Japan Today

Sachu comments

Posted in: Trudeau condemns mosque attack, says Islamophobia 'has no place' in Canada See in context

Several Hindu temples were attacked, vandalized and defaced in Canada in the last few years and no condemnation from Justin ever. Looks like Hinduphobia has place in Canada.

6 ( +14 / -8 )

Posted in: Canada House speaker apologizes for recognition of veteran who fought for Nazis See in context

If fighting Russians was the criteria, the Canadian MPs should visit Afghanistan and give standing ovation to the Taliban. Also, they should pay homage to their best of who fought Russians, the construction engineer bin laden.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Posted in: Pakistan deploys army to quell riots over ex-PM Khan's arrest See in context

Imran Kahn is a Frankenstein monster created by Pakistan army and he is doing what a Frankenstein monster would do. America seems to have lost all interest in Pakistan after withdrawal from Afghanistan and their only concern seems to be the security of nuclear arsenal and American response will just be limited to that.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Okinawa to cap number of remote island visitors to prevent 'overtourism' See in context

330,000 per year is 930 average per day

There are 12 sailings from Ishigaki to Iriomote per day. Each ferry has capacity ~100 . Max tourist visits can be ~ 1200 per day

The ferries need to run at 80% capacity all year to achieve 330,000 yearly limit or 100% capacity to achieve 1200 per day limit

Is it a joke?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Veggie 'steak' spared the knife in France See in context

Such an inferiority complex.

Vegan in reality is all about taking meat out of the food but not out of the mind. Vegan steak, Vegan sausage,…

Plants based foods deserve better. And Soy is not the only plant.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Posted in: India tops 200,000 dead as virus surge breaks health system See in context

Health experts say huge gatherings during Hindu festivals and mammoth election rallies in some states have accelerated the unprecedented surge India is seeing now.

The states having surge now did not have elections and conveniently hide Ramzan behind Hindu festivals. The mortality rate in 1st wave was 1.43% and the mortality rate in 2nd wave is 0.65%.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: India records world's biggest single-day rise in coronavirus cases See in context

10% of population in India - 130 Million already got jabs. Yeah 10% is a fraction of population...

1 ( +2 / -1 )

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