Japan Today

River comments

Posted in: Japan will work with U.S. for Taiwan Strait peace, top spokesman says See in context

China (PRC) did not even exist until 4 years after WWII ended.

Handing Taiwan back to a regime that didnt exist is a physical impossibilty that even a monkey can understand. Taiwan was handed back legally and correctly to the Republic of China, the internationally recognized heir to the Qing Dynasty.

3 ( +10 / -7 )

Posted in: Anti-whaling campaigner arrested in Greenland; may be extradited to Japan See in context

Paul watson is a Canadian national. Not US.

There is no one who works at sea, military or merchantile who condones Paul Watsons actions. Regardless of their personal belief regarding whales. The sea, even is a dangerous place where men put their lives at risk without some criminal lunatic engaging in acts of violence.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan to start hunting large fin whales See in context

Shadows of the Rising SunToday  05:21 pm JST

It has only been a long tradition in a few areas of Japan (e.g., Wakayama) and was only consumed in Tokyo during and for a short time after the war due to food shortages. Few people ever liked it then, and now, it's pretty nasty tasting—strong, gamy, oily.

Sieboldt wrote of whaling out of Nagasaki in the 1800s.

Boar meat was called "Yama Kujira" (mountain whale) as eating red meat was not common until the 1800s.

Fun reading:


-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: Testimony begins in lawsuit accusing Japanese police of racial profiling See in context

wallaceToday  11:22 am JST


RedemptionToday 08:28 am JST

Best of luck. Saw some evidence of police training materials on the news and it is shocking. Something like "You can arrest foreigners just for not having a passport!"*

Well if a foreigner doesn't have a passort then they are in the country illegally and undocumented so yea, they would get arrested and deported as they would in any country.*

My passport had expired and I did not replace it for several years. I asked the immigration office who said one was not needed so long as I had my then Alien Card.

You still "had" (posessed) a passport, just not valid as it was expired.

That long term foreign residents in Japan do not need to carry their passports if they are carryng their valid Zairyu card was addressed in my post.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Posted in: Biden praises Kishida's leadership and Japan's growing international clout See in context

MeiyouwentiToday  07:53 am JST

Obviously Biden is praising Kishida for willingly and obediently paying protection money by playing the role of a cash dispenser for the US.

Japan isn't "dispensing" anything. They are buying weapons for their own use that they feel with ugrade their own security in light of curret global events. Nothing obedient about it.

You would prefer Japan bought them from China or Russia?

11 ( +16 / -5 )

Posted in: Gov't appeals ruling against passport denial for Japanese journalist See in context

J-govt with it's 頭 up it's おしりagain.

The country banning Yasuda is Turkey. It's their responsibility to ensure he does not enter their country. It is not the J-govt's jurisdiction or resposibilty to bend it's own laws to accomodate those of another country. A practice the J-govt seems to have no problems with implenting on every other issue.

And if the ban was for 5 years in 2018, it has already expired anyway. Plus Yasuda's right to visit every other country is unreasonably prevented.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Posted in: At least 22 dead in Maine shooting, dozens injured; firearms instructor sought See in context

Military style high capacity firearms absolutely need to be very heavily regulated and use restricted. Because we are unable or unwilling to face this reality we are seeing more and more incidents with high casualty numbers. It won't solve the problem completely, but at least it can help keep casualty numbers in the single digits.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Posted in: Man bitten by dolphin while swimming at Fukui beach See in context

Reginald BokToday  05:06 pm JST

Have never heard of a dolphin biting a human before.


3 ( +6 / -3 )

Posted in: Japan to restore preferred trade status for South Korea See in context

MeiyouwentiToday  08:04 am JST

Is this a wise move? South Korea was removed from the list of preferential trade status countries because it had been selling imported Japanese products and chemicals with military applications to China and other rogue nations.

I am sure SK under the Yoon administration will be far more accomodating and compliant in that regard than the previous NK appeasing Moon adinistration.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan, UK, Italy to develop next-generation fighter jet See in context

The future is in both Drones and Fighter planes.

"It could also be flown without a pilot's input if required and could be able to fire hypersonic missiles."


2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: U.S. and Japan launch economic dialogue to push back against China, Russia See in context


Don't put much weight on anything said by a pot smoking womanizing one term failure of an impeached president who bent over backwards to get China accepted by the WTO. Seriously.

2 ( +11 / -9 )

Posted in: Zelenskyy to virtually address Diet on Wednesday See in context

HiroToday  07:48 am JST

I doubt our own jsdf can do anything for them.

The jsdf themselves are severely underfunded if you ask me. Terrible pay, no support for family or any benefits at all. Most still use weapons from decades ago. If you properly check, we have been trying to cut cost so much that even the new type 16 maneuver vehicle doesn’t even have AC. Imagine driving in those things in the hot summer. We had the same sniper riffle and minebea like forever.

