Posted in: South Africa slams newspaper column praising apartheid See in context
@Kazuaki Shimazaki.
Sono contradicts herself and she makes no sense to some of us.
lets digest her thoughts. She argues that Black neighborhoods in S/Africa are dirty and cruel.And from her analysis of the aparthied ,Blacks ,Whites and Asians should live sepreately.In other words,their culture is different.
My question is ,India has over 600million people without toilets and who defeacate in open spaces.I have been to India and some South East Asian countries and I can categorically say the level of filth there is nothing to write home about.
So my point is ,if you use the filth and situation in a country as a basis for race segregation.Are Indians and other people in South East Asia not Asians? Are their culture not different from Japanese as a whole?Again,the immigrants we are talking about are Asians.I have not heard of any Government policy on trying to bring Africans here.
In sum,she makes no sense unless she thought blacks were an easy pick to advance her agenda.
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Posted in: South Africa slams newspaper column praising apartheid See in context
Kazuki Shimazaki From your point:
*This is written in such a way to suggest that had Africa not been colonized, they would have had a high literacy rate. That is a hard sell. They weren't colonized because they were strong well-educated people, you know. Frankly, their pre-colonial existences suggest that had they not been colonized, the literacy rate is likely to be lower.
First,let me inform you that there is a difference between education and schooling.Educaton is a life long process where values,knowledge and skills are instilled in the young by the elderly which entails several social agencies not only schooling.To think they were not educated because there were no formal schools is ignorance. What we refer to literacy now,at least in Africa then and now, is the abiity to read and write English which the colonialists pursued inorder for propagate Christianity.Many African countries had their ways of writing even b4 the colonial period.Maybe,if they had pursued it, literacy (at least,in the traditonal meaning of literacy) would be higher.
Yes,on South Africa,the end of aparthied has caused hardship,unfortunately for the whites.Which I think the Government there should address it.sometimes ,trying to correct years of disparities will cause problems.
But anyway, here's where we may have to disagree. If you accept that African black communities are filthy and cruel as a premise, and keeping clean is independent of wealth... >
This is where you are wrong again.I guess you have not been to south Africa.You will understand that,there is a high correlation between wealth and cleanliness.What causes this uncleanliness in their neigborhood?Years of neglect in basic social services like water,toilets etc.
Anyway,why use apartheid to buttress your ideas on immigration or better still segregation.Eventhough,as we all know,the current immigration been considered is geared towards Asians(Phillipinos,SE)?.OR from her analyses,these folks are not Asians?if they are,then this editorail she wrote is useless.
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Posted in: South Africa slams newspaper column praising apartheid See in context
I will pardon you, as a Japanese,on your inability to comprehend the fundamental cause of ethnic wars in Africa.Why? Because most seemingly educated Japanese I have met do not seem to even know basic information on Asia not to talk about global issues.However,let me highlight a few points.
1.At independence, Colonial rule in Africa had left a huge illetracy rate.Why? Because only the select few and their dependents who sided with the colonists where allowed acces to eductaion .
2.The Colonists in Independence ,in most cases,left governence to ethnic groups who were close to them.These ethnic groups were mostly the minority in these countries.Thus,inorder to stregthen their control,they stiffled democracy and turned to dictators which obviously did not go well with the majority group.
These 2 main points are the causes of ethnic wars in Africa.You sem not to know Africa history.But ,take a time and read the trade and eductation that was in western and Northern part of present Africa before colonialisation. I am not saying,the present African situation is only as a result of colonialism.
On South Africa,do you think a genaration that has gone through this apartheid system and its consequent poverty would be able to live in clean environment with all the basic amenities in a go?
However to use a Hongkong as a model in support of colonialism is in itself wrong.Because,you seem not to know the history of Hongkong.It is this same thought ,you Japanese,have used to justify your activities in taiwan etc.
I bet the Americans should have colonized you .Then,you would have understood these issues.
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Posted in: Somali pirates vow retaliation after captain freed See in context
lets keep on chest thumbing but lets brace for the worst.we could have chose other we have told them we are merciless and they will also be merciless.put your shoes in any of the 200 hostages been held and you will realise ,killing them was not the right option
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Posted in: Developing countries want say in world finance See in context
wolfpack-what finances should they bring to the table?all they are asking for is to be at least heard on that platform.have you thoroughly looked at IMF and world bank's policies to the least developed.?have you forgotten they supply these developed countries with the needed raw materials?
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Posted in: Japan celebrates WBC win See in context
japan won n deserve my congrats not those unsportsman korean team.
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Posted in: 15-year-old boy dies after being Tasered by police in Michigan See in context
a brute police force in a so called civilised country.this incident will not happen here in Japan cos they ve one of the civilised cops
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Posted in: Aki Hoshino throws her support behind Ichiro See in context
marry at 40?typical japanese thinking
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Posted in: U.S. Embassy warns Americans to avoid Roppongi bars due to drink-spiking increase See in context
also some of the foreign girls you meet at the various bars also work on you.they are called "drink back girls"there.mostly,they are the one's who drug you as they move you from bar to bar and strike your card somewhere.not forgetting,the "ladyboys" at motown ,they steal your wallets.just be careful
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Posted in: Ambassadors of Cute See in context
they are okay for my liking.these looks are what their men prefer and thus calls them cute,what is wrong with that?
