Japan Today

sandiegoluv comments

Posted in: Japanese actress Nakayama's death ruled accident while in bath See in context

I was not a fan of her singing, but I was a fan of hers. She was beautiful, seemed like a nice person so it is so sad to see her passing.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Japanese foreign minister retracts controversial childbirth remark See in context

I forgot to add something. Articles like this, which exaggerate what was said for clicks, hurt the women's movement which is something I am very much against. I believe it numbs people to the problems women around the country face. When I clicked this article, I was pissed at her. I saw thinking, "Get her out of office, yesterday." Then I did a little research and then I was even more angry. We don't need nonsense like this. Now, I am out.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

Posted in: Japanese foreign minister retracts controversial childbirth remark See in context

@antiquestanding - I'm going to go back on word this time and reply, but not after that.

The headline says, "Kamikawa queries women's worth without giving birth in election speech." Now, look at the Japanese. "この方を私たち女性が(知事として)生まずして何が女性でしょうか。生まれてくる未来の静岡県を考えると、手を緩めてはいけない。" It does not say anything close to that. It never even comes close to implying, not one single syllable that women who do not have children are not worthy. It never, ever, ever questions their worth. Not once. I have asked numerous Japanese females who are actually liberals if this story is what it is being made out to be, and they said, no.

As for the Japanese media, okay, fine. That is how they reported it. So, what? The Japanese media just like others around the world is famous for clickbait headlines. Getting us enraged, keeps them in business. They know that most are too lazy to do a second of research into the validity of the information we receive.

Kyodo News, which translated the original article, went with the headline and the story and now here we are. Are you surprised or trying to say that the media does not try to get us going?

Look, I am going to say this again, I do not like the LDP. They leave so much to be desired. Nothing but a bunch freeloaders milking the tax payers as much as they can. And their ideas are prehistoric. However, I want to go after them for when they really say stupid things and mean them.

My apologies, but this has been made out to be something it really is not. Her use of the metaphor "give birth" to liken the governor's job to femininity has caused this situation, and it is unfortunate, but making her to say something she wasn't is worse. Now, you can go on arguing, I am done. Have a good one.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Posted in: Japanese foreign minister retracts controversial childbirth remark See in context

Okay, I am not in the LDP, nor can I stand their policies. Furthermore, I resent comments that belittle women as second class, baby producing machines and that women who cannot, are less than. That is an archaic idea that has no business in today's world.

However, I dislike when something is made into what it is not. It just adds to bad blood. With that being said, here is what she said in Japanese and English.



"What kind of women would we be if we did not (as women) produce someone like her (as governor)? Thinking about the future of Shizuoka Prefecture that is being born, we must not ease our efforts."

There is nothing there that says that women who cannot have children are less than those who can. Now, I wish you all peace and happiness. I'm out. Have a great day.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Posted in: Japanese foreign minister retracts controversial childbirth remark See in context

Your outrage is understandable, if what she said was actually that. I never said she said something and didn't mean to attack woman. What she said was...

Let's create Shizuoka's future through the power of women!" 

She used birth instead of create.

I'm sorry did you see the actually video?

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Posted in: Japanese foreign minister retracts controversial childbirth remark See in context

JT should be more careful. That is not what she said. She used the word birth so people misunderstood that she was talking about women not having babies. What she said was "Let's create Shizuoka's future through the power of women!" Her choice of words birth and create are where the problem lies, and Japan Today misquoting it for clicks. Shame on ya!

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Posted in: Japanese reality show 'Terrace House' cast member dies See in context

Oh, one more thing. Yes, she did go a bit overboard. That is what happens sometimes when someone will not man up, and they other person is angry. The anger builds and builds. She should have eased up, but her actions didn't deserve that much hate from people. I hope people will not attack him. He does not deserve what is happening to him now either.

Here is the video. And I am out. Have a nice day.

RIP Hana Kimura. Too young to die!


5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: Japanese reality show 'Terrace House' cast member dies See in context


Reality shows, and the people who watch them, disgust me

Frankly, that comment disgusts me! I happen to like reality programs very much. (your attitude kind of is an illustration of what Hana had to go through. Hate)

I cannot stand horror, zombie or movies where the characters just have to kill as many people as they can, but I am respectful to their taste. I am sure someone else may find what interests you, disgusts them, but I hope they have good sense not to say so. It is called respecting different choices. You should try it. We cannot all like the same programs, but we can be respectful.

