Japan Today

rjd_jr comments

Posted in: Japan celebrates WBC win See in context

Congratulations to Japan!!! What an amazing victory, and better yet, what a way to show the world what sore losers many Koreans are. It's funny seeing how many Koreans are blaming ridiculous conspiracy theories for their loss. And those pathetic Dodko island posters and flyers. Congrats Japan, a well deserved victory, let the bigots stew over this!

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Posted in: Bush dodges shoe protest during visit to Iraq See in context

A ha ha ha ha! Sad that the only defense the bush lovers and pro war crowd can come up with is, "b-b-but he conducted himself soooo well afterwards."

He is like a hurt puppy dog. Cowering, humiliated left and right. I feel bad not for him but America.

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Posted in: U.S. auto bailout deal collapses over union wages See in context

OK smithinjapan, agreed then. I wasn't trying to paint japanese as victims or any of that sort. I was just referencing world war 2 because obviously the past relations between japan and the U.S. do still affect the relations between the two today. I was never trying to make it seem as if japan was the victim in world war 2 or anything remotely of that nature. The fact is again, though relations between the two today are good, something like this can light a fuse and the past bad blood between the two nations is an easy catalyst for that out of work auto maker.

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Posted in: U.S. auto bailout deal collapses over union wages See in context

I'm not quite sure what you're talking about smithinjapan. My post has nothing to do with "making japan the victims." My post clearly sounds the warning bell that I wouldn't put it beneath people in the U.S. to start the rallying cry against japanese imports, goods, and the nation itself and anything remotely japanese, simply because of the failure of the big 3. Trust me an outright failure of any of the big 3 or combination thereof, will be a monumental moment in american history such is the tradition of autos in america. And with such catacalysmic failure this will encourage hatred towards all things japanese. When people lose their jobs, again they pick the most convenient targets of their hate and it is relatively easy to hate japan. This has nothing to do with making "japanese victims" or any of that nonsense, this has everything to do with being scared about potential hate crimes from people driven to it by financial conditions. I would gladly be proven wrong but if you didn't know what it was like during the 80's particularly in detroit, then this is not the thread for you.

And also not sure what unklesam's point is. I personally didn't state anything I was quoting an article that stated toyota of USA at its older factories pays its workers about thirty dollars an hour. Not toyota of Japan, toyota of USA. The comparison point being that toyota of USA pays roughly the equivalent per hour as a worker at GM but the union benefits are much higher for GM.

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Posted in: U.S. auto bailout deal collapses over union wages See in context

Kenji actually brings up a rather interesting point. I've always felt that that most Americans have gotten wiser and more enlightened from the days neanderthals were gleefully stirring up anti japanese sentiments, the likes of which spurred the killing of Vincent Chin. But I truly wonder, one thing that has been constant in life is that it is human nature to scapegoat others for misfortunes in life. Especially if the target of your hatred is anything related to japan, even if relations between the U.S. and Japan are better now compared to decades ago, anything can and will spark anti japan sentiments in the U.S. With such a history between the two (especially in regards to world war 2), Japan/Japanese make convenient targets of hate.

With that recent news of that idiot in south carolina using racially insulting terms to attack japanese cars and the people that buy them, and with the enthusiastic support he got, I really am worried that we will once again see the era of the 80's and early 90's when hating japan was a moral right. I know that the UAW and auto execs would rather their workers and the american public direct their anger and hate towards japan, than having to look themselves in the mirror.

If you are of japanese origin or look asian, be afraid. Very afraid.

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Posted in: Suicide bomber strikes restaurant in northern Iraq, killing 55 See in context

Funny how the blind pro war crowd thinks everything exists according to their set standards and notions. Surely ALL suicide bombings and the like MUST be the work of al qaeda. Why? Because the U.S. officials said so. Never mind that the kurds and arabs have no love lost in that region, and tensions have always existed there.

Funny how the blind pro war crowd suit everything to their own agendas. They accuse those disagreeing with this insanity of gloating over news like this, just so that they can say they were right. How sick is that? That's about as disgusting as ignoring the pain of 17 Iraqi civilians brutally murdered by out of control cowboys.

Those against this insanity in iraq do not gloat over news like these. We would gladly have been proven wrong about the course of the war in iraq (even if we did feel it was illegal), had Iraq been stable YEARS ago, just to spare the lives of U.S. troops, coalition forces, and Iraqi lives. We express our disgust over attacks like this because it constantly gives fuel to the blind pro war crowd to cry about how bad things still are in iraq, about how US presence is still needed, etc. etc. etc. Now correct me if I'm wrong but weren't they crowing about how great the surge went a mere few months ago?

