Japan Today

RoninGaijin comments

Posted in: Obama addresses Arab world; urges Israel to go back to 1967 borders See in context

RomeoRamenII at 09:50 PM JST - 20th May

Let's not forget that it was Israel who was attacked in 1967. To the victor go the spoils" sooo...russia should have kept all of europe and u.s. should keep japan? brilliant

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Posted in: Obama addresses Arab world; urges Israel to go back to 1967 borders See in context

hmm when bush suggested the halt of settlement construction you CONS thought it was a grand idea. if Bush had given this speech there wouldnt be a dry eye in the house. Netanyahoo "the 1967 borders are indefensible" seems like you did ok defending them in 1967 even without our help. RepubliCONS before Obama speech: Obama is selling our children into slavery to the jews as commanded by his master Soros. It is time to let the jews take care of themselves. RepubliCONS after Obama speech: OMG! you just threw Israel under the bus. How could you do that to our staunchest allies in the region? the hypocrisy never ends. Please choose one. Obama is Soros' puppet, or he is an anti-semitic...you can't have it both ways.

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Posted in: Sony faces another hack attack See in context

Zenny11 "Know a guy that recorded details of a guy" no you don't ..but if there were a shred of truth to this story that guy would have had his face promptly smashed in...but this is pure fantasy so no reason to get worked up...nobody has any reason to give our the kind of information you listed.

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Posted in: Newt Gingrich joins 2012 presidential race See in context

WilliB at smithjapan:

I do not think that this is limited to one party, but I have not seen any smear campaign from the GOP that even remotely comes close to the typical and predictable shatstorm of smears that erupts from the Democrats towards any serious opponent." well the man provided clear cut examples while all you seem to provide is rhetoric and prose. can you back up your statements with even one example based in reality? like we can google it, pull it up on youtube and say "ah, i guess i see where he is coming from" if not, i think you just got your self owned.

@Molenir-"You brought up Bush as if to say his ability to trip himself up in public speaking, somehow means he isn't intelligent. Guess you forgot where he went to school too eh?" we all know you are a GWB groupie from way back and no we didnt forget where he went to school, nor did we forget about the Barbara Bush wing at said establishment that was conveniently donated to pave the way for simple Georgie. it is amazing what millions of dollars can buy even the lowest of characters. manfromamerica "yabits -you're grasping at straws. Obama was an unknown, no-show Senator who was at the bottom of the polls. Hillary was the heir-apparent, and had the full financial backing of the Chinese military" WTH, where did you come up with that little gem. i regularly listen to the most hard core radical right wing nuts just to keep abreast of the current trend in stupidity but i didnt hear anything that tops this. it really takes the cake. when the man pressed you to try to back up this ridiculous claim you threw out the oh so cryptic and mysterious moniker "Hsu" It took all of 60 seconds on google to realize this was completely ludicrous. then when confronted with that you simply said "It's all documented dude. sorry to wake you up. :-);Hsu is just ONE example, there were many more who were caught. even though the record is public and well-known." OK! here is your big chance to prove everyone you are right. it's all a matter of public record and well documented right?! just provide us with a link to even one document or public record that backs up your post. you were already proved wrong not once but twice then you got very vague, didnt drop any more cryptic names and just stated its all documented. prove it. first Bama was at the bottom of the polls, then the cryptic Hsu...fail fail...one more try..three strikes your out.

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Posted in: Bin Laden's sons say U.S. broke international law by killing their father See in context

USARonin "NBC Weekend Update with Seth Myers reported on Saturday that Bin Laden was killed while holding a 'bunny'.

The news anchor said, "So what?" A poll showed Americans in the center and to the right of center agreed with this assessment." this is the third time you trotted out this tired silly statement. we heard you the first 2 times and it wasn't funny then either. what are you trying to say? it really makes no sense. let it rest

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PeaceWarrior at 08:50 AM JST - 3rd May


N-nuclear B-biological C-chemical

Basically weapons of mass destruction

thank you for clearing that up

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to all the people who think this is fake, i thought so for a minute too, then rationality set in. there is no way bin laden would pass up the opportunity to make us look like fools by cranking out a video proving he is alive. i am 100% sure he won't be releasing anymore videos unless they are of the post-humous variety. to all the ones saying this means nothing due to the thousands waiting to step into his shoes, that could be, but how many of them are mega multi millionaires. on the other hand those who are saying "this is a message to all the other terrorists, it will make them think twice before messing with the usa" you are dreaming. the prospect of a bullet in the head is really not much of a deterrent to people who strap bombs to their bodies and detonate them intentionally..think about it... USARonin "Sushi, you're confusin' a largely visual TV empire with what you refer to as your 'newsreadin' manga.

