Posted in: Searchers struggle with lack of clues to fate of missing 7-year-old boy See in context
if you've got a 7 yr old with the parents driving away (even for a short distance), i would imagine a 7 yr old frantically trying to run after the car, quickly getting turned around, and hysterically running in circles. a 7 yr old would walk the wrong way and be totally lost in about 10 minutes. if they drove back right away and called to him, he wouldn't be out of earshot so quickly. so i'm thinking they drove away for 15 minutes or so. otherwise, when they came back he would have heard them calling and they would have heard him calling back to them. i sure hope he's found soon - safe and sound.
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Posted in: Ishiba says Japan will prepare for 'any development' over Taiwan
China will not attack Taiwan militarily, I believe China will consume Taiwan by all other means.
Posted in: Ishiba says Japan will prepare for 'any development' over Taiwan
Posted in: Ruling LDP most popular in upcoming general election: poll
Posted in: Ishiba says Japan will prepare for 'any development' over Taiwan