Posted in: Violent protests in Chicago after man shot dead by police See in context
Unarmed black men who commit crimes, run from police or fight with police, try to grab their gun, etc. Again, it's perfectly ok to act a thug because this is glorified in music/movies, and you gotta keep it real n the streets.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Violent protests in Chicago after man shot dead by police See in context
What is racist about sitting down at night, turning on the tv and watching hundreds/thousands of protestors, mostly black, yelling at police "how can you sleep at night, murderer?" Hearing how every time a black man is shot/killed by police, his past criminal record doesn't mean anything because here's a picture of him in 8th grade looking so angelic. No big deal he had a gun. No big deal he's running from police. No big deal he's fighting with police. No need to follow the same laws everyoe else has to follow. And no big deal about black on black violence. That's socially acceptable in the black community?
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Violent protests in Chicago after man shot dead by police See in context
Carry a gun on your person, run from police, fight with police, reach for said gun - you will be shot and most likely die. Doesn't matter your color or race. Police are not going to try and shoot the gun out of your hand. They are not going to use a stun gun or pepper spray. There is a simple solution to stop black men in America from being shot/killed by police...stop, listen, reply. Maybe, just maybe, don't run, carry a gun, etc. It's been working for the majority of Americans for decades.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Violent protests in Chicago after man shot dead by police See in context
Not uppity, no racist. The endless list of "victims" which Black Lives Matter keeps bringing to the publics attention are praised as saints and do-gooders. Meanwhile they have an arms length wrap sheet, and each decided to have a confrontation with police. I never hear or see and acceptance of behavior on the part of these people. You're simply to believe that every police force in America is out to get the innocent, pure hearted black man.
-3 ( +0 / -3 )
Posted in: Violent protests in Chicago after man shot dead by police See in context
Black people will complain about the racial profiling of black men by the police, who do so based on suspicious behavior and other clues, and opps, what do you know, that bulge in his waistband was a gun. But of course, even if the gun is illegal, they will say he didn't do anything wrong and he was shot for being black. Wouldn't have anything to do with the notion of black people in America being born with an inability to calmly, casually interact with police when asked a question or to follow an instruction. There's always resistance and noncompliance, not to mention a truckload of attitude.
-6 ( +0 / -6 )
Posted in: This is what a ¥10,000 Tokyo bento boxed lunch looks like See in context
Figuring the average customer of a 10,000yen lunch bento is one who can both afford to waste a 10,000yen note on such an item, and who's job affords them the luxury of not having to eat it at their desk while working - they could literally eat lunch at any high end, Michelin Starred eatery in Tokyo.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Court orders retrial of deceased man convicted in 1984 murder See in context
Mistakes happen, but the large majority of those found guilty are guilty. And yes, if it means 1:100 death row executees were innocent, I can live with those odds.
-7 ( +1 / -8 )
Posted in: Walmart reportedly looking to sell Seiyu supermarket chain See in context
@TorafusuTorasan Not sure I would mix those distinctly different foods.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Walmart reportedly looking to sell Seiyu supermarket chain See in context
Well, unlike bloggers on YouTube, I'm not going to preface every post with a disclaimer that of course I'm not speaking about every single person, etc.
I'm not talking about the 90s or rural Japan. I'm talking about right now and in Tokyo. Beams, Ships, United Arrows. They easily price a sweater for ¥20,000. It's not about going to Uniqlo for a much cheaper sweater. It's the fact that the Beams, Ships, United Arrows of Japan - they are not luxury labels only found in higher end boutiques or malls. They are all over the place. Nobody shopping there questions "why is this cotton sweater ¥20,000?" They just accept that's the price, just because that's the price.
As for getting around in the States, let's take NYC since it's a big city. The subway is $2.75 one way. While it's not as on time as Tokyo, not as clean, way more annoying people riding it - talking price here.
Food comes down to what you see as quality vs sub par. Dollar Pizza in NYC. Never getting that in Tokyo for 100yen.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Walmart reportedly looking to sell Seiyu supermarket chain See in context
Of course they pay higher prices just because. It's usually cheaper to order an item from the US, which was made in China and shipped for sale in the US, and pay for the shipping all the way back to Asia than to just buy it in Japan.
Go to the mall. They are filed with local, no-name clothing brands who's clothing are all made in China, Bangladesh, Thailand, etc - but they want ¥8,000 - ¥15,000 (or higher) for a shirt, pants, sweater.
I'm not talking about wagyu beef which one can atleast argue over why it's more of a luxury. Not talking about high end luxury stores, though even those are all priced higher here than in the US.
A lot of this stuff is simply more expensive for absolutely no reason. Even if it's 100% made in Japan, it will then be equally expensive regardless of luxury or scarcity. Hence, just because.
0 ( +6 / -6 )
Posted in: 'Indiana Jones 5' delayed again, until 2021 See in context
You people really need to learn sarcasm, uhg :/
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: 'Indiana Jones 5' delayed again, until 2021 See in context
Hopefully we can get a female lead this time around #metoo #timesup
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: Yasmine Djoudi of Ikkai: One French woman's dream to inspire Japan's next generation See in context
Curious to know...if a company such as this, who's founded by two foreigners who do not speak Japanese, and rather than learn it simply hired interns to translate, why don't many of the Japanese companies (in Japan) who do international business assign bilingual interns to skilled foreigners who don't speak Japanese?
