Japan Today

Rico808 comments

Posted in: Meet Aki, queen of the 'gyaru-mama' See in context

Right hapagirl...so that applies to ALL of these children? Sounds like a general assumption.

Fishy...thank you.

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Posted in: Meet Aki, queen of the 'gyaru-mama' See in context

MeanRingo...I think you've misunderstood my point. I never said she's inappropriate as a role model. You've made that assumption yourself. I'm pointing out the fact that #1 choice for young girls is to become a single mother. It's certainly shouldn't be a woman's first choice, although this one is making the best of it.

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Posted in: Retailer Don Quijote pulls Nazi outfit after complaint See in context

DQ did the right thing. The "costume" is in bad taste on a very large scale. You don't have to be Jewish or related to a war survivor in order to have the right to be offended. WW2 is indeed history, although the swastika remains in use by hate groups today. It IS a symbol of hate, so why would anyone in their right mind want to parade around and party in it? That is, assuming you understand the connotations that it carries with it. Maybe you'd like to meet some of these neo-nazi groups and let them know about your costume idea for next Halloween. I'm sure they'll be thrilled too. I hardly think this particular costume can be compared to ANYTHING else you can possibly think of. "Conquistador"....nice one.

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Posted in: Meet Aki, queen of the 'gyaru-mama' See in context

A lot of judging going on here because of the look. Can't say I agree with the cakey make-up, although there's nothing harmful about dressing up (assuming it's not highly inappropriate). We have no idea how these women interact in their personal lives and I certainly don't remember anything about "clubbing".

Matching clothes is something A LOT of parents out there do. Big deal. "Same hair" doesn't necessarily refer to using hair dye. The assumptions continue.

I believe she meant that parenting isn't a standard occupation by definition, but I know you're all looking for something to grab onto.

It's just a social outlet for young single mothers. There's nothing saying that all of these girls are living by the stereotypical gyaru bible. At least they're socializing, enjoying themselves and involving their children. A lot healthier than some other alternatives we see in Japan.

The only disturbing part of this article is this, "There was one magazine survey where junior-high and high-school girls picked gyaru-mama as their number one dream occupation". People are products of their societies, and this society is failing them.

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Posted in: Mao Kobayashi launches new burger See in context

Prawns are just as tasty as any shrimp! but tartar sauce might go better, no?

In what country is a burger considered a meal once or twice a week? There's always going to be unhealthy people to consume the fast food regularly, but that doesn't mean it's a norm.

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Posted in: Boy falls onto train tracks while looking at handheld game console See in context

The rails are not for the gamers or any other idiot. It's safety measures for regular people, and if you read the other news, people who fall victim to idiots and die without reason. Not to mention, it's already easy enough for anyone plotting their suicide.

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Posted in: Boy falls onto train tracks while looking at handheld game console See in context

Idiots fall from the idiot tree, but why are some people talking about the consoles/games. You can't absolutely idiot-proof technology. You are also an idiot if you're blaming a company for providing a convenient and portable electronic device. The concept was so that you didn't have to be attached to a wall every time you turned the thing on. Do you need a little disclaimer sticker saying not to walk and game at the same time? Should we then ban phones, mp3 players, bicycles, cars...anything else moving or operated while moving? These people should just be made examples of and made to pay the price (whatever that may be). If an idiot kills himself/herself, just say thank you and move on.

There is a valid argument in regards to station design as people just don't have a lot of space and are forced quite closed to speeding trains. Not to mention the jumpers that think this is a good place to end their existence. Train companies need to get on board and put an end to this crap.

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Posted in: Japanese porn stars fight AIDS with 24-hour telethon See in context

I think most of you missed the point. They're just promoting a safer way to do what people are going to do anyway. Enjoying sex shouldn't mean getting an STD. This is a much needed promotion in this country. The comparison to smokers and smoking doesn't match. Lame.

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Posted in: What would be your ideal summer fling? See in context

Really sweet romance there...just ending in death. Nice and clean way to get rid of them. ?!?! Who are these women? Men in Japan need to start making a newsletter or something with photos of these dirt bags.

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Posted in: The shrinking state of Japanese salarymen's pocket money See in context

Velvet - Yeah it really depends on your personal situation, but I was getting a bit worked up after reading through. I'm not ready to throw a blanket on it and say everyone's situation is the same. Honestly though, I would love to do everything for my family rather than put my energy into a non-fulfilling company.I guess I speak more to those who don't have it tough and yet put on the facade that they do. It seems to happen too often, more than not.

Cleo - Yes. My OPINION is that both people should provide some income. However, this obviously won't happen in all households. Whatever the case, the couple has to figure out the budget. I just don't like the idea of women with pre-conceptions that men can't manage money and it's their right to take control of this aspect. I'm not laying down the ground rules for anyone. I'm just throwing my thoughts out there.

Don't mistake that I'm speaking about all women in general. I'm speaking about a specific percentile of the population. They are out there and I disagree with their stance on finances and marriage. Unless that is you, I don't see why you feel the need to take the role of public defender. Just let people have their opinion. You seem to take pleasure in just arguing for the sake of it.

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Posted in: The shrinking state of Japanese salarymen's pocket money See in context

I was raised in a house by a mother and father who both worked. I went to school and had what would be termed as a normal upbringing. We were never rich and managed to live a middle-class lifestyle. I also have a sister and she has worked since being a teen as I have. We've all contributed to the household income and taken control of our own "pocket money". Everyone is now a fully functional, university educated, independent adult.

All this crying that cleaning and taking care of kids is tough is sickening. You just DO it. This may result in a change of schedules with young kids prior to schooling, but you make it happen. Once they get into school, you both work and make yourself useful in providing things for the ENTIRE family. Even if one of you is employed part-time, you're doing something.

