Posted in: Obama, Ryan clash in Iowa See in context
The images shown on TV here in the States was of Mr. Ryan being cool, calm and carrying on with his speech while Obama's OWS buddies -- shrieking at the top of their lungs like spoiled 5-year-old children -- were escorted from the stage.
-5 ( +1 / -6 )
Posted in: Romney vows to restore U.S. strength as Democrats counterattack See in context
“I don’t want to be like Europe. I want to be like America,” Romney said.
Bingo, Mr. Romney
We working Americans have seen what democrat-type policies did when implemented in Greece.
Thanks, but no thanks.
-7 ( +6 / -12 )
Posted in: Romney picks Paul Ryan as VP running mate See in context
Heh, the democrats are all over the TV here in the States saying "what a bad pick" "it should have been Rubio".....whine, whine, whine. This tells me Ryan was the BEST pick Romney could have made. He will EAT UP Joey Plugs in the VP debate. Ol' Joe will leave that debate with his ass in his hands. Man, I'm gonna love watching that.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Obama: America needs 'soul searching' on gun violence See in context
Obama: America needs 'soul searching' on gun violence
Heh, this coming from the guy who OK'd Fast and Furious, the unchecked giveaway of automatic weapons to drug lords, that led to the deaths of hundreds of Mexicans and two U.S. Border agents.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: New jobs report presents mixed blessing for Obama See in context
My 4:39 p.m. post was a direct quote from your hero, Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.:
You're welcome
-3 ( +0 / -3 )
Posted in: New jobs report presents mixed blessing for Obama See in context
The jobless rate rose, however, to 8.3 percent from 8.2 percent in June.
We tried our plan -- and it worked.
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: New jobs report presents mixed blessing for Obama See in context
Obama is touting the 172,000 new jobs created in July. Funny thing though, he never mentioned the 195,000 jobs that were lost last month.
"The One" can't run on numbers that are going up, so, he looks for something that doesn't make it look as bad as it is here in the States.
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: Australian drug trafficker's mother begs Malaysia for mercy See in context
I gave no pity for this doper. Do the crime, pay the price. Case closed.
-5 ( +2 / -7 )
Posted in: Romney closing Israeli fundraiser to reporters See in context
Obama's press secretary does not know the name of the capital city of Israel any way, so why should U.S. liberals worry?
-5 ( +0 / -5 )
Posted in: Romney struggles to stem fallout from comments on Olympics See in context
Mitt is correct. The Brits were unprepared. This is why they've had to import U.S. customs and border patrol agents to help beef up their airports. They've also had to assign members of their military to protect the Games, rather than use privately contracted 'rent-a-cops' as they had originally planned.
Mitt commented that he hoped that despite these set backs the Games would come off well. In response, the British media (and hyperventilating American liberals) pitched a hissy fit.
Heh, it's all so expected.
-5 ( +2 / -7 )
Posted in: Obama: New gun control laws not on the agenda See in context
Obama said: “I also believe ... an AK-47 belongs in the hands of soldiers ... that they belong on the battlefield of war ...”
Apparently, the smartest U.S. president eveah doesn't know the weapon used in Colorado was an AR-15.
Also, he does realize that AK's are the weapon of America's enemies doesn't he? Bin Laden was often shown firing one. Or, is he saying he's OK with them on the battlefield because when they are there they're pointed at American troops?
-2 ( +4 / -6 )
Posted in: Romney plans foreign trip, audition as U.S. leader See in context
This guy needs to show all his tax returns
He already has .... to the taxman. If the IRS had found anything hinky, Romney would now be behind bars instead of on the campaign trail.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Romney accuses Obama of demonizing business success See in context
We learned here in the States today that Obama's Jobs Council has not met in the past six months:
Too many other things on his plate to make room for the economy? Great answer Carney! Important things to Obama: Attending more than 100 fundraisers and playing Lord knows how many rounds of golf in that time. Figuring out a way to get Americans back to work?: Not so much. Since Obama's lapdogs in the msm won't report on this I look forward to seeing how Romney's TV ads will respond to this revelation.
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: Romney accuses Obama of demonizing business success See in context
“if you have a business, you didn’t build that,” a comment about how companies cannot succeed alone but also need public services like roads and bridges.
Obama loves to tout all the "wonderful" things government has done for us. What he fails to mention is that all of that is funded by us taxpayers. The very people Obama demonizes daily. We built the infrastructure he's giving himself credit for.
-2 ( +3 / -5 )
Posted in: Romney accuses Obama of demonizing business success See in context
Everything Obama touches politically blows up in his face like an exploding cigar.
For the past week , "The One" has been trying to shame Romney about his tax returns; he alleged that Romney is a felon; and his epic fail was in trying to label Romney as an outsourcer of jobs.
If you think that after all of these lies about Romney Obama would distance Romney in the polls, think again:
To add insult to injury, Romney hasn't even been nominated yet.
-2 ( +4 / -6 )
Posted in: Romney hits back at Obama attacks on Bain See in context
Mitt Romney ... said Monday the president should instead be talking about his own record in the White House.
Let's review. Has Obama done any work as president in months? No. He is too busy partying, drinking, playing golf, vacationing and campaigning to be concerned about doing the job he is getting taxpayer (i.e., my) money to do. Obama = failure.
-4 ( +1 / -5 )
Posted in: Obama says he won't apologize for attacks on Romney's time at Bain See in context
The Obama campaign wants Romney to release multiple years of his income records for the purpose of showing the world that Romney is rich. Wealth is obviously a sin to Obama. He's been doing his best to make the number of wealthy people rare in this country (except of course the filthy rich liberal useful idiots who write campaign donation checks made payable to Barack Hussein Obama).