Not sure whatr planet you are on. The JSDF can not "do anything" only because of Article 9 of the constitution. Most of their weaponry is top level and not "outdated".

4 ( +10 / -6 )

Posted in: Japan, Singapore to keep TPP free trade pact's high standards See in context

Peter14Today  09:42 am JST

You're using one internet poster as a basis? How about South Korea's repeated breaking of Agreements and non-cooperation towards reconciliations resulting in a loss of credibilty?

More than one poster here has shown a dislike of South Korea. As a Neutral party

If you haven't noticed the countless posters here who post just to bash Japan no matter what, I hardly think you can call yourself neutral. In the case of SK, Japan has negotiated and acted in good faith. SK has not, so any neutral person shouldn't be surprised.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: South Korean court orders Japan to compensate 12 former sex slaves See in context

P. SmithToday  03:28 pm JST


Gove le ten minutes to create a Wikipedia page to refute your assertion. Wikipedia as a cite! Way, way too sophomoric.

You obviously have zero experience creating wikipedia pages. The required standards are far higher than you can imagine.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

Posted in: U.S. says it will help Japan monitor Chinese incursion around disputed islands See in context

Ichiro_WeatherForecasterToday  08:57 am JST

How will Biden think about recent US action?

When Biden was Vice-President, 2 Secretaries of State, 2 Secretaries of Defense, and President Obama himself declared that any attempt to take the Senkakus by force would invoke article 5 of the US-JPN Mutual Defense Treaty. And with the bipartisan move towards resisting China's aggressive behavior, I would say the answer is obvious.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Posted in: New York, New Orleans hospitals reel as U.S. leads world in coronavirus cases See in context

zichiToday  11:16 am JST


N.Y.C. should be sending masks, and ventilators, to the areas where its residents have fled.

I am still unable to find any articles or links showing your constant claim?


2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Aso apologizes for remarks about Japan's historical unity See in context

The Jomon were in Japan as early as 10,000 BC and were already living in villages, raising livestock (boar), fishing offshore and doing things far more advanced than one may think. The Yaoi starting in 200BC brought rice cultivation and flat faces along with iron. The ethnic background of Japan is far more complex than the outdated view voiced by Aso Taro, a big mouthed idiot whose only qualification for even being in politics is family and money. Japan's official history clings to the Yamamoto and the lineage of the Imperial throne. It is utterly one sided and ignores all the people and cultures that they conquored, collectively known as the Emishi (sometimes Ebisu). This extends to the present day Ainu population. The only thing this article proves is that Aso continues to be an idiot.

14 ( +17 / -3 )

Posted in: Trump asked Tokyo for $8 bil to keep U.S. troops in Japan: Foreign Policy See in context

zichiToday  08:48 pm JST


We'll see, if and when Taiwan declares independence. I doubt very much that the people of Tibet or the Uighurs would consider being wary of China to be "fear mongering",

Taiwan remains separate. Uighurs a very serious situation but not a separate country. Tibet is also a problem but I don't think China would attack and invade Japan.

Well you thinking China won't is about as valuable as my thinking they will. Neither opinion is of much significance. But I would think less of China as a threat if they were a democratic nation, rather than a dictatorship. Their behavior since we welcomed them into the international community and the WTO which allowed them to become the 2nd biggest economy in the world does not instill confidence. All nations are wary.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan wants 'sensible response' from S Korea over intelligence pact See in context

South Korea hasn't said or done anything "sensible" since 1965 when they signed a Treaty with Japan. No reason to expect them to do so now. South Korea under the Moon administration has chosen it's path, away from the last 74 years as a US ally. Good luck to the young brainwashed South Koreans who will live under North Korean or Chinese domination.

5 ( +16 / -11 )

Posted in: Abe urges Putin to fulfill 'historical duty' to sign peace treaty See in context

Japan is not reneging on the 1951 San Francisco Peace Treaty. If they were, why would the US and UK support

Japan's position. Duh,

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Posted in: Japan's hunt for minke whales resume in coastal areas off Hokkaido See in context

serendipitous1Today  05:34 pm JST

As whaling has a long tradition in Japan, surely it is only fair that the whales are also caught by traditional methods, namely, people in a row/sail boat without an engine using hand held harpoons to catch them. That would even things up a bit.

It is the whaling that is a long tradition. Even the Inuit who are are exempt from the IWC commercial whaling moratorium for "subsistence whaling" use motorboats with engines and high powered rifles. Then they carry the whale meat to to the village supermarket for sale. So even they aren't using seal skin kayaks and bone tipped harpoons.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Posted in: U.S. still hopeful for talks after North Korea fires ballistic missiles See in context

They have always been in doubt. Especially after the pointless first Trump/Kim photo op meeting.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

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