If you don't know what 'NBC weapons' are, I'm not equipped to bring you up to speed."

actually nobody here knows what you mean, in fact even the urban dictionary has no idea what nbc weapons are, so in this case you would not be bringing us "up to speed" you would be letting us in on your own little personal acronym. if you don't have time to "bring us up to speed" please refrain from using obscure sayings nobody understands, thanks. #

USNinJapan2 "Gotta love how in Japanese news stories OBL is always listed as the alleged terrorist, the alleged mastermind, etc." kind of like the psycho who shot congress woman giffords in front of hundreds of witnesses is always referred to as the alleged shooter in western media. it is standard practice. why make it a japanese thing? Eddiejet "obama, please tell my mama, we finally got obama." if anyone believes this propoganda then they probably believe that a plane did fly in the pentagon on/11; i didn't see any evidence of jet wreckage, did you?" I guess you meant to put "osama" in there somewhere but on the whole it was an epic fail at humor. nice try though, and props for making obama and obama rhyme..no i did not see jet wreckage but i did see video of jet liners slamming into buildings on that day and ironically a 4th plane and all its passengers did go missing, but probably the bilderberg group shot down the plane and hid all the wreckage to cover up there master plan to do minor damage to a wall of the pentagon. you really are on to something there. keep up the good work. "guess the great leaders of the world needed to kick start the markets again. silver drops, the yen gets weak, obama is a hero." where do you get your financial news? i am a player in the fx market and watch the rates incessantly, the dollar has done nothing but lose ground against all major pairs since this news hit...weak yen? it was at 81.7 when the market opened on monday and now stands at 81.2. i guess the world's financial institutions didn't get the memo of the master plan you described.

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Posted in: Japan's Christians celebrate Easter amid disaster See in context

@cleo notice i didn't tell you what a fool i think you are for your beliefs or go on and on about why i believe what i do. yet i have read numerous wordy posts by you about why you don't believe. you have said it 100 different ways...ok ok we get it...let it go..move on.

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Posted in: Japan's Christians celebrate Easter amid disaster See in context

why do the atheists have to chime in on every single article that even mentions Christianity? if you don't like it, that is your choice, but this is an uplifting article about people's faith helping them during a time of crisis. please find another article to do your trolling and advance your agenda.

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Posted in: Donors hand envelopes with cash to evacuees in Ishinomaki See in context

actually yea...you can after you give it...it is up to them to pay the "gift tax" but yea...you can give gifts to ANYONE you wish.

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Posted in: Donors hand envelopes with cash to evacuees in Ishinomaki See in context

when the charities give victims a bottle of water, a cup of soup, and some fresh linen that is all good and well, but it doesn't get them any closer to getting out of these gd shelters, it just gets them through another miserable day. if i am giving money to help, i would rather put it in someone's hand that can use it, rather than give it to an entity where it goes down a well and i am not quite sure where my money went or who if anybody it actually helped, or how.

"Right now I think the police has the right to confiscate that money to verify the donors and where the money comes from,"

really? omg really? people don't have the right to give to the needy anonymously? If i put 100円 in a beggars cup the police should be able to take it until they verify "who i am, and where the money comes from?" it is my money and i can give it to who i want. this is not a communist country.

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Posted in: Donors hand envelopes with cash to evacuees in Ishinomaki See in context

how many of the "proper channels" have actually gave cash money to even one of this disaster's victims yet? anyone? nobody? crickets

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Posted in: TEPCO to scrap 4 reactors at crippled nuclear plant; president hospitalized See in context

The solution is pretty simple really. Replace Shimizu with one of the many iron willed know-it-all posters from this board. They will be down there in a pair of cover-alls with their balls out and have everything fixed in short order. After that they will go on T.V., look everyone in the eye and give them the straight dope. Next order of business will be scrapping all reactors, working or not, and just shrug off the multi-billion yen loss, because that is how real men do it.

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Posted in: EU force says anti-piracy raids endanger hostages See in context

@Alphaape "How about going to where the pirates base themselves, and start there by destroying thier ships while inport.

A commando raid to place mines at the bottoms of their ships, or even mining the harbors where the pirates operate from will slow them down."

how do you propose to distinguish pirate vessels from civilian ones? just look for the giant black skull and crossbones flag?

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Posted in: EU force says anti-piracy raids endanger hostages See in context

wow EU wake up. If you pay-off pirates in gold they have major incentive to continue. If you only pay them in lead they won't be so eager to jump every ship that comes through.

