Japan Today

RomeoRamenII comments

Posted in: Alaska releases Sarah Palin's emails See in context

She also dealt with death threats.

Nah, that can't be true. Liberals are the most civil people in the world. /sarcasm


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Posted in: Alaska releases Sarah Palin's emails See in context

This is just another lame attempt by Obama's dog walkers in the U.S. MSM to distract voters from the mounting failures by this administration.


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Posted in: Gingrich's campaign in tatters as top aides resign See in context

Recent polls showed that Obama has a double-digit lead in people who would vote for him over EVERY Republican candidate -- declared or potential.

Polls taken in the DNC cafeteria don't count.


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Posted in: Palin kick-starts bus tour on back of motorcycle See in context

That "joke" never made it to any of the progressive sites I frequent

Heh, leave it to "progressive sites" to conveniently overlook comments disparaging Mrs. Palin and her children made by Sarah Bernhardt and David Letterman.

Selective memory: Don't leave home without it.


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Posted in: Palin kick-starts bus tour on back of motorcycle See in context

The vast majority of progressives -- and I'm talking high 90 percent -- do not feel any "rage" whatsoever at Sarah Palin.

Total nonsense. Progressives "joked" about her being gang-raped and her underage daughter having sex with a professional baseball player (Would any of this have been tolerated against Michelle Obama or Obama's children?).

Leftists loathe Mrs. Palin because she shines a bright light on their shame and unworthiness, which they try desperately to deny.

With her children and grandchild, her religion and her patriotism, Mrs. Palin is the antithesis of everything liberals stand for.


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Posted in: Obama chooses Dempsey to be next Joint Chiefs head See in context

Obama called America’s servicemen and women “the best our nation has to offer, and they deserve nothing but the best in return..."

This coming from the guy who is slashing our military budget when we're involved in three wars while increasing handouts to generational leeches in the U.S.


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Posted in: New York Metropolitan Opera stars, fearing radiation, skip Japan tour See in context

I don't blame them. The Japanese government and TEPCO have not been completely honest. Glad I got out before March 11th.


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Posted in: Palin kick-starts bus tour on back of motorcycle See in context

palin (sp) crashed the Vietnam Memorial Ride. They didn't want her there.

Pure nonsense, lad.

Rolling Thunder's national parliamentarian, Mike De Paulo, said Mrs. Palin was, in fact, invited to the event by an Alaskan veterans' group.


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Posted in: Obama signs Patriot Act extension See in context

Jeebus Obama, what the hell are you thinking?

Watching liberals spasm in Apocalyptic Shock as they realize their annointed one has failed you is amusing as all hell to me!

Heh, watch out for those roving wire-taps, liberals.


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Posted in: Obama signs Patriot Act extension See in context

Obama signed an extension of the Patriot Act once and now has directed the use of his auto pen to extend the Patriot Act again. Heh, sorry, libs, seems he must also think it's pretty vital to our security.


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Posted in: Pawlenty announces presidential run in web video See in context

I don't understand how anyone could have the audacity to run against President Obama.

Heh, everyone I know shares your vision of $5-a-gallon unleaded, 10 percent unemployment and $1.5T annual deficits.


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Posted in: Pizza chain owner Cain enters 2012 presidential race See in context

Been there done that. What does his track record says about him?

Cain's work experience resume is way far better than never been there, never done that, never held a job in the private sector Obama.


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Posted in: Pizza chain owner Cain enters 2012 presidential race See in context

AP failed to mention that 16,000 people turn out to see Mr. Cain throw his hat into the ring. Pretty good turnout for a guy with little name recognition.


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Posted in: Netanyahu rejects Obama's idea on borders See in context

Netanyahu showed the world that once again, Obama is choosing the wrong position in the Israel-Palestine issue. Siding with terrorists is not the best diplomatic course of action.

What's more, Netanyahu did it by speaking outside of his native language and without the aid of a teleprompter. It was a truly great teaching moment for Obama.


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Posted in: Netanyahu rejects Obama's idea on borders See in context

That’s going to happen between friends.

With friends like Obama, ...


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Posted in: Netanyahu rejects Obama's idea on borders See in context

For those who saw the news conference, Netanyahu was so much better at concealing his contempt for Obama than Obama was for Netanyahu. Netanyahu basically told Obama to shove his 1967 borders idea and that Israel wasn't going to take on any more Arab refugees. That obligation should go to Palestine. It was great to watch Netanyahu blow Obama out of the water.


