Japan Today

RomeoRamenII comments


It's a good thing we didn't kill bin Laden while Mr. Bush was president because then all the Muslims would hate us.


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Posted in: Obama puts new national security team in place See in context

Heh, wasn't the leftists calling him "General Betrayus" just 3-4 years ago?


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Posted in: Obama releases full birth certificate to end controversy See in context

WilliB, good point.

"African" is not a race. Back then, the term "negro" would have been listed as daddy's race on Obama's BC.

What's more, check out the top of the form -- COLB -- this is the same form that was released a few years back.


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Posted in: Obama releases full birth certificate to end controversy See in context

But, but, but ... didn't the U.S. mainstream media already say we saw Obama's BC?

This from the article about Trump gaining traction in the upcoming presidential election posted here a few days ago:

Documents, including Obama’s birth certificate, show he was born in Hawaii in 1961.


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Posted in: Donald Trump's possible presidential bid generating a lot of buzz See in context

Trump's popularity is indicative of how low the republican party has sunk.

Heh, Trump is a registered democrat. Watching liberals eating one of their own is too funny.


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Posted in: Donald Trump's possible presidential bid generating a lot of buzz See in context

I'm glad Trump's taken it upon himself to do that which the MSM in this country won't.

He's decided to do what needs to be done. He has the resources to do it too. That will also allow the GOP candidates the luxury of not having to get into those issues. They can focus on the economy, $5.00-a-gallon gas, and the skyrocketing debt: Things Obama's handlers absolutely do not want his teleprompter to address.

Trump is going to take the bullet for whomever runs against Obama. It's a hell of a good strategy.


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Posted in: Donald Trump's possible presidential bid generating a lot of buzz See in context

We know Mr. Bush's grades. We know his brand of whiskey before he kicked it. We know he eats pork rinds. Dan Rather nuked his own career trying to prove Mr. Bush got high-hat treatment in the Texas Air National Guard. But Obama? Nothing to see here.

No, the real story about Trump isn't Trump.

It's the U.S. lame stream media's fawning over Obama. Whether it's regarding his birthplace, whether he personally heard "Rev." Wright's racist and anti-Semitic sermons or whether unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers wrote his first book, Obama manages to avoid careful examination from an adoring media.

Trump would not be relevant if the U.S. media had been.


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Posted in: Obama announces re-election bid in email to 13 mil supporters See in context

Obama ran for election on the promise that "I'm not George W. Bush." Now he's running for re-election on the promise that "I'm not Barack Hussein Obama, either."


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Posted in: Obama announces re-election bid in email to 13 mil supporters See in context

The expected $4.00+ USD per gallon of gasoline

Nothing expected about it now. People living in several areas of the U.S. are now paying that price.

they WERE that high under Bush back in 2007.

Heh, Americans were paying $1.87 a gallon for gas on the day Obama was sworn into office.


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Posted in: Gadhafi warns of 'bloody war' if foreign powers enter Libya See in context

Gadhafi doesn't have to worry about the current U.S. "Where's Waldo?" administration taking any action against him.


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Posted in: 2 U.S. airmen killed in Frankfurt airport shooting See in context

Obama promised to “spare no effort” in investigating the slayings.

An investigation? Heh, that'll show the terrorists who's boss.


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Posted in: Wisconsin Assembly passes bill taking away union rights See in context

Wisconsin law doesn’t allow police to arrest the lawmakers

The state should be rounding up those Dr's. who handed out fake excuses to the teachers and void their licenses to practice medicine in Wisconsin.


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Posted in: Wisconsin Assembly passes bill taking away union rights See in context

Bravo, republicans, for taking the first step to end mandatory Wisconsin taxpayer funded contributions to unions.


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Posted in: New envoy See in context

If the occasion was photographed, how can it be called a "private meeting"?


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Posted in: Rescue team See in context

The entire world prays for the good news that this team will be successful in rescuing all those trapped by this earthquake.