It must be nice trying to conduct war from the safety and warmth of a sofa. Tell the parent of a child that was killed by an IED, or horrifically disfigured and maimed by a suicide bomber, that the U.S. should continue to stay the course in this insanity. Thank allah they finally voted for an endpoint to moving U.S. troops out of major cities and ultimately OUT of the country. Enough is enough, why have so many American and coalition lives, not to mention Iraqi's, been lost because the iraqi government and "military" have been dragging their rear ends. That it's taken this long to train any human being how to conduct patrols and secure their own neighborhoods is beyond comprehension, it is something that a grade school child can learn in months.

So us enlightened folk say, no end in sight, because we understand that American and coalition forces have done their share. Have done their share YEARS ago, and the time has long come to pass on the torch and leave the country. Let the IRAQI's fight and die for their country. How many times, I repeat, how many times must I repeat this most basic of concepts? Yea the US should never have invaded iraq but coulda shoulda woulda, get the troops out of their now, no way would I want my sons and daughters continue risking their lives for something so meaningless and hopeless. They have done enough already, if the troops leave and things go to hell so be it, that is original sin and deal with that later. There's always growing pains, and holding the hands of the iraqis for years will not make things any better.

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Posted in: U.S. auto bailout deal collapses over union wages See in context


...."Hourly wages for United Auto Workers laborers at General Motors Corp. factories actually are almost equal to those paid by Toyota Motor Corp. at its older U.S. factories, according to the companies. GM says the average UAW laborer makes $29.78 per hour, while Toyota says it pays about $30 per hour.

The difference is in benefits, with the unionized factories having far higher costs.

GM says its total hourly labor costs are now $69 including wages, pensions and health care for active workers, plus the pension and health care costs of more than 432,000 retirees and spouses. Toyota says its total costs are around $48. The Japanese automaker has far fewer retirees and its pension and health care benefits are not as rich as those paid to UAW workers."

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Posted in: Suicide bomber strikes restaurant in northern Iraq, killing 55 See in context

No end in sight. No wonder the UK is getting their rear ends out of that mess.

Bring the troops home.

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Posted in: Angry Ford dealer in South Carolina blasts Japanese imports in ads See in context

That's true herefornow but more credit must be given to the American consumer. People bought imports from japan because of the quality issue, period. How many stories have we heard of american cars from back then constantly breaking down, etc. etc.? A car is a huge investment, what good was it back then to urge people to buy american when american cars were of inferior quality to japanese ones in general. Yes nowadays american cars are quite good, and quality has gone up, but too little too late. It's hard to erase that stigma, fair or not, and the american auto industry's refusal to properly address this issue was its greatest downfall.

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Posted in: Life beyond the universe See in context

I like that blurb about being recognized by visitors from the Phillipines. There was a rather nasty incident that happened last year when supposedly Riyo was talking smack of other contestants, particularly Miss Phillipines, as was reported on Ines' blog (her trainer). Needless to say this did not go well with many Filipino's as news spreads fast on the world wide web.

At any rate she's alright, didn't think she was a worthy successor to Kurara, but then again who is right?

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Posted in: Britain to withdraw most troops from Iraq by June See in context

Good move.

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Posted in: Angry Ford dealer in South Carolina blasts Japanese imports in ads See in context

"Rice ready" huh? What a flippin moron. He's the kind of neanderthal that is representative of those guys in Detroit that killed that asian guy in the early 80's thinking he was Japanese. I wonder what kind of t.v. he owns. Where was all of his electronic gadgets made in?

Idiot, let's see some criticism here.

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Posted in: Miss Universe Japan 2009 See in context

Sadly none of them can hold a candle to Kurara.

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Posted in: Australian rape victim loses case against police for bungling investigation See in context

Wait a minute, why isn't anyone so far questioning what the U.S. military did in this case? Isn't the accused rapist, as a uniformed member of the United States, subject to scrutiny by military authorities?

I remember another rape case reported here on JT, the victim was a young Japanese girl and the perpetrator was a 37 year old Marine. The Jp "justice" system did not prosecute his case further. Not many people had a problem with that, and some here in fact questioned the account of the young girl and sided with the Marine.

Now hopefully some people here will start to ask why the U.S. military didn't do anything, and while the conduct of the Jp "police" here is reprehensible, let's keep things in perspective shall we?

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Posted in: Thailand tourism: what needs to be done? See in context

Thailand is just....Thailand. Tourists will continue to visit Thailand. Great prices, great weather, lots of sights to see. Can't beat it. Sure there are minor hiccups but for always has been, always will be plenty of tourists.