As for Romney's Bain timeline, has a single witness from Bain Capital, or anywhere else, come forth to contradict Romney's assertion that he left in 1999?
Bain Capital a Massachusetts-based firm, is loaded with democrats. If Romney had hidden the fact that he actually worked there past 1999, dozens of willing democrat witnesses would have already made themselves known.
So far the only thing we hear from that company and even Obama lapdog news organizations, including MSNBC an The WaPo, is that Romney is telling the truth. It is highly unlikely that people would risk their reputations to cover up for Romney.
The real falsehood here is this Bain story twisted by the Obama campaign as a way to deflect away from our miserable economy for which Obama and the democrats are responsible for.
A successful president would run a campaign based on accomplishments; not one of lies that have already been debunked my members of Obama's MSM.
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: Obama says he won't apologize for attacks on Romney's time at Bain See in context
Obama says he won't apologize for attacks on Romney's time at Bain
Heh, this is news? Of course Obama isn't going to apologize. When has he ever taken responsibility for any of his actions?
-3 ( +2 / -5 )
Posted in: Obama says he won't apologize for attacks on Romney's time at Bain See in context
the people ought to know the history behind the claims Romney makes that would make him the rightful president
When the left demands the same from Obama what they do for Romney, then I might take them more seriously.
-4 ( +3 / -7 )
Posted in: Romney demands Obama apology over Bain attacks See in context
Heh, even MSDNC is on the air here in the States reporting that the Bain Capital accusations against Romney are not true.
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: Romney demands Obama apology over Bain attacks See in context
The liberals/Obama caught out lying about Romney again. The Globe hit piece has been debunked by of all media outlets The Washington Post. You'd think Obama's F-Troop would do a bit of fact checking before trying this smear. It's as if they think people don't remember that democrats tried this same thing in 2002 against Romney in Mass. The result of their efforts back then? He won in a deep blue state.
-5 ( +0 / -5 )
Posted in: Romney demands Obama apology over Bain attacks See in context
How bad must the internal polls be for "The One" to resort to this level of smear? A successful president would run on his record.
-5 ( +1 / -6 )
Posted in: Romney demands Obama apology over Bain attacks See in context
Romney was booed by a mostly black audience at the NAACP annual convention this week
And received a standing ovation "by a mostly black audience" at the end of his speech.
Also, how was Obama's speech received "by a mostly black audience"? Heh, there was none because he was a no-show.
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: Romney demands Obama apology over Bain attacks See in context
Even the WaPo (one of the most liberal newspapers in U.S. history) says the Globe's information is incorrect on this issue.
Heh, this has turned into another exploding cigar moment for "The One".
-5 ( +1 / -6 )
Posted in: Romney demands Obama apology over Bain attacks See in context
Obama said on Friday that Mitt Romney should answer questions about whether he worked for Bain Capital longer than previously described
Translation: Look at this nice, shiny object, American voters. Pay no attention to the economy.
-2 ( +7 / -9 )
Posted in: Obama reflects on lack of 'unity' in first term See in context
Some highlights of "The One" while at the helm of our country:
RECORD unemployment;
RECORD deficits;
RECORD debt;
No budget of his ever passed (including by his own party);
Alienation of our allies while pandering to our enemies;
Worsening of division along racial and class lines
But when asked, according to him, his only failure is his inability to tell his "stories" in a way that Americans would swallow them whole.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Obama reflects on lack of 'unity' in first term See in context
Being president is not about telling stories. Being president is about leading, and President Obama has failed to lead. No wonder Americans are losing faith in his presidency.
Bravo, Mitt. Well said.
-4 ( +2 / -6 )
Posted in: Sept 11 attacks, Katrina top list of memorable U.S. TV moments of last 50 years See in context
tmarie: 9/11 is the top for AMERICANS, certainly not everyone else.
Apparently, you are not aware that non-Americans also died in the WTC on 9/11.
Anyway, I agree the moon landing should have been on the list. Personally, I think TV coverage of the death of John Lennon and Nixon's resignation should have been included in this Top 20. As a Beatle, Lennon helped reshape the way the world viewed itself in other ways besides just music. Although he was instrumental in opening up China to the West by personally breaking fortune cookies with Chairman Mao, Nixon was still sent packing live and in living color.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Romney booed during speech at African-American convention See in context
Instead he is going to send Vice President Joe Biden.
"Stand up, Chuck."
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Romney booed during speech at African-American convention See in context
Barack Obama, the first black U.S. president
Stopped reading this piece after seeing that. If the editors at AP allowed such a glaring EIF (error in fact) to slip through, the rest of this "news article" is suspect.
Speaking of which; the only video clips the MSM is running here in the States is of Romney getting booed. However, when watching the entire address on C-SPAN I saw the standing ovation he got at the end of his speech.
-5 ( +0 / -5 )
Posted in: Apple harvest threatened after heavy snow blankets Aomori
Nishi. BYD maybe is tgtbt, track Xiaomi, got more intl. ties.
Posted in: SoftBank reports 3rd-quarter loss weeks after announcing AI investment with Trump
Posted in: SoftBank reports 3rd-quarter loss weeks after announcing AI investment with Trump
B.L. See US reports. Brokers made money. ps. I awake earlier than you in your jpn residence?
Posted in: SoftBank reports 3rd-quarter loss weeks after announcing AI investment with Trump