Japan Today

Ricky Sanchez comments

Posted in: Nurses say they are needed elsewhere, not at Tokyo Olympics See in context

Hundreds of rooms are also reportedly being set up outside the village to take in those who fall ill.

Great idea! Take those that get infected and secure them with thr general japanese population!

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Posted in: Clothes in Japan help emit 95 mil tons of CO2 a year, mostly overseas See in context

I guess everyone should stop wearing clothes? Is that the point of this article?

-1 ( +12 / -13 )

Posted in: 1st nationwide survey sheds light on young carers in Japan See in context

The Japanese society does not allow children to be children! What a shame!

9 ( +12 / -3 )

Posted in: Man shot by police officer dies in Nagoya hospital See in context

I am not a cop, but putting a man down by the knee, if only carrying a knife sounds much more sensible to me.

This situation was a "kill or be killed". Situation. You can't say how you would act unless you have been in a similar situation. Personally have been there a few times in the mexican police force. when it is my life or the other persons life..I chose to live, and will do what is needed to survive, just like the police officer did.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Posted in: Suga says plenty of nurses available to work Olympics since 'many are taking time off now' See in context

Wow! I think Suga has forgotten what the world is in the middle of! Maybe to many late night drinks at hostess bars has cause brain damage!

20 ( +22 / -2 )

Posted in: 'Plus-size' boy band in China seeks to inspire fans See in context

Awesome! I may join them! I always though skinny is gross! I saw some people in Japan and wanted to take them all to all-you-can-eat Mexican Buffett!! lol

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Up to 300 people per day breaking self-quarantine pledge in Japan See in context

This is why you just close the border. Problem solved.

20 ( +34 / -14 )

Posted in: Fewer people traveling during Golden Week amid virus spike See in context

What is the purpose of your SOE if people still travel?

15 ( +25 / -10 )

Posted in: Tokyo state of emergency does not affect Games: IOC See in context

Potential Tokyo state of emergency does not affect Games: IOC

Potential Tokyo state of emergency does not affect the IOC's pockets being filled with money.

"This measure would be in line with the very diligent approach we see taken by Japanese authorities," he said following an IOC Executive Board meeting and a report from the Tokyo Games organizers.

What very diligent approach is this man speaking of?

29 ( +34 / -5 )

Posted in: Some foreign residents in Japan consider traveling to other countries for vaccines See in context

Some foreign residents in Japan are traveling to their home country due to the incompetance of the J-Gov't.


20 ( +27 / -7 )

Posted in: Gov't to impose state of emergency soon in Tokyo, Osaka, Hyogo See in context

"Considering the request by Osaka Prefecture, we would like to swiftly reach a conclusion after thoroughly assessing the situation and studying the contents of the measures," Suga said at a Diet session the same day.

What is there to assess? Let me assess the assessors from my smart phone! There is a huge spike in COVID19 cases in the listed prefectures. Impliment a SOE. Online learning, no intertravel between prefectures, close restraints/bar. Give the people in the SOE cities stimulus payments, and give the bars/restraunts cash weekly.

Therr ya go! Problem solved.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Posted in: Japan expects to receive 50 mil additional doses of Pfizer vaccine See in context

Keyword "expects" Except does not mean it is going to happen. I expect to win the lottery next month! Will I? Prob not.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Posted in: Minneapolis ex-policeman Chauvin convicted of murder in Floyd case See in context


No tissue needed for me. They will be saved for the family of George Floyd as he will be missed by many.

-4 ( +14 / -18 )

Posted in: Minneapolis ex-policeman Chauvin convicted of murder in Floyd case See in context


No gun was involved in this case. However, this just goes to show that you don't need guns to commit murder.

-4 ( +18 / -22 )

Posted in: Minneapolis ex-policeman Chauvin convicted of murder in Floyd case See in context

This is what JUSTICE is! Take notes Japan!

-8 ( +19 / -27 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 711 coronavirus cases; Osaka records 1,153 See in context

Shut it down, lock em up, close the bars, schools, restraunts...and give the Japanese some more free money! If Japan is TRUELY the 3rd worlds largest economy they should be able to give ¥120,000 to each person, including babies, and Children! My suggestion is to cut the "LDP's" pay and give it to the needy!

