.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Auschwitz survivors warn of rising antisemitism at 80th anniversary of camp's liberation See in context

That a guy who knowingly cheered an actual Nazi not long ago, and a representative of the regime committing genocide were invited, but NOT the President of the country who's troops literally liberated the survivors and did the most to defeat the Short Austrian makes me wonder if perhaps some survivors were not invited because they might condemn the regimes that Germany and Poland are absolutely committed to supporting despite the first two things I mentioned.

0 ( +9 / -9 )

Posted in: Israeli military sets up roadblocks in southern Lebanon and announces it won’t withdraw by deadline See in context

Is anyone who is even vaguely informed surprised by the Scofflaw regime's refusal to respect any deals?

It can't even bring itself to respect the GENEVA CONVENTIONS, so it not respecting deals, borders, the human rights of the majority of its legal population...shouldn't be anymore surprising than Trump lying.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Kyiv says too soon to talk foreign troop numbers in Ukraine See in context

Problem Zelensky is facing is how to require the EU troops to protect HIM from the Ukrainian population while preserving the illusion that the population that put him in power to restore good relationships with Russia is united behind him, even those who have chosen to reject his government and flee to Europe or Russia.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: Trump threatens Russia, others with tariffs if Ukraine deal not reached See in context

It's ironic that Trump, who destroyed so much merely because it was something Obama had successfully done, is taking up Biden's efforts to redeem Obama's Folly.

Though, of course, Trump's 'success' (because according to him, he never fails') will probably be a result of him giving up on the efforts to gain control of the industrial and agricultural heartland of Ukraine

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Posted in: Israel launches 'significant' military operation in West Bank; at least 9 Palestinians killed See in context

Did anyone actually expect the Scofflaw regime to abide by the ceasefire deal?

Does anybody actually expect that when the murders, rapes, kidnappings, thefts, starvation etc the Scofflaw regime becomes too much for Palestinians to passively accept, and there's another Uprising, that Japan Today will point to that as the cause of the Uprising, rather than claim the Uprising is to blame for the Scofflaw regime's brutality towards Palestinians?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Hamas says next hostages will be released on Saturday as scheduled See in context

NB, do you use the same criteria for 'civilian' for both sides?

Is a Scofflaw fighter a 'civilian' a day after being a fighter, a year, a decade?

Is a fighter for the Palestinians of Gaza a 'civilian' ACCORDING TO YOU AND THOSE PROVIDING YOU THE THINGS you repeat after the same period?

Or do you subscribe to the notion that a Scofflaw fighter that is headed home to wash the figurative blood off his hands is a civilian, but someone who threw a stone as a 12 year old at the guy beating his mother is a fighter even as a 60 year old crossing the street?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Hamas says next hostages will be released on Saturday as scheduled See in context

So, again, BOTH those the Scofflaw regime releases and those the Government of Gaza release are either 'hostages' or 'prisoners' because they all have being illegally detained, in violation of the fundamentals of a system based on internationally recognized law, or the person decided to use different terms is violating the fundamentals of journalism.

As for the person who ignores the Scofflaw regime's executions of journalists, doctors, aid workers, and the deliberate starving of babies until they succumb to come weather, a normal infection, or the injuries they suffer during a genocidal campaign of indiscriminate bombings and shootings, remember that the precedent has been established that if 'all' you do is post such things, you are still legally participating in the genocide. And you might want to take note that while in the immediate aftermath, the concentration is on the 'big fish' and the 'enthusiatic trigger pullers', decades from now, 'merely' participating in a genocide will still provoke revulsion and public outrage against YOU.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Hamas frees hostages, Israel releases Palestinian prisoners on Day One of ceasefire See in context

Should I point out that the conditions in the notorious jails of the Scofflaw regime include torture, rape, murder by 'guards', plus a lack of food as apparent in the photos of those released last time around.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Hamas frees hostages, Israel releases Palestinian prisoners on Day One of ceasefire See in context

Poor NB, struggling to find a way to refute the truth that the two groups of people share equal legal status, and running into the problem that the scofflaw regime didn't 'arrest specific people' but did 'abduct people at random, just because they belong to a certain ethnic group'

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Hamas frees hostages, Israel releases Palestinian prisoners on Day One of ceasefire See in context

No one from either group has been lawfully arrested, tried, and sent to prison, so why use different terms for them?

