Japan Today

sanshiro comments

Posted in: Teacher forces female student to wear maid's costume in Akita See in context

i think this is surely a rude but absolutely normal joke, or at least a good way of communication.i heard many teachers saying things like this in my childhood. in my opinion,the problem is some young people lack basic communication skills and are not ready to understand the jokes. Another aspect is that Japanese cheap media are looking at issues only superficially, in context of growing stereotype of what they call sexual or power harrasment (which is relatively new to most japanese)or sexually preoocupied "hentai" teachers. there seems to be no indication that the teacher has any sexual interest in girls in maid costumes. Moreover, Odate city is forth or fifth city in Akita prefecture, where they have no "maid cafes" and maids are just something associated with Tokyo culture. no wonder, the teacher said this just as a country joke but not to satisfy his sexual desire in any way.

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