Japan Today

Robert Walters comments

Posted in: Donald Trump is a superhero – but not in a good way See in context

Trump will always be more popular than the author of this article no matter what either one says. Trump said things many average citizens have been saying for years. This author wouldn't print anything an average person would say, you have to be a superhero to get his attention.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Posted in: Abe to pledge 26% cut in greenhouse gas emissions See in context

In the 70's they said hair spray was destroying the ozone layer, solar flares were causing unusual tides, sunspots were causing bad reception and the magnetic field was going to reverse. Engines still run 40 years later and anyone who still wears a watch can see it's not running backwards.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Posted in: U.N. climate fund gears up to deploy cash after Japan signs $1.5 bil pledge See in context

I have to read a newspaper from Japan to get away from the U.S. propaganda. Yes the climate change agenda is in high gear including shutting down U.S. coal burning power plants.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Job gains in U.S. bolsters confidence about 2015 See in context

The unemployment numbers don't include those who ran out of unemployment, those who lost jobs and weren't eligible for unemployment, high school and college graduates who have never had a job, and illegal immigrants who aren't working. The government just wants the numbers to look good as they prepare for amnesty.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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