Posted in: Norika Fujiwara touts kiwifruit See in context
Like a fine wine Norika gets better with age.
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Posted in: Roadblock See in context
Eerie photo. You don't always find your way blocked by boats.
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Posted in: Gadhafi's vows to fight to 'last drop of blood' See in context
Here is hoping the people of Libya do their best to ensure Gadaffi's loss of blood.
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Posted in: Gadhafi appears on TV to dispel rumors he has fled See in context
You would think that in 41 years since assuming control of Libya Gadhafi would have promoted himself beyond the rank of Colonel.
The loss of life is tragic. Let's hope their deaths were not in vain.
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Posted in: Why must Tokyo’s railways engage in aural assault? See in context
I like the station jingles. I even have an alarm clock that plays verious jingles from Chuo Line stations.
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Posted in: What is one habit that your significant other does or has that you can't stand but put up with anyway? See in context
Another thing is my wife always leaves the shampoo bottle upside down even when it is full.
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Posted in: What is one habit that your significant other does or has that you can't stand but put up with anyway? See in context
My wife used to smoke so that was definitely her number one annoying habit. Now it is constantly asking me if I did something (pay bills, chores, etc.) when she darn well knows I did.
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Posted in: And the winner is... See in context
H ekind of looks like the guy that used to impersonate Sanma.
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Posted in: Maki Goto releases mini-album See in context
Goto has always been my least favorite MoMusu member, but I wish her nothing but success in her career and getting married before 30.
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Posted in: Stone thrown at moving Seibu Shinjuku line train; two passengers hurt See in context
I wrecked my first car, '79 Firebird, because some punks dropped a cinder block from an overpass.
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Posted in: Stone thrown at moving Seibu Shinjuku line train; two passengers hurt See in context
This is as bad as kids throwing rocks off of highway overpasses.
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Posted in: Aya Ueto, EXILE leader Hiro try to dodge press See in context
I thought exile had a no dating policy :|
Dating is okay as long as they have a no procreating policy.
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Posted in: May the force be with Panasonic See in context
Only imperial stormtroopers are so precise...
Except when it comes to shooting Rebel scum. If the Stormtroopers were so precise how come any Rebel is still alive?
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Posted in: U.S. Navy commander loses carrier job over lewd videos See in context
Looks like he also used unauthorized footage showing Glenn Close.
No. Glenn Close actually came out to the boat while we were at sea as part of some USO thing. I have her autograph on a DVD of Fatal Attraction (yes, I actually have that on DVD).
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Posted in: U.S. Navy commander loses carrier job over lewd videos See in context
I have lost confidence in Capt Honors’ ability to lead effectively
Translation: I still believe Capt. Honors is an effective leader. I know that because I have access to the data we use to measure the performance of a commanding officer. However, due to a small but vocal minority of people I have to remove him from his position. That is I have to remove the best person for the job a few weeks before the ship goes on deployment.
This whole thing pisses me off to no end. What is very likely to have occured is some little turd went to Mast (non-judicial punishment, UCMJ Art.15), thought his punishment too severe, and wanted to get back at The Man.
I watched the whole video and couldn't find one instance of something remotely funny.
Probably because you are a prude. Or maybe you only saw the one video available which is a collection of popular moments from all the previous XO Movie Night videos. There were several made. Someone were just silly stuff, a few addressed needed issues (water conservation, OPSEC, proper behavior in port, etc.), but most were kind of corny. A lot of them had something to do with Capt. Honors' parrot.
To any that think the production of these videos took up the majority of his time is sorely mistaken. Capt. Honors took very good care of the things an XO is supposed to. Fraternity-like humor? You betcha'. What do you think the Navy or any armed force is?
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Posted in: Morning Musume gets 4 new members See in context
I am surpised MoMusu is still around. I thought they had been eclipsed by AKB48. One of the biggest targets of the JPOP haters I always liked them, especially after Maki Goto left.
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Posted in: U.S. Navy to probe lewd videos shown to carrier crew See in context
I served on the Enterprise during Capt. Honors' tenure as XO. I do not know of one person on the ship that was offended by the videos. That included people I knew were gay. The crew looked forward to XO Movie Night. It was a nice moment of levity in an otherwise serious world. The skits, while crude and in what some people would consider bad taste, were not done out of malice towards any particular group.
As far as the gutless complaints I believe he is meant how no one came to him directly and said "Sir, I find your videos offensive." CAPT Honors is the kind of officer that would have sincerely listened to someone that spoke with him directly.
What I find funny about this whole thing is how Capt. Honors is in such deep doodoo over videos that are, at worst, PG-13. Movies with content far more offensive are shown on a regular basis.
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Posted in: Does J-pop really suck? See in context
**BINGO!!! lovely nostalgic JPOP from the 90s.
TRF!!! and Maki Ohguro.
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Posted in: Does J-pop really suck? See in context
J-Pop, like any other popular music ranges from really good to absolute suckage. In the case of J-Pop the crap/good ratio is a bit high. I do not listen to J-Pop like I did when I first came to Japan, but I will not make a blanket statement that it all sucks. There is/was good stuff out there. Mid 90s J-Pop is especially nostalgic to me as I first came to Japan in 1994. Another thing about J-Pop is that it helped motivate me to learn the language.
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Posted in: Military maneuvers See in context
In case anybody is wondering what is happening here - The GW was delivering fuel to the Ikazuchi through a procedure called connected replenishment. That is why the two ships are so close. As for size diffecnce . . . no kidding. The GW is a carrier. The JMSDF ship is a frigate. The fact that the picture was taken from the GW's signal bridge only adds to the size differential. It was nice to see the crew of the Ikazuchi wave to us when they separated.
There are even a few JMSDF Sailors onboard. Good people.
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Excellent.. Welcome Chinese brothers.. Asian brotherhood!!..
Posted in: Japan top destination for Chinese during Lunar New Year holidays
Posted in: Facing 40 lawsuits, Trump blasts judges, fueling fear of constitutional clash
Posted in: Trump presses Jordan to take in Palestinians from Gaza; king opposes displacement
Posted in: Netanyahu threatens to resume fighting in Gaza if hostages aren't released Saturday