Posted in: A-bomb history resonates with youth through animated film See in context
Having lived in Japan for several years, I know the education system has been less than forthcoming with the facts about Japanese Military atrocities throughout Asia & South East Asia, HOWEVER, That is not the fault of the youth culture. From my experience the young adults know why their reputation around Asia was so bad and both sides of this issue have done a great job in moving past WWII issues and into mutually beneficial partnerships in business, manufacturing, travel and cultural exchanges. The Japanese are also very aware of how fleeting a peaceful existence could be with the continuous & increasing threat posed by North Korea.
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Posted in: Who do you think is the biggest threat to peace and regional security in Northeast Asia? See in context
I really don't think China can afford to irritate trade relations between China and the rest of the free world, which is what would happen if she started flexing her muscles. China needs the free market economies of the West more than the West needs her, though neither can afford to loose the other as trading partners. North Korea, on the other hand, is the rogue nation in this mix. Kim jun ill is more likely to do something stupid than any other player. He's limping now from a physical problem, if China decided to spank him, he could be comatose in no time. He's dangerous, but vulnerable. As long as China plays the diplomat role, all will remain calm. I think
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Posted in: Ohtani throws 2nd bullpen session as he makes his way back to the mound for Dodgers
Posted in: Germany's economy is in the dumps. Here are 5 reasons why