As for this tragedy, view it before making a decision. I have to admit, I did not watch this show very much. After I saw what happened I did watch some of it to find out what actually happened. And frankly, I could understand her blowing up to a certain extent. Her anger built up over that and there were other things which happened in the past that led to her explosion. That costume was very important to her, and it cost more than 100,000 yen. The reality is, if you live with other people, you gotta check the washer before you just throw your stuff in there. What he should have said that might have quelled the situation were simple.

I'm sorry. (not gomen, which is kind of a causal sorry.)

I'll pay for it.

I'll be much more careful in the future.

I was careless and it will not happen again.

But he didn't. He just stood there and said "gomen" a couple of times while Vivi was trying to make peace between them. This made Hana more and more angry, naturally. I wanted to tell him, "Man up, bro."

Now, while it is sad that she may have committed suicide, and that was her choice. She must have known that being in the spotlight means you have to deal with a lot of malicious trolls, but the reality is most people think they can handle it. They also believe that what they are doing is right and others will understand them as well. If not, they sure would not be doing them. Naturally, she felt the same way. But the reality is quite the opposite.

As for who is to blame, it is not Hana nor Kai. It is the trolls who hate on others. It can be very hard to deal with being attacked viciously by thousands and thousands of people. That can lead to a lot of people committed suicide. Please think about these people before you just lay into them.

Frankly, I am so sad to see that it was too much for her to take. She really was a beautiful girl. And so young. We really need to learn to respect each other so much more if we are ever going to fix this problem.

I will not be entertaining comments from here. I have said my peace.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Posted in: Tougher penalties for smartphone use while driving take effect See in context

And as for the navi. Uhm, that is also a huge problem. You have to see the navi to find your way. Cannot stop every one hundred meters. Do the people who made this rule NOT drive in Japan?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Tougher penalties for smartphone use while driving take effect See in context

The rule is, and I cannot find it in English anywhere, so this is a "I was told by my wife" that you cannot look at it for more than two seconds. Will they time you looking at it? WTF?

And I agree. That is what I was saying, people ARE going to look at the phones, just place it in a place the cops can't see. Which means "eyes completely off the road and that translates to... MORE ACCIDENTS! SMH!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Tougher penalties for smartphone use while driving take effect See in context

Here is the only thing I could find. It has so much gray to it. It just says, "use."


0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Tougher penalties for smartphone use while driving take effect See in context

For all of you thinking they will not going to enforce it, I think that might not be a good idea. Saw a traffic stop set up this afternoon where they were handing out tickets, not sure if that was the reason or not, but since people love to use their phones, they might have been busting them.

While I think this is a good idea, I checked the rules and it just says, "use." Does that mean if I am talking on it, hands free? Listening to music. Even though I like them getting tough, they should go after bicyclists.

On another note, since driver's cannot be seen using their phones, they will take them off the dashboard and out of A/C place, I'm sure quite a few are going to set them into the cupholders down below, in between the seats, which means their eyes will be further off the road than they were before. That should create more accidents, no?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Tokyo cancels flights, trains ahead of typhoon See in context

Cancelling the trains the day before is obviously in order to prevent angry customers. See, this is what you get when you complain too much... Good job people!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: American football player says coach ordered him to 'crush' opposing quarterback See in context

Darn it. Sorry for the repeat about being an ex-player and knowing many. My bad.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: American football player says coach ordered him to 'crush' opposing quarterback See in context

I changed my opinion after finding something out that I had not known about. However, yes the claims that it was protecting the player are ridiculous. But I do know a lot of players, and that is why I reacted the way I did. That is just NOT something that coaches tell their players to do, but it seems that even monkeys fall from trees as is the case with this coach actually having 3rd year players practice how to actually injure players which is something just unheard of and astonishing. But in the end I still have to say, it was the player who did it. Not the coach. As a former player, and one who knows quite a few who agree, walking off would have been the reaction to such an ugly way to win a game. Just down right low down dirty dog of a way. That can not be overlooked. Both of them need to suffer for this one. I do respect him for holding the press conference himself while the school tried to stop him. But still, walk off the field and hold a press conference. Tell the media what is going on beforehand, never, ever lower your helmet and drive it like a battering ram into another player's lower back just cause you want to be able to continue playing and coach is being a weenie.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: American football player says coach ordered him to 'crush' opposing quarterback See in context

I am going to end my time in this debate by saying this.

Football players know what the coach meant, and it surely was not that. The coach can not come out because that is what he said. EXACTLY. But that is NOT what was meant. They say it all the time.