13 ( +20 / -7 )

Posted in: Japan tightens rules on COVID-19 test certificates for travelers See in context

Unless you are part of the Olympic Royalty! Then you may come and go as you please! :::Slow clap for the J-Gov't:::::

19 ( +21 / -2 )

Posted in: Will Japanese Olympians be vaccinated ahead of the public? See in context

Athletes are no one special. They are just that..an athlete. If the Tokyo Gov't has these shots ready at a moments notice, this means they are hoarding the shots, and not giving then to the genreral population...the J-Gov't is such an embarrasement to it self. They continue to look like a bunch of deragned old folks more and more.

20 ( +24 / -4 )

Posted in: Tokyo, Osaka consider asking gov't to issue another state of emergency See in context


This all just baffles us...I don't get it. All these politicians to irrogant to do the right thing? I just don't get it.

14 ( +17 / -3 )

Posted in: Japan's proposed immigration law revisions deal fresh blow to refugees See in context

Japan needs to rely on foreigners. These people can contribute to society, and pay taxes! The population is aging and declining.

4 ( +21 / -17 )

Posted in: Tokyo, Osaka consider asking gov't to issue another state of emergency See in context

I would love to see Tokyo be RESPONSIBLE and test 60k people in one day. Then we can see the truth. However the olympics are more important than humanity! Japan MUST have the Olympics to show that they can beat the Virus!, all while numbers keep climbing. I could not be any happier since I left!

26 ( +30 / -4 )

Posted in: Tokyo, Osaka consider asking gov't to issue another state of emergency See in context

Shouldn't this have been done long ago? Has the gov't not learned anything? I am just an average joe and I have more common sense than those in charge...get ALL the "leaders" out of here and start fresh...with some young people in charge!

11 ( +21 / -10 )

Posted in: Australia, largely free of COVID-19, in no hurry to reopen borders: PM See in context

Imagine living in a country where the Gov't cares about the wellbeing of their citizens.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan to procure enough COVID vaccines for all eligible by end of September See in context


summer isn't cancelled. You can go out! I was going out EVERYDAY since the pandemic..my family never had issues. Yes I wore a mask, but my life never changed. In fact I am outside now, at my home in mexico not wearing a mask and not have had a COVID shot. I am alive and well. Have no fear!

-32 ( +14 / -46 )

Posted in: Ikee vows big performance at Tokyo Olympics See in context

It is amazing how far she has come. However she should focus on her health more and not worry about the Olympics.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Posted in: Koike says Tokyo Olympics will rekindle hope like 1920 Games after war, Spanish flu See in context

A century ago, in 1920, the Olympic Games were held in Antwerp, Belgium, while the world was just out of two major formidable events in which millions of people died: World War I and the Spanish Influenza.

KEYWORDS BEING "just being out of" This is the "4th wave" as the "experts" say. How is this "just being out of"?

The only thing "OUT OF" is this deranged ladies mind being out of touch with reality.


5 ( +8 / -3 )

Posted in: Koike says Tokyo Olympics will rekindle hope like 1920 Games after war, Spanish flu See in context

This is pitiful. COVID19 has NO connection to the olympics. Olympics can't beat a pandemic. This lady has completely lost her mind.

15 ( +19 / -4 )

Posted in: Head of Tokyo Olympics again says Games will not be canceled See in context

Of course he is going to say they will go on..just like he did last time..he has to stick to his guns and not give up..until the last minute, in which he will say they are cancelled.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Aso repeats claim that treated Fukushima water is good to drink See in context

This guy is a real piece of work! What the J-Gov't needs to realize is the "Japanese panel of experts" they use is just that.."A Japanese Panel of experts, that are not so expert". If this was safe why are they not dumping it right now? I want to see Aso drink it on NHK. Not a glass of water someone hands him, but show LIVE on camera Aso drinking water DIRECTLY from the tank.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Posted in: Pfizer CEO: Vaccine third dose 'likely' needed within 12 months See in context

The more shots the company says you "need", the more money they can make. Imagine that!

2 ( +8 / -6 )

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