Japan Today

Ruud Thea Bisenberger comments

Posted in: Japan anticipates economic boost, but Fukushima shadow lingers See in context

Japan host the Olympics???? I have only one word for it.....disgusting!

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Posted in: 'Barefoot Gen' comic stirs history controversy See in context

Maybe the children of Japan will understand better why the A-bombs were dropped.That's why they survived.It was the only way to stop their military aggression, before everybody got murdered., even all Japanese.Japan's military trained even the youngest children of Japan to kill during that time, if Japan would be invaded. They said we will fight until the last men is standing. I wonder if there would be a Japan today? It would not hurt to tell the children how it really was, and that such barbaric atrocities should never happen again. Teach them to live in harmony and peace and let's hope that they learn from it. George Santanyana reminds us that the lessons of history are invaluable"Those who forget the past, are condemned to repeat it". As long as it will be taught in a honest way and not be glorified, which the Japanese government is very good at right now. A very good example is Germany, the younger generation is not proud about their past. Japanese children are not aware about the truth, and what happened during WW2.

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Posted in: Nagasaki marks 68th anniversary of atomic bombing See in context

Answer to Know Better. I think Oliver Stone should make a movie of the sadistic nature of the Japanese military during WW2. I was a war victim and together with my mother, her sister and two children we were put in these horrible Japanese prison camps, because we were blanda's (white) My father died on the infamous Birma railway. Tortured and starved and worked to death. Oliver Stone should make a movie of these happenings. Japan seems to have forgotten what they did to humans. The bombs saved our lives. The women had to dig trenches, which would be their graves. Hirohito your Emperor had ordered that all prisoners should be liquidated, and he did not care how it would be done. Poison them, shoot them, whatever you think will be easy, but leave no traces. The liquidation date was set for 26 August. A lot of you have no idea what went on in these camps. It is about time that Japan tells this side of the story. Yes the bombs were horrible. but Japan was going to fight till the last man standing. My mother and my aunt were Dutch and were in Camp Moentilan on Java. I have seen horrible things as a child. Both my mother and her sister were raped by your military. No Pearl Harbor no Hiroshima. Japan has never taken the blame. It's about time they take the blame maybe the shame will go away.Millions more would have lost their lives, if the bombs had not fallen. Think about that, and today there would not have been a Japan. It's sad that innocent people are the ones who suffer the most, and I feel for the victims of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. But does Japan feel badly about the millions of victims of their military past????????

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Posted in: Sending a message See in context

Those who forget the past, will repeat it. Japan has to be reminded constantly about their past. They seemed to have forgotten about all the atrocities they inflicted on human beings. during WW2. They forgot that they ripped 10 year old boys from their mothers arms and used them for slave labor until they they died of total exhaustion and starvation. They forgot that their military inflicted terrible atrocities to innocent women and children in these concentration camps. They forgot that they had plans to kill them all, all in the name of the Emperor. When are they finally see history as it is. They raped my mother and her sister repeatedly in camp Moentilan, and of all places in a church. They were animals trained military by Japan. They had no respect for life. It's time for Japan to recognize their wrong doings during that horrible time when they like to conquer the world. They are losers and always will be, as long as they do not take the blame the shame will never go away. Those who were there, never got over it and never will.It's people like maglev101 who have no idea what he is talking about..We hated the flag from Japan the flag which was raised everywhere, the rising sun. For us there was no rising sun, only misery, starvation, malaria, oedema and beatings from these so called Nipon soldiers.My mother and her sister never got over it, they survived, and I survived with bad memories we have to live with.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: Opposition lawmaker urges Abe to stay with 1993 sex slave apology See in context

My mother was raped by these military beasts while we were Japanese prisoners of war in Moetilan and later transferred to Banjoebiroe on the island of Java. My mother passed away but I her daughter who was one and a halve year old and 5 years old when the war was over, suffered many atrocities inflicted by the Japanese., will as long as I live ask Japan for an acceptable apology , and redress for the enforced sexual slavery of Dutch Women.Proof of that fact you will find in the verdict by the Batavia Military Tribunal passing sentence on Japanese military and civilians in the so called Semarang Coerced Prostitution case.My mothers life was ruined, she suffered nightmares for the rest of her life. She did not forgive what the Japanese military had done to innocent women and children. Maybe one day I hope to be able to forgive, but forget one will never., even at my young age, things I have seen, the beatings my mother received, will forever be engraved in my mind. Lets see of this leader of Japan can present himself as the leader Japan needs now to restore its finances and its position in the world. Impress the world with a sincere apology with a suitable compensation to victims of the Imperial Army's conduct in South East Asia during World War two, in particular in Dutch East Indies. An apology is meaningless if that apology is not carried by Parliament. An apology by the people of Japan represented in Parliament is the only acceptable apology to war victims and their next of kin.A true apology requires redress. There are many ways within our different cultures to overcome the present gap in understanding as to what fair redress is. It is not a legal matter. Instead it is one of honor and respect in accepting moral responsibility. As Japan wants to befriend the world in order to protect its economy it has to compromise and show good will by taking initiatives. These quotes were send in our petition from Tuesday January 8, 2013, from The Hague The Netherlands to the Prime Minister Shinzo ABE

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Posted in: S Korean president urges Japan to resolve sex slave issue See in context

My mother and thousands of women and children, from which I and my cousins were one of them, where prisoners of War of the Japanese in 1942, For three and halve years my mother and my aunt were tortured, used by the Japanese, and were used for slave labor. Young girls had to line up and were picked out put by the Japanese and forced into sex. Mothers were pleading with the Japanese to please take me. Some of these young girls committed suicide. It was barbaric what these so called soldiers have done in World War II. They were worse than animals. Japan never paid for their crimes and looting. Like Germany did and still does. It was Japan who wanted to conquer the world, and let their own people suffer. They got enough warning for the first A-bomb and enough warning for the second one. They sneaky attacked Pearl Harbor without warning. The blame is entirely Japan. Time for them to acknowledge that their fathers and for fathers did wrong.Every second Tuesday of the month we in The Netherlands are still demonstrating. So it was not only the Koreans they used.My mother and aunt both have passed away, but had to live their life with these horrible nightmares.This is not what you teach young boys to do in the army. You teach them to defend their country, not to rape innocent girls and women. So Japan stand up for your wrong doings, grow up!!!

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Posted in: Marshall Islands fine Japanese ship for violating shark fin ban See in context

Ignore..... They know that word very well. Pretend not knowing is a good word too.Maybe they say it did not happen, the shark jumped in our boats. We didn't do it. While they jumped the fin came off.

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Posted in: Ishihara agrees with Nagoya mayor's Nanjing massacre denial See in context

George Santayana reminds us that the lessons of history are invaluable,"Those who forget the past, are condemned to repeat it". Lest we forget! You cannot longer pretend it did not happen!

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: Ishihara agrees with Nagoya mayor's Nanjing massacre denial See in context

Denial seems to be the word in their dictionary. The words sorry and apology they do not seem to know, that word does not exist.The only word they know very well is LIE. The Japanese government has to come to terms with what their fathers, and for fathers have done in World War II.They did the same in Indonesia with the European women who were their prisoners. They raped and killed them too.My mother was there., and Thank God she survived. She had to live with this terrible nightmare the rest of her life.

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