Posted in: 7-month-old baby killed after mother knocked off bicycle by car See in context
A really sad incident. Sad for the loss of a young baby, sad for the mother but as I see it, particularly sad for the driver who was arrested for so-called 'reckless driving'. Was she speeding ? Approaching traffic lights, probably not. Why not also (or perhaps, only) arrest the mother for crossing a road between cars at a non-designated crossing zone. Was she too dumb and lazy to walk down to the zebra crossing ? Somebody mentioned that almost nobody stops for you here in Japan at a zebra crossing without traffic lights. Untrue ! 'Almost nobody' should be corrected to 'nobody at all' with the exception of police cars, buses on occasions and lorries on rare occasions - and myself ! But I often get honked at for stopping and before I do stop, I make sure that the vehicle behind is a safe distance away from me. Even then, cars coming in the opposite direction fail to do as I do so I get honked at again. Not that I care, I am doing the right thing and it's lucky that I am able to stand my ground without getting out of my own car and giving the driver behind a punch in the face ! On closing, the driver should at least be put into serious consideration and given a fair trial in a country where the driver is almost always in the wrong no matter the given situation.
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While Facebook and Instagram are prefectly healthy, proven many times before... hypocrisy...
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