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Posted in: Obama addresses Arab world; urges Israel to go back to 1967 borders See in context

Arabs don't want peace with Jews, they want to wipe us off the face of the map. Israel would be foolish to give up the Golan Heights, so that Syria or Hezbollah could shell every major city. Mr. Netanyahu is nobody's fool, and certainly not Obama's.


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Posted in: Obama addresses Arab world; urges Israel to go back to 1967 borders See in context

Let's not forget that it was Israel who was attacked in 1967. To the victor go the spoils. The Palestinians can move to Syria or Iran.


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Posted in: Obama addresses Arab world; urges Israel to go back to 1967 borders See in context

Under the 1967 borders, Jews were not permitted to visit the wailing wall, part of the First Temple that was built by the Jewish people 1,600 years before Muhammed was born. As a Jew, I can't support Obama's position for a few reasons:

(1) I can't remember a time when the world community forced a country that won a defensive war to return the strategic positions used to launch the attack.

(2) In the 1930's and early 1940's, property and belongings of hundreds of thousands of Jews living across the ME and Persia was stolen and they were sent to concentration camps and/or were killed. Israel is just a sliver of land analogous to U.S. Indian reservations.

Those who argue that we should open the borders because we stole part of Mexico would have a hard time arguing that the Jewish people have no claim to a sliver of land that holds our history.

There's always good news. Those of us that lost our sense of heritage because so many of those usually charged with passing it down were killed have an opportunity to take a look at the full court press Obama and the Democratic Party is waging against Judaism.


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Posted in: Obama addresses Arab world; urges Israel to go back to 1967 borders See in context

Obama confirmed what we Jews have known all along: When the Arabs lays down their guns, there will be peace. When Israel lays down its guns, there will be no Israel.


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Posted in: Trump says no to presidential run in 2012 See in context

Why would a guy who makes hundreds of millions take a job that only pays $400k? Heh, the pay cut wasn't that appealing.

Trump was never a serious candidate; however, he did set the stage for other GOP candidates to get tough on Obama. No more namby-pamby McCain niceties.


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Posted in: Trump says no to presidential run in 2012 See in context

name calling seems to be acceptable even when it is not true.

True dat. But when you are forced to back a guy who views the U.S. presidency as the first 9-5 job he's ever had his life, name calling and playing the tattered race is all liberals have got.


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Posted in: Trump says no to presidential run in 2012 See in context

Trump was never serious. He has now done this dance three times. He just did it until NBC announced his show was renewed (which they did Sunday).


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Posted in: Trump says no to presidential run in 2012 See in context

Whoever the republicans choose, one thing will be certain: liberals will label him or her as a racist.


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Posted in: Obama announces steps to speed up U.S. oil production See in context

Obama's opposed domestic drilling for how many years and in how many ways? He was held in contempt of court by a federal judge for ignoring a direct order to end his illegal moratorium in the Gulf.

And now suddenly, when the polls show Americans know his policies are to blame for $5-a-gallon gas, he abandons them.

He trading his longstanding "principles" for votes. Period. The only question that remains is whether American voters are smart enough to realize that he will start up his anti-drilling crusade by executive order the day after the general election next year whether he wins or not.


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Posted in: Obama announces steps to speed up U.S. oil production See in context

Over the next 18 months (Obama) will be doing what he did during his election campaign - and that is acting like he isn't what he is.

Great point, Wolfpack.

However, what Obama is doing here is too little, way too late. Voters know he's done everything in his power to shut down domestic oil production for 2 years.


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Posted in: Obama announces steps to speed up U.S. oil production See in context

Heh, a sudden policy reversal because of poll numbers.


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Posted in: Taliban say deadly Pakistan bombing revenge for bin Laden's death See in context

So, the taliban blew up 80 America-hating Pakistani muslims? Heh, man, they really showed us.


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Posted in: Should the U.S. release photos or video footage of Osama bin Laden's body? See in context

What's with Obama's desire to withhold documentation (BC, school and health records, etc.) and now photos of a dead terrorist?

Didn't this guy campaign on a promise of having the most transparent administration in U.S. history?

Oh, that's right, I forgot. That was last week's lie. Never mind.


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Posted in: Obama honors 9/11 victims in New York after bin Laden's death See in context

Obama is "spiking the football" at Ground Zero.

Exactly. Now it looks like Obama will be doing a victory lap at Fort Campbell tomorrow. I doubt the SEALS' training was tough enough to be able to handle this. A ride on the Vomit Comet will get them prepped.


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