Posted in: Japanese men share a list of common male woes before and after marriage See in context
HA what a load of crap wish my Japanese husband would do half of his "male duties" yeah fat chance he is such a cheapskate i pay for every thing i did before we got married as well.
2 ( +6 / -4 )
Posted in: Pronunciation anxiety: Many Japanese people don’t want to speak English unless it’s perfect See in context
lots of people are like this with just about any skill, if its not perfect the first time they try to do it they assume that they will never be good at it and stop trying. i'm sorry but life doesn't work that way, if you want to get better at something the only thing you can do is practice! when i first started learning Japanese my pronunciation was hardly perfect! but i kept at it i was always looking for chances to speak in Japanese! and a few years later pretty much any one i have ever met living in japan says i sound like a native speaker and ask me how i got so good at Japanese! one word everybody, practice! try it!
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Cambodian trainee to sue farm manager in Japan over repeated rapes
Posted in: Cambodian trainee to sue farm manager in Japan over repeated rapes
Posted in: Price to climb Mount Fuji will double, trail gates will close earlier if new plan is approved
Posted in: Debate over raising ¥1.03 mil tax threshold gains steam in Japan