Posted in: Japan to stage Tokyo Olympics without overseas spectators See in context
I am in the U.S. at present. I watch NHK news daily. Just today (Wednesday, March 10, 2021) NHK reported that the Japanese government was to decide this by the end of March--as no final decision regarding external visitors to the Olympics had been decided. So if that is true, why is Japantoday reporting otherwise? Makes me question as to whether the moderator reads what is printed, or simply places items on their website in order to obtain revenue. Further, if the Japanese government has not decided this question, one would think that a follow up story to this question/topic would be provided on this website. Reporting in this age today seems suspect. READERS BEWARE.
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: How crime suspects are treated by police and prosecutors is unknown to many Japanese, who tend to trust authoritative figures and assume anyone who gets arrested is guilty. Do you agree with this statement? See in context
I lived in Japan for more than 25 years. Further, I was a policeman with the USAF, worked with Japanese police on many issues. So, when I write that the Japanese justice system must change, I think I have relevant knowledge and experience to write this.
16 ( +16 / -0 )
Posted in: Ghosn puts Japan's justice system on trial See in context
Let' s see if change occurs in Japan. I surmise that little, if any, change will occur even a year from now--even acknowledging that improvement is necessary.I have lived in Tokyo for more than 25 years,so most of what CG said is true. For anyone not living in Japan, one question to consider. Would you trade your country's system of justice for that of Japan.
If you have never lived in Japan, this is difficult to answer. However, I am confident in stating that change in Japan is needed. Opinions without facts are not solicited.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: The bromance between Abe and Trump has been a bumpy road, but perhaps nothing has embarrassed Abe more than Trump divulging that Abe nominated him for the Nobel Peace Prize. It makes Abe look craven for toadying to Trump, the least popular U.S. president ever in Japan. See in context
Gotta say that I am deeply disappointed in Kingston indicating that Trump is the least popular president ever. That statement MAY be so, but for lack of credible source/sources to support this statement, it appears as personal opinion. Is it any wonder that liberalism is considered rampant in colleges/universities? Oh. btw, I used to teach at Temple University in Japan. I truly do not care if anyone responds/supports Kingston. As a college/university teacher, there must be support for such a claim, and I do not see one here. Terribly disappointed.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: For the U.S. to insist on the elimination of missiles that can reach Japan will be difficult, as long as U.S. bases remain in Japan. From the North Korean perspective, they're vulnerable to U.S. bases and power projection. See in context
Some posters here are so naive. In this world, there is good and bad. The U.S. A. will not pull out of Korea and/or Japan. And I can write with certainty as I was stationed in both countries. Some of you really need to face reality. I do not like war, but a strong country/military reduces the chance of war.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Former Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega dies at 83 See in context
I lived in Panama from 1987-1989. I was there during the invasion. All of my household goods were destroyed in that war (I was USAF). Everyone perishes. Though he did wrong during life, he probably did right too. Life will go on. I only hope that the Panamanians will live life to the best of their ability.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Land of the rising sister: Japan’s search for gender parity See in context
I wrote a book on this (women in Japan, gender equality, discrimination of women) 5 years ago. I attempted to get it translated then published--no luck. The male publisher (Japanese man) refused to talk to me once he learned the contents of the book. So it is in Japan. However, a lot of what I read now is old news for I have addressed many (if not all) of these already. CEST LA VIE!!!
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan party leaders clash over reform, economy in election debate
Probably another minus 4 like so many of your comments.
Posted in: Japan party leaders clash over reform, economy in election debate
Posted in: Nuclear abolition an 'issue for all humanity,' says Nobel Peace winner
Posted in: Poland's leader plans to suspend right to asylum as country faces pressure on Belarus border