Yes, calling those the forces of the government of Gaza has taken and held 'prisoners' or those the forces of the government of Israel has taken and held 'hostages' would produce howls of self righteous but baseless outrage from politicians and supporters of ONE side, but the different terms, with very different connotations, is not considered journalism by any standard.

So, just call them all 'detainees'. It will still set of howls from some, but make their efforts to pretend that those howls have a basis pretty ridiculous to most people.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Gaza ceasefire begins after nearly 3-hour delay as Hamas names hostages to be released Sunday See in context

Like the good God fearing Christian slave owners of Virginia did after the Turner Rebellion, the Israelis have extracted a terrible cost on their 'inferiors' for revolting against decades of cruelty and injustice and oppression and constricted lives.

And, like with the Turner Rebellion, there are two narratives about what happened, the first to be embraced in the White House one of totally unjustified mindless savagery against the 'superiors' (as exemplified in the first movie titled Birth of a Nation) and the second that wasn't welcomed among those that counted in Washington (but we'll known amongst the people who built the White House and so many of the other landmarks) of abused people driven beyond every conceivable limits of acceptance who struck back as portrayed in the second movie titled Birth of a Nation.

PS, both the situations that the rebellions were against are recognized in international law as Crimes Against Humanity, though America hasn't fully acknowledged that reality

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Israel approves Gaza ceasefire, but carries out more attacks See in context

Anyone who expected the Scofflaw regime to, you know, ceasefire at the time the 'agreement' was signed and ratified by everyone and supposed to go into effect probably also expects Trump to give Lincoln level speeches.

Just like anyone who expects the Scofflaw regime to 'ceasefire' for even a full day after it ceases fire.

One only has to read the PCHRGaza organization's meticulous weekly reports covering the day of all previous 'ceasefires' to know better, and it's annual summations of those weekly reports (imaginatively called annual reports) to understand WHY the Gaza Uprising started, why our media and politicians carefully and decisively don't mention the attacks that happened in the weeks and months before the Gaza Uprising began, and refer to it as a 'war between Hamas and Israel' rather than what it is.

6 ( +13 / -7 )

Posted in: Israeli security cabinet approves ceasefire deal See in context

NB, they had been living together for ages, intermarrying, going into business together, and then a European Jew, looking for a place where Jews could be safe from European racists arrived, and wrote about what a wonderful peaceful place it was. And a bunch of European racists followed and tore apart the peace.

Of course, to 'justify' what they did, they rewrote the narrative about what it was, how the population of the region reacted to their violence, and continue to do so to this day.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Israeli security cabinet approves ceasefire deal See in context

Some newspeople, to provide a fig leaf of 'balance' to their reporting, mention that none of the 'prisoners' the scofflaw regime is claiming it will release have been convicted of ANYTHING, and that most of them HAVEN'T EVEN BEEN CHARGED with anything.

Which makes the more common absence of even a fig leaf effort at 'balance' pretty stark.

But even more telling is that including only that fig leaf is as far as they can go and still have their reporting appear in 'our' media.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: Starmer visits Auschwitz and vows to fight the antisemitism he sees growing in the UK See in context

So his visit to a site that gave rise to a movement to never again turn a blind eye to genocide inspired him to crack down ob those who refuse to turn a blind eye to genocide.

PS, it was only after the US had spent decades rewriting the story about WW2 to turn the main player in the defeat of the Short Austrian into a bit player who came close to joining on his side, and a bit player who cane close to joining on his side into the main player in his defeat before the genocide he committed became the focus of the story about WW2. How much time will it spend rewriting the story about the war between Palestine and the Jewish State In Palestine terrorist organization before the genocide the JSIP is continuing to commit becomes the focus of the story of that war?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

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