Now, in terms of what needs to be done to improve the tourist trade in Thailand is simple. Get rid of the scammers and get rid of the double pricing system. My gosh SO many people scamming you. Jewelry scam. Temple scam. Taxi scam.

And the double pricing system? Discriminatory at best.

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Posted in: Bush defends his record of using military might See in context

Woe nellie. It just astounds the senses this character still spouts garbage like this. What, only 60 more days left? Thank the heavens.

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Posted in: Keanu Reeves goes way of the samurai in '47 Ronin' See in context

OK, here goes another hollywood example of taking some non Japanese actor and sticking them in 18th century japan as a ronin??? What the hell were they smoking? Now this one is actually interesting casting, as Keanu is I believe half asian. But the fact remains he looks more 'white' than asian, and that is why he gets such leading man roles in hollywood. Can't wait for the plot.

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Posted in: Gov't to boost moral education for young people See in context

This is welcome news, many more kids around the world could definitely use a lot of moral education. Kudos.

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Posted in: Blackwater guards accused of using grenades on unarmed Iraqis See in context

I totally agree with smithinjapan, as I have myself already pointed out if this involved anyone else besides Americans as the perpetrators, the same blind blackwater/USA supporters here would have no qualms about NOT waiting for all of the evidence or story to come out. In those cases it is perfectly acceptable to jump to conclusions and implicate an entire country, race, or religion.

And I STILL do not see any expression of understanding or sympathy for the Iraqi lives lost here by some. I think people would respect and understand more those blindly defending these criminals if they at least offered some sort of sympathy for the Iraqi's here. But as usual, none whatsoever. "Collateral damage." No wonder many parts of the world have such a negative view of Americans.

And why is someone digging up an INITIAL 'spot report' as a form of "evidence" that there was a firefight and ambush, when subsequent FBI and military reports showed that many of these killings were in fact unjustified?



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Posted in: Blackwater guards accused of using grenades on unarmed Iraqis See in context

These guards were not even supposed to leave the green zone at all, under strict orders. Yet they blatantly defied this order. They were looking for a fight.

Throwing grenades in girl's school. Shooting an unarmed civilian with his arms raised up. Women, children, all blasted like animals.

And notice how those who previously and blindly defended the atrocious actions of these cowboys are now suddenly, and quite smoothly, trying to worm their way out by saying, "if these guys are found guilty....."

If this were the other way around, or involved any other corporation/citizens besides Americans, these same people would be calling for their heads and forget about "waiting for all the facts." But then again I am not surprised, as usual still no expressions of remorse, regret, or ounce of sympathy for the 17 Iraqi civilians including children brutally gunned down, others injured. Kind of like how indiscriminate bombing campaigns kill innocent civilians along with "insurgents" alike, but are casually brushed off as "collateral damage."

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Posted in: Blackwater guards accused of using grenades on unarmed Iraqis See in context

Wow. Just, unbelievable. Disgusting.

So I dearly pray that those previously defending these criminals at all costs recant and see the light. Shooting unarmed Iraqis. Not even warning cars to stop, no indication the Kia was a car bomb. Grenade girl's school. Wasn't even supposed to leave the zone.

Fry these pukes, they disgraced the United States. It's things like these that have endangered the lives of American troops.

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Posted in: Charged Blackwater guards ID'd: All decorated vets See in context

Exactly JoeBigs. I've seen other message boards where posters were actually taking the sides of the Blackwater guys in other cases over the words of the U.S. military personnel. The U.S. military personnel for the most part have conducted themselves with professionalism the best they can under the circumstances. There have been instances where U.S. military personnel have shot and killed what turned out to be civilians, but with the rules of engagement in place they did best they could and the killings were justifiable. Certainly they didn't go around blasting everything in sight with no sense of their surroundings or concerns for others.

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Posted in: Pearl Harbor ceremony focuses on U.S. response to Japan's attack See in context

I'm not disagreeing with you Ossan on your first part, but I agree, using the F-15 fighters in joint training would have been a much better part. I'm more along the lines of what timorborder is discussing in that comparing two distinct groups that shared the same racial/ethnic background is a bit off.

I'm sure the AP writer was trying to use an example of how far the two nations have come, and it is a great thing to point out as indeed two nations that had such a bloody history amongst each other now allies is remarkable. But just thought it could have used a better example that's all.

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Posted in: Pearl Harbor ceremony focuses on U.S. response to Japan's attack See in context

May their souls forever rest in peace.