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Posted in: Ambassadors of Cute See in context
these are dolls in reality.wish i can ve one on my bed......kawaiiiii
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Posted in: More Japanese shunning the outside world See in context
shuii-i speak some japanese as well but not to point i can express my self fully n at times u need at least one person ho can at least speak english.that does not mean many cities around the world where they all have their native languages a considerable number speak english.mind you ,am not a native speaker but learnt it cos i knew it is the international language u bothered to ask why certain centres designated for foreigners are manned by people who cannot babble no other word than "sank you".
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Posted in: Seven & I recruits See in context
guys,give them a break,at least they ve secured a job .look at the unemployed graduates around the world at least corporate japan does well.even in reccession ,they do massive recuiting unlike in other countries.give credit where it is due
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Posted in: More Japanese shunning the outside world See in context
its disturbing.many times ve been to govt offices,banks ,hospitals etc and there is not a single soul who speaks english.for now,english is the accepted international language so it will prudent if they encourage some of its people to learn the language.
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Posted in: Air Self-Defense Force member arrested for trespassing into women's toilet at store See in context
at times ur stomach will be running n the gents toilet is full,what do u do?if he did peep on the woman in e next cubicle,then he should be held responsible but if he just used e ladies honourably then no call for alarm
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Posted in: Handcuffed man escapes police after molesting woman in Aichi See in context
they are the most decent,civilised police force around the world.i have witnessed a lot in their activities.even as u resist, shout on them.they still will ve to patience n finally wil get u in there.
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Posted in: Tokyo University See in context
thenewfront-knowing current political affairs and current world history does not give you the impetus to believe u r better than a jp uni grad.i ve met numerous jp grads and i must confess they r great r just a great loser panting over nothing i said,uni is not the only way to success but it really counts
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Posted in: Tokyo University See in context
thenewfront-i read your earlier post and the word "most" is not there.i might not be wrong on my might be so pompous to believe that you are better than any japanese on this board who went to uni
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Posted in: Tokyo University See in context
thenewfront-the fact that u did not go to uni but you made it means uni is me ,my sociology major shaped me and helps me make informed choices and decisions.pls comment constructively
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Posted in: Tokyo University See in context
thenewfront-Universities are usually to get a degree so they and their mama and pap's can show off about it. I disagree on this.uni shapes you,a platform for knowledge acquisition,research among others. unless you want to refer to some uni's in particular.though,it might not be the only way to success.
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Posted in: Work-life balance more important than ever See in context
i love to work,it is my culture and even my wife does not want me home.pls leave me alone
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Posted in: 19-year-old college student dies after drinking party in Aichi See in context
i bet he drank" nihhonshu".that drink is deadly and will never try again
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Posted in: Mie high school student commits suicide, leaving names of seven classmates in note See in context
in a society where openness is not a norm .people dont discuss problems with parents ,relatives or friends and when it gets to its peak they commit suicide.when i was in high schol i was bullied a lot ,told my parents eerything and never new the word suicide.the kid or the parents, who is to blame?
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Posted in: What are your worst fears if mass layoffs continue due to the economic recession? See in context
knowbetter-i second you on miss T-marie ,you been white does not make you safe cos black,yellow,haafu or not we are all in this.dont play the race game here
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Posted in: Half and haafu See in context
I have heard a couple calling my kid "Mix".I think it is better than calling them half.half of what?
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Posted in: Half and haafu See in context
many haafus have made it in sports and entertainment.they are the envy of many Japanese.Just waiting to see when they enter politics and i will pop a champagne.I know my son will take this unique opportunity to achieve greater heights.
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Posted in: Man wanted for stabbing former lover, her current boyfriend in Tochigi See in context
go get him ,J cops.Dont wait for him to turn himself in
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Posted in: Finance minister under fire for sloppy behavior at G-7 meeting See in context
i have seen many sleeping during diet d.eliberations.I think it is a habit of most oyaji's here.i hope he be reprimanded for such misconduct
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Posted in: Man arrested for stabbing mother in Fukuoka home See in context
and when the mother recovers she will stab him to closed
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Posted in: Pakistan Taliban release video of Polish hostage's beheading See in context
the best is to invade pakistan or better still invade all countries that harbour terorist if their govts dont act.where is my good old friend ,Mr G W Bush.pls dont forget invading zimbabwe too,cos mugabe is one
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Posted in: Man sentenced to life in prison for raping 10 elementary school girls
Posted in: N Korea slams U.S. and Asian rivals for pursuing 'absurd' plans to denuclearize North
This dangerous person must never be released, stay in your cell up to end of your life.
Posted in: Man sentenced to life in prison for raping 10 elementary school girls
Posted in: Mother, son fall to their deaths from 14-story apartment in apparent murder-suicide