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Qatar Airways improves inflight dining for Economy Class passengers See in context
Qatar treats its average joe citizens as if they are the dirt beneath their shoes, so no surprise they have been serving garbage to the low end customers on its airlines.
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: This is what a ¥10,000 Tokyo bento boxed lunch looks like See in context
Yea, but this is made in Japan, so obviously the quality is much higher and you know, it's not like anyone here is gonna complain to the store/stall selling these scam items.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Walmart reportedly looking to sell Seiyu supermarket chain See in context
Walmart prices in Japan won't work. Japanese are too used to paying extortedly high prices for items "just because."
4 ( +8 / -4 )
Posted in: Court orders retrial of deceased man convicted in 1984 murder See in context
Better late than never.
-2 ( +4 / -6 )
Posted in: Ex-head of parents' group gets life in prison for murder of 9-year-old Vietnamese girl See in context
Much prefer exposing these criminals to the US prison system where he can be brutalized repeatedly for the entirety of his sentence.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Man arrested for assaulting two people at Akihabara Station in Tokyo See in context
Perhaps the "kind and polite mannered Japan you once knew" was simply what you are seeing now boiling under the surface. Foreigners put these unattainable standards on Japanese people as if they are from anothe world - that they are ALL so kind, polite, well mannered, etc. Sorry to burst the bubble of so many Japanophiles and weeaboos, but Japanese people are exactly the same as all the other people you find in every other country you go to - nice/not nice, cool/not cool, friendly/unfriendly, racist/not racist, normal/psychotic, etc.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Ex-head of parents' group gets life in prison for murder of 9-year-old Vietnamese girl See in context
Have no issue with that, Disillusioned. Have the arrest, trial and guilty verdict - and you're led into a room with the elected member of the victim's family (or the victim if not a murder case, and willing/able). The punishment will be handed out at the elvel they see fit.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Man arrested for assaulting two people at Akihabara Station in Tokyo See in context
Brian: Pay a fine, pay someone's medical bills, take an anger management class, and then get a free pass from jail? Why not just give a trophy, too? If that's all the fallout one deserves from brutally attacking someone on the street - regardless of whether they are laughing at you or not - you'll have a long line of people queing up to get at their past employers, co-workers, people on the street, etc.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Aum executions open door for more debate on death penalty See in context
So then we better just close down the legal/court system. Don't even have laws because there may always be a chance a mistake was made somewhere in the process. Let's just adopt an honor system. That will make things better.
And to the newbs who say to kill makes you a killer, I can happily accept that. I would have no problem pressing all 3 buttons so everyone knows I was the one who did it. Good riddance.
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: Singer James Arthur urges more mental health support in music See in context
All I'm hearing is complaints frm people who have money and fame. You have a manager taking 20% of your income. Try telling them to tell your booking agent, who's taking another 10-15% of your show bookings, you need to cancel some dates or not book in a certain time frame. Instead of buying another AP watch or lambs, use the money to seek treatment/help.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Blockchain rising: Japan’s cryptocurrency ecosystem leads world See in context
Japan also leads the world in the largest cryptocurrency theft. Congrats.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Bringing the concept of 'real life' English into the classroom See in context
Japanese are absolutely in last place when in comes to asian countires learning English. You have more English schools, English cafes, learn English businesses here than any place on Earth, and still Japanese are terrible with pronunciation, usage, etc. The experiment should be ended. It's not meant to be. Let Japan and Japanese people stick to what they are good at, Japanese.
-3 ( +2 / -5 )
Posted in: This gave me peace of mind. I have always been wondering why it had to be my daughter and why she had to be killed. Now, I can pay a visit to her grave and tell her of this. See in context
Wrong place, wrong time. It's all it boils down to. But glad you can have a small amount of peace from this well deserved hanging.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: What are some of the most common mistakes that job applicants make in compiling their resumes? See in context
Not spending enough money to look pretty in your photo, since more weight is put on the picture than experience.
-4 ( +0 / -4 )
Posted in: 2 Tokyo university officials suspected of bribing bureaucrat resign See in context
Say sorry, bow, repeat.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Ex-head of parents' group gets life in prison for murder of 9-year-old Vietnamese girl See in context
The faster you hang these people and flush their ashes down the toilet, the better. We are supposed pay to house, feed, clothe, and educate these people for 20-50years? Show leniency because they are human, too? No, I don't think so. The majority of people who think that have never had a loved one brutalized.
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: At least 50 dead, about 50 missing as torrential rains lash Japan See in context
Be careful out there.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
this week in stupid - todays edition
Posted in: AP reporter denied access to White House over 'Gulf of Mexico' naming issue
Posted in: AP reporter denied access to White House over 'Gulf of Mexico' naming issue
Posted in: Gutting aid, U.S. cedes soft power game to China
Posted in: AP reporter denied access to White House over 'Gulf of Mexico' naming issue