If you haven't worked for the money, then you have no right to start acting like the banker and filling your pockets with it. It is insulting and disrespectful. Yes the money should be managed properly so that everyone is cared for, and how a couple decides to do that is their business. However, women getting into marriage with some automatic expectation of this "pocket money" system should be served a rude awakening. Princesses are another issue, and should be left alone to shrivel up under the makeup. Don't be a sucker.

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Posted in: Elderly woman arrested for beating youth sitting in priority seat of bus See in context

Awesome story. I hope she doesn't get too much of a hard time for this. Loser kid got his for trying to be cool. The fact that he refused an old woman after being asked really sours me as well. Only thing is, his parents should've done it first. There's nothing like physical scars to jog the memory.

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Posted in: Utah executes condemned killer by firing squad See in context

missed something there - "terming capital punishment as barbaric"

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Posted in: Utah executes condemned killer by firing squad See in context

Just read all the way through this one. This is an ongoing argument that will never end. In regards to to this particular case, I have no idea why they cater to requests from a death row inmate. If your only intention is to kill this inmate, then just do it and stop wasting any more time and money than you already have.

All the people here talking about taking "the moral high ground" and terming capital punishment aren't doing anyone any favors. If someone has killed another human being in some sick and twisted manner. (and there is no mistaking it) There is nothing more they can do for our society, in or out of jail. I'm not saying off everyone, but there ARE cases that call for it. The fact that we are feeding, clothing, and supporting these people through tax dollars is a slap in the face to ALL of us as a society. They have no respect for humanity and yet humanity has to offer them something. I'm sorry, but it defies logic and the balance of nature. I know we like to think we're so advanced and smarter than anything else on the earth, but sometimes it really is just that simple. You're not taking any high ground, you're just kidding yourself.

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Posted in: Man saves woman who falls onto tracks at subway station See in context

Now that's great news.

Some of the comments here are just unnecessary and smart ass.

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Posted in: Mother fatally stabs son, then tries to kill herself See in context

bicultural - I don't think the generalization is that Japanese people are mental cases. Although there was something about women in their 30's being unable to cope with the realities of this world.

I think the overwhelming feeling is that Japan (being a first world country) has an alarming number of murders related to mental illness and family issues. In comparison to other countries who are dealing with war, poverty, starvation, disease or drugs, it seems like quite an anomaly. It really needs to be looked at, and soon.

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Posted in: Man punched in face by fellow train commuter over phone manners See in context

There aren't any laws or rules regarding the use of cel phones on trains. However, when people fail to exercise common courtesy on a regular basis, this will be your result. Not to mention Japan's barrage of noise pollution and working conditions. It's only a matter of time. This guy's not nuts, he's just tired of it all. People have their cel phones out at every chance they get and it's honestly sickening. I've seen someone sending text messages during a funeral, and that alone deserves a punch in the face. Just because there isn't a law, doesn't mean it's okay to do it. The real bullies here are the jerks who think they can do as they like, because no one will complain. The perfect playground for this, Japan.

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Posted in: Constant drone of vuvuzelas killing World Cup atmosphere See in context

Please get rid of the horns! Cheering and a 130 dB beehive is hardly the same. I think some of you are lacking some sensory input. I feel bad for the players having to deal with it.

Can't believe someone managed to bring smoking into this thread as well. Nice Wiz.

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Posted in: Jero tries a new look for latest song See in context

Sadly, I don't think this guy dresses himself. Just as all of the other spineless talent does. The new look is much better though, but the colours? Says fool more than cool.

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Posted in: How long to learn Japanese? See in context

I have to say, I'm a bit surprised that Japan doesn't shape up the program a little considering it's importance. It doesn't require any stretch of the imagination to realize that the current program is not working for a reason (as everyone on this thread has agreed). Whether the situation becomes dire now or later. There WILL come a time when they will require a sizeable amount of outside assistance. It's a numbers game that leaves them the losers. The rinse and repeat cycle won't cut it and is a total waste of resources.

They also need to raise the bar in terms of nursing and get on par with other First World medical standards. Not to mention, review their labour laws and actually adhere to them. Of course no one wants to work a million unpaid hours of overtime each year. In any industry for that matter. What a joke.

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Posted in: Dear Angry Western Guy See in context

Wow, this may be one of the worst, most senseless articles I've read here EVER. It even goes so far as to make it's own stereotypes "(can't even post it without being filtered)". Very classy I might add. Even the title itself says something about the person writing it. It actually puts you a step down from the people you speak of.

None of your business.

You have no idea as to what this was concerning.

There is nothing more foreigners can do to make their image any worse in Japan.

It is not "OKAY" for people to point fingers at foreigners or anyone regardless of some bad behavior. If you do not realize that there all types of people in this world with their own situations, then you're still sitting at the bottom of the stairs with the rest of the fools.

In addition to #4, there is indeed a lack of looking inwards before looking outwards. It's staring us all in the face.

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Posted in: Anti-smoking 'monsters' have smokers on the run See in context

Wow. What a bunch of whiners this has turned into. "Don't light up near me! Ban ban ban!" Seriously, if you are outside, walk away or confront it. Not to mention the scientific evidence of your lungs being damaged by cigarette smoke more than any other airborne substance in open air is non-existent. Odor aside, get a grip and flip off. There is much more offensive odors looming. I have never come home with my clothes, nor my hair smelling of smoke from making an appearance outdoors.

As for enclosed locations, I agree with the separation, but that's as far as I go. There should be choices available, just like anything else. I don't know anyone who INSISTS on going to restaurants and whatnot where smoking is permitted, but if you feel the need to, too bad for you. Try cooking. I don't smoke, but I couldn't care less who is and who isn't. We've got bigger issues than this lying around.

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