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Posted in: Obama refocuses on job creation efforts See in context

@SolidariTea - "the crippling stagflation America soon faces will forever be associated with the name Obama."

why? Bush caused it all. it would be silly to associate the problem with the name of the person who tried to fix it rather than the person who caused it.

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Posted in: Plug me in See in context

i don't think it will do very well in the crash test phase.

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Posted in: Palin explains 'blood libel' comment See in context

@WilliB - But having said that, I would NOT go as low as to accuse Keith Olberman of having inspired the Arizona shooter.

Be ashamed.

well williB it was palin who made the map with crosshairs on the persons she wanted "removed" so it would be sort of stupid to try to lay blame on Olberman when it was clearly Palin who incited this violence.

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Posted in: 7-year-old boy seriously injured in Oita hit-and-run See in context

if you are questioning why this kid was walking to school at this age, clearly you have never spent one minute inside Japan. It is very common, and it is not some haphazard system. you will find crossing guards at busy intersections, not just outside the school, and a search party was sent for this kid when he didn't arrive on time. If you envision this story in another country such as U.S.A clearly it would seem insane, but they have been doing it this way in Japan for years and years.

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Posted in: What are some of the worst movies you saw this year? See in context

"The Fighter" was a terrible movie. Even the fight scenes were very boring.

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Posted in: Baby girl in critical condition after getting head trapped in car window See in context

@kujiranikusuki "I am so tired of seeing so many dumb clueless parents in Japan."

it was a day-care worker, not the parents who let this happen.

@smithinjapan "As with politicians, it's pretty clear that there are little or no requirements necessary to 'take care' of others' children"

what great countries require a license for this? most places you can hire a 13 year old kid to baby sit if you want to. nice try at Japan bashing though, you even worked a stab in at the politicians where there was no connection whatsoever

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Posted in: How bad do you think the tension on the Korean Peninsula is going to get? See in context

@tokyocrawler "how do you say merry christmas in nth korean???" who cares, NK doesn't give a fk about christmas

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Posted in: How bad do you think the tension on the Korean Peninsula is going to get? See in context

NK will bluff and posture their way into extinction

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Posted in: U.S. Senate votes to overturn military gay ban See in context

most of you are missing the point. soldiers should not have to shower and live with gays. the separate showers for men and women thing totally applies, deny it all you want. yea maybe they can point a gun as good as the next soldier, but I wouldn't want to be splattered with HIV blood if they take a head shot.

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Posted in: 66-year-old woman found dead at home; daughter hospitalized See in context

@Billgates "sengoku38, why making such a quick conclusion? There can as well be a possiblity that there was no intruder at all."

I think he was saying the they should probably have security around the survivor, which they probably do. just because other possibilities exist, doesn't mean they should ignore this possibility and provide no protection. he jumped to conclusions? Hello pot, meet kettle. there really wasn't enough information in this article to draw any conclusions except that 1 woman was hurt and 1 was killed. anything else is pure fantasy which seems pretty common from a lot of posters here.

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Posted in: U.S. Marine's Japanese widow allowed to live in U.S. See in context

she'll be coming back within 6 months.

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Posted in: Japan-operated tanker attacked off Somali coast See in context

Fadamor "What kind of "escort service" were the Chinese providing if an "unidentified vessel" can pull up to the tanker, strafe it, and make a clean get-away without getting interdicted by the warship?"

it is being escorted as it departs Rotterdam and "continues" to original destination. So I am guessing it is post-attack

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Posted in: Chiba cop arrested for allegedly groping woman on train See in context

combinibento- you have watched to much Law&Order. Consented to getting groped on public transport? Please don't try to justify this kind of behavior because the victim did not cope with the trauma the way you think she should have from your Western perspective. Yea it all seems logical, but it's just not the way things are done here. I don't if they are just too embarrassed or want to try to save face or what but many don't even report this type of assault, but that doesn't mean they consent or enjoy it.

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Posted in: Woman arrested for using spray on bus passengers in Chiba See in context

@m5c32 "Ok, I can imagine how this can get sprayed into eyes; how does one spray into throat? " allow me to clear this one up for you. This coming from someone who has been pepper sprayed by the police on more than one occasion. This phenomena occurs when just at the very moment you are inhaling, they fill your f'ing face up with pepper spray. nose...check...throat...check...mouth...check...eyes and ears..check check

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Posted in: Man in possession of marijuana locks himself in car in Ginza See in context


Typhoon_Tom "He's lucky this was Japan and not the U.S." well yes and no. it is true that the J-cops were more patient with him than cops in any u.s. city would have been. but the actual penalty for what he was holding is not a big deal in america, and he'll get "fried" in a bad way for possessing this much in Jpn.

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