I do take one exception to this part from the article:

..."Underscoring how far Americans and Japanese have come since Dec 7, 1941, President-elect Barack Obama in Chicago on Sunday introduced retired Gen Eric Shinseki, a Japanese-American born in Hawaii a year after the attack, as his nominee to head the Veterans Affairs Department."

Sorry but this is a rather poor example of saying how far Americans and Japanese have come. General Shinseki is a Japanese American, and it's not like Japanese Americans on the island were not affected by this savage attack either. Even Senator Daniel Inouye was a guest speaker at this memorial years ago. It would have been far better and more relevant if they used examples of former Imperial Japanese military members attending the memorial ceremony. Obama picking Shinseki is irrelevant to how far relations between Japan and America have come, Shinseki's ethnicity is just ironic that is all.

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Posted in: Obama suggests some auto execs should lose jobs See in context

Good man. He is right. These auto execs truly have no shame begging for handouts when they should be taking a hike for running their companies to the ground. It's not like these execs are gonna be hurting. It's not like the good old days when there was still such a thing as accountability and integrity. CEO's and execs now can destroy company after company, still get rewarded with tons of money and stocks, and to add insult to injury, have no injury to their reputation and can hop onto another cushy CEO job.

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Posted in: Charged Blackwater guards ID'd: All decorated vets See in context

"Notice that for some, there is absolutely zero expression of regret for the deaths of the Iraqi civilians involved in this shooting, as in, "yes it is sad that 17 civilians died, but i believe that these Blackwater contractors involved used self defense."

Just bring the proof.

Let's see now, out of a total of 7 posts here by toofargone, absolutely zero posts expressed any sympathy or understanding for the deaths and pain of the Iraqi civilians. The same goes for the other posters here who are automatically siding with the blackwater contractors (even though it has repeatedly been pointed out that the FBI and other sources have stated that it believes 14 of the 17 killings were NOT justified and in no way shape or form is this even remotely similar to Haditha), a total of four posters and six posts, not any of them expresses any ounce of sympathy for the Iraqi's that were shot and killed, justified or not.

I rest my case.

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Posted in: Rumsfeld nemesis Shinseki named Veterans Affairs secretary See in context


Abizaid also publicly said for the first time that the American position in Iraq had been undermined by the Bush administration's decision not to deploy a larger force to stabilize the country in 2003. That decision came after General Eric Shinseki, the army chief of staff at the time, told Congress that several hundred thousand troops would be needed. His testimony at the time was derided by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and the general was ostracized at the Pentagon before his retirement a few months later.

"General Shinseki was right that a greater international force contribution, U.S. force contribution and Iraqi force contribution should have been available immediately after major combat operations," Abizaid said. "I think you can look back and say that more American troops would have been advisable in the early stages of May, June, July."

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Posted in: Charged Blackwater guards ID'd: All decorated vets See in context

Notice that for some, there is absolutely zero expression of regret for the deaths of the Iraqi civilians involved in this shooting, as in, "yes it is sad that 17 civilians died, but i believe that these Blackwater contractors involved used self defense."

Nothing more needs to be said.

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Posted in: Rumsfeld nemesis Shinseki named Veterans Affairs secretary See in context

Another spectacular and great move by President Obama. After his disgraceful treatment by rumsfeld and company, the VA can finally have a leader that stands for integrity and character (the beret issue nonwithstanding). A genuine war hero that lost part of his foot in Vietnam, a true class act that never publicly commented or said anything derogatory towards rummy and company. Interesting how bush and all these other people are crowing about the "surge" when in fact it was something based on what Shinseki originally estimated was necessary to stabilize the country. Even General Abizaid commented that Shinseki was right.

A great choice for the country.

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Posted in: Charged Blackwater guards ID'd: All decorated vets See in context

It is said that one Blackwater employee at the scene in fact had to point his weapon at another simply to get him to stop shooting recklessly. Again the FBI determined 14 of the 17 murdered was not justifiable self defense or the like. And 3 of those were 'maybe' justifiable.

Again, people need to stop hiding behind this 'us and them' mentality that excuses the slaughter of innocent civilians, or diverts attention and accuses those of seeking justice as being 'america hating lefties.' Political affiliation has absolutely nothing to do with conducting yourself responsibly in another country. Shame on those that would use incidents like these to further their political agendas and biases.

Imagine if some Iraqi private security detail went around recklessly shooting all over the place like cowboys and killed 17 American civilians. Or even a fraction of that. There would be outrage and condemnation. Yet because these are Iraqis and the contractors Americans, it is perfectly allowable to excuse their behavior and rather dubious record in Iraq of shooting first and asking questions later. Ultimately hiding behind some immunity clause giving them free reign to further damage relations with Iraqis.

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