Yubaru - Sorry, that is not a good enough excuse. If you don't know the difference between right and seriously wrong, that is a personal problem. Don't blame culture.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: American football player says coach ordered him to 'crush' opposing quarterback See in context

@Ganbare - There is no place in Japan for hunting rival competitors? Only Japan? Hmmmm. Well, you might want to get rid of all contact sports because players are targeted all the time. You must not like boxing or any kind of fighting sports. But just like in any other contact sport, there are things that are unacceptable and this was one of them. There is nothing wrong with targeting a player. Nothing at all. But how it was done, is the problem. By the way, don't tell me that does not happen in rugby. Cause it does. However, this play would not stand in America either. He would be banned for the rest of the year.

@Hide - I seriously doubt his account is accurate. No coach who has been involved with American football would ever tell his player to main another team's players. One, every coach has seen so many young players unable to play football again because of a serious injury and it sad to see. Two, if it ever gets out, they are done. Who wants to maim someone for a win? Nobody except a young man with too much testosterone flowing. I am sure that he was told to take him out but what he meant was KO him. Not main and handicap. You put people out of the game on defense and you will have playing time. That is a sure bet.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: American football player says coach ordered him to 'crush' opposing quarterback See in context

It's too bad that JT didn't put the video up so it could be seen here for those that don't know how this is really close to criminal. This is equal to a basketball player going for a lay up and a player from the other team purposefully pushing his legs out from under him as he comes down.

This player went out of his way, chased the player down, and actually, lowered himself so he could hit him in the lower back like a battering ram in the lower back. Actually willfully lowered himself in full stride. Most of the time when a player is tackled from behind both players are standing up straight, not bent down over in a battering ram position aiming for the lower back. But when they do that, there is going to be a fight because it is just so dangerous to do and we know full well why it is so dangerous and would could actually happen to the player being hit.

And as far as the coach is concerned; if he would have told me to do that, I would have refused and most players would have as well. We might try to take a player out, but legally. Never like that. More importantly, you want to get into his head and let him know you are going to be in his face every single time. Hit him hard enough, he gets shook up and does not want to play anymore and starts thinking too much. And once again, he is out of his game. But what he did, was just trying to hurt him seriously. SMH. Watch the tape!!!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: American football player says coach ordered him to 'crush' opposing quarterback See in context

Well, I politely disagree. That hit was vicious and it was not only one time. He went after the other QB and another player after that ands as rightfully kicked out of the game. He was out of control and he deserves the media and public condemnation over his actions. He could have put that boy in a wheel chair, permanently. It is way to early for us to just forget and let him alone. Frankly, I would like to see him arrested.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: American football player says coach ordered him to 'crush' opposing quarterback See in context

As a player and a former coach, I would say this. Dirtiest hit seen in the longest time. Crush the QB does not translate to hit him that late and in that fashion. Nope, nope, nope. Only people who have no sense of sportsmanship would ever dream of doing such a nasty thing to another player. That was not crushing the QB. No player who understands, respects or loves the game ever wants to seriously injure another player. He is right. He should NEVER play American football again. In fact, he should see a counselor, because he has trouble with understanding right from wrong.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Salaryman gives drunk female coworker a ride home; gets beaten unconscious for it See in context

I have a question. How do we know that he was not groping her? Of course, he should not have beaten the guy that badly, but that is what will happen if a guy catches you groping his mentally out-to-lunch girlfriend. You will get a butt kicking in most cases. (once again, not saying it should happen) But how do we know that the older co-worker was not groping her? That is what I want to know.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: School teacher gets pay cut for spitting on pupils' faces See in context

Despicable person, actions and repercussions. He should be fired! Aren't there any legal actions that can be taken against him? Can not spitting in someone's face be considered assault? SMH.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Masayoshi Son: From chicken feed to Japan's richest tycoon See in context

@Bungle - The manure that you are smelling might be from just cynicism. This is from the Japan Times. There are other reports that Son were not wealthy. His early days were quite poor.

Son was born in 1957 to Korean parents in a flood-prone area of Saga Prefecture, where poor Korean immigrants lived in a cluster of shacks, many by keeping pigs in the house and making bootleg alcohol, according to “Ampon,” a biography of Son by journalist Shinichi Sano.

In the book, interviews with Son’s relatives shed light on his upbringing. His cousin recounts how he often caught a preschool-age Son “studying like nobody’s business while he was soaked up to his knees in a shack full of floodwater smelling of feces.”

His early dwelling was miserable, and his Korean descent made him a target for discrimination, overshadowing his early years. But Son’s determination probably surfaced in his early teens, his biographers say.