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Posted in: Somali pirates kill 4 Americans on yacht; Navy holding suspects See in context

No prisoners should have been taken since no hostages were recovered.


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Posted in: Quake in New Zealand kills at least 65 See in context

Hope the Japanese survive this disaster.


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Posted in: Neither side budging in Wisconsin union fight See in context

The Nov. elections put many republicans in control of state governments because the American taxpayer/worker/voter realized the over-the-cliff spending the democrats were doing was hurting the economy and the country.

The republican governors of these states are just doing the job they promised to do if they were elected. They were. They are.


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Posted in: E-mail has just about replaced letters and faxes. What do you think will replace e-mail in the future? See in context

Braille. That way, people will no longer need their eyes to read their correspondence.


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Posted in: Wisconsin GOP ups pressure on Democrats to return and vote See in context

There's now a move to recall the AWOL Wisconsin senators.

The plot thickens.


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Posted in: 70,000 protesters surround Wisconsin Capitol See in context

The situation in Wisconsin is magnificently exposing what liberals are all about: Leeches on our society.

Union teachers are walking out on students and democrat legislators go AWOL. Meanwhile, Obama and his squad of leftists revoke everything they have been saying about fiscal "accountability" to interfere in a state's business.

Thanks, Wisconsin. You are heroes!


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Posted in: 70,000 protesters surround Wisconsin Capitol See in context

Great idea, Alphaape. Fire 'em all. They don't like doing the work they're being paid to do? Then let them get jobs as greeters at Wal Mart.


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Posted in: 70,000 protesters surround Wisconsin Capitol See in context

The media elites lie and cover for their fellow collectivists

Guess the MSM missed the photo of a protester holding a sign with a photo of Gov. Walker with a rifle crosshairs painted on it. More civility, liberal style.


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Posted in: 70,000 protesters surround Wisconsin Capitol See in context

The previous democrat gov. left office with $3.3B budget shortfall. But instead of Gov. Walker saying he "inherited" this fiscal mess, he's moved on and is doing something about fixing it.

Now the democrat/progressives/lifetime union welfare leeches are throwing a tantrum like spoiled little kids screaming that Gov. Walker caused all this within 50 days of taking office.

Gov. Walker needs to issue an ultimatum: either cease and desist or face job termination. They need to be reminded of what Mr. Reagan did in to 1980s when the air traffic controllers walked off the job.

Gov. Walker should say that if you are a state worker and you strike, or you protest in anyway against the lawful authority of the Legislature or my office in passing and enforcing this law, you will be fired and never work for the Wisconsin government again.


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Posted in: Firefighter refused to respond to Giffords shooting, memo shows See in context

Another example of that new civility the left was talking about. Oh, that's right, I forgot. It wasn't meant for THEM to be civil.


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Posted in: 70,000 protesters surround Wisconsin Capitol See in context

The crazies in the streets demonstrating their greed and lack of concern for children are making the Gov. Walker stronger.


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Posted in: 70,000 protesters surround Wisconsin Capitol See in context

Obama ... and his political machine, Organizing for America, are offering tactical support to the Wisconsin protesters

Proving, once again, that Obama is a community organizer; not a president. And community organizers never fix problems.


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Posted in: 70,000 protesters surround Wisconsin Capitol See in context

The people of Wisconsin have rights, and they exercised them in November and elected republicans who promised to put an end to public unions bilking them.


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Posted in: Firefighter refused to respond to Giffords shooting, memo shows See in context

28 years and this "man" never got promoted from firefighter? If he weren't in a union he'd probably been fired years ago.


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Posted in: If the shoe fits See in context

The shoes are aimed at men in the 18-22 age range, whose buying habits are influenced by their girlfriends

Heh, yet, this promotional campaign kickoff took place in Akihabara, i.e., otaku grand central. Guess their manga girlfriends "talk" to them.


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