Posted in: 'Not paying any dating expenses at all' listed as domestic violence by Japanese gov't agency See in context
Same as a woman. We keep what we get, and when we do trust each other, we give to each other. And sometimes, both have to give, ironically, even when they don't trust each other.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: 'Not paying any dating expenses at all' listed as domestic violence by Japanese gov't agency See in context
They'll break rules for Chads for awhile, or for as long as it takes. Thing is, it's not just men. Or solely that women are the victims. Believe it or not, a woman can go real crazy, and use objects to abuse her partner. Or that a man can use also a fist, or economic violence to withhold, just as a female can do so. A female is more covert and subversive in terms of how controlling and abusive she can be and THAT is a biological, evolutionary fact. Most women want to get their power, and more, and men of course, defend the women- due to biological imperatives. But not all males are capable of abusive acts of violence, be it if they're small or big. It depends on the male, female, the environmental circumstances they're brought up in. It's not a justification, but rather a inevitability of what comes after that cycle they're brought up in.
I can tell you, women can be far more abusive and evil than men can be with a punch. Because even though you can physically harm your victim, mentally harming their soul and their mind is much, much more irreparable. Men are overt of course, and they can be controlling, but a certain percentage of men can be as socially apt as the most vile of the females that are controlling. There's no true right or wrong, because a victim can in fact be the real aggressor, and the aggressor CAN be the victim. It is dependent on the evidences, circumstances etc. As a man, unfortunately our one-sided dichotomy has not changed. You've got to foot the bill. To ensure you're seen as a good provider. But you can also change that dynamic. Not everything's a one-way street today, we've got advancing technologies, A.I, etc. I could pay as much as I can, but in the end, what's the use? If nothing's given back?
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan, China seek broader bilateral talks to improve public sentiment See in context
But alas, it doesn't matter. the U.S may not invade many countries, as it has done, and has no need to, seeing how clearly time and energy are spent on influencing countries rather than invading them. We've seen the cost of the wars in the middle east, Germany, many other countries... why spend time trying to invade, wherein everybody's going to know who you are? Best influence the narrative and the opponents. And even if you DO invade, come up with a good reason. Terrorists. Very apt.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan, China seek broader bilateral talks to improve public sentiment See in context
Let's see how many countries the U.S is preferred, even after they got screwed over, especially the Philippines. I'm not saying otherwise, but clearly... here -
Oh yeah, China's bad. Sure. They want to enslave their neighbors militarily. Sure. Now, admittedly, the U.S might be trying to ramp things up between Vietnam and the Philippines and India, and there have been clashes... though again, remember- Europe. We had Germany, Russia, everyone's fighting over there. They've almost settled. Aside from the UK STILL wanting everything of course, kid you not... Sure, China wants Taiwan only and mainly, and just wants to get her neighbor's on her side due to of course, the fact that the U.S has already got them under his thumb. The U.S is already actively invading, or as it states, having invaded and have installed military bases across all of the world. You don't need to invade a country to hold power and influence in it. China knows how stupid invading other neighbors can be, and will be when you've got Taiwan and the West to contend with. Besides, the U.S has already invaded many countries under the pretense of democracy, liberalizing "unwanted" elements, "saving" the country from terrorists. Open and honest? Is China actually wanting to