Sano, for example, describes interesting episodes in which Son transferred, in the middle of his first semester in junior high school, to a more reputable school at his own wish and did all the paperwork himself. In another episode, a 15-year-old Son, now in high school, asked his third-year homeroom teacher from junior high to a restaurant and begged him to become the president of a cram school he planned to set up. The teacher turned him down.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Masayoshi Son: From chicken feed to Japan's richest tycoon See in context

@Alex80 - Look more carefully. you guys are talking about different things here.

I can remember back around 1996... a lot of Japanese didn't like Son and said he'd not do well because many Japanese companies would not work with him due to his Korean blood. Hmmmm... it seems the opposite happened.

Saiko was saying that Japanese would not work with him because of his Korean blood, meaning that he is not Japanese so the companies would just refuse to do business with him. But many Japanese companies DID in fact work with him anyway despite his being Korean and not Japanese. He is NOT saying that because he has Korean blood that he was successful. He is saying that the Japanese companies ignored that and worked with him anyway.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Woman who died in confinement had no clothing or heating See in context

@ Strangerland - Thank you! But let's hope neither of us needs that. I'm pretty law-abiding myself. I dont know about you. Just kidding. WOW, the Embassy of Canadian must get pretty busy. Sorry, another attempt at humor. Well, I am still wondering when you have a right to have a lawyer present during questioning. Is it after the first 48 hours or after the 28 days of detention.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Masayoshi Son: From chicken feed to Japan's richest tycoon See in context

@Alex80 - Um, you should read what Saiko said one more time. And maybe rewrite what you typed there, cause I don't get your point at all. What Saiko was saying was that there were many Japanese who never thought or wanted him to be successful. It was a little different feeling back then, even though that feeling does rear its ugly head at times even now. I remember a few Japanese people saying that very thing about him during that time here. Once again, different time.

@Schopenhauer - Tough crowd, huh? Yeah, I winced when I saw your attempt at humor there.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Posted in: Woman who died in confinement had no clothing or heating See in context

@Lizz - Very good point.I think their insanity is a foregone conclusion here, because you have to be insane to treat your own child like that in the first place. Hopefully that will not influence their incarceration time. Killing a child in a fit of anger or frustration seems to be the worst act a parent can do, but that takes a back seat to what these people did. You have to have some serious grey matter twisted upstairs for that.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Woman who died in confinement had no clothing or heating See in context

@Strangerland - Okay, but seems to be much ado about nothing anyway. The can't force the charges. People do want a "hurry-up-hanging" simply because of the severity, and that is understandable... once again, because of the severity. LOL

The information is reviewed by a judge three times during those 23 days? I have never heard of that. Do you have any resources? Not that I am doubting you, I just would love to see the procedures and wonder when those were put in place? Very recently, would be my guess.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Woman who died in confinement had no clothing or heating See in context

@Strangerland - I don't see anyone pushing for an arrest to be made before the police have gathered enough evidence. Where did you?

Enough to be damn sure I'd get a conviction.

Once again, I don't see anyone asking for anything but that.

Again I ask, which is preferable, a quick charge to feed the blood-lust of posters on the internet, or a quality charge that will actually stick?

Police do not care about how people feel. I'm sure they and everyone else on here feel that they want a charge that will stick. Why wold anyone want anything different?

As for Smith's comment about it being up to a month, if I am not wrong, it is 23 days, and without a lawyer. That can and has aided the police in getting a suspiciously high rate of convictions, most likely due to physical and mental pressure to just confess and that is pretty much the same as getting a flimsy charge that won't stick because the wrong person gets convicted. Maybe that is just me. Frankly, these parents were the only ones taking care of her, so I doubt the police have to look much further than them, since nobody else was there. But I think they will do their job very well and a conviction will stick. I mean, who else was responsible? Don't know.

Also, I am a little surprised about your idea that people are JUST blood thirsty. What happened to this poor woman was barbaric to an extreme level that shocks us and makes us want those guilty to be punished at a level that fits the crime, and we all know..... that the punishment will and can never even come close to fitting the crime.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Woman who died in confinement had no clothing or heating See in context

I hate to hate on a parent who lost their child, however it is not hard to do when the reason is because of the parents. I do hope they will go to jail for the rest of their lives and that she will haunt them for their wicked behavior.

@Strangerland - Who are you calling blood-lusting? I don't think anyone is that way. We are all appalled at the savage behavior by people who are supposed to have had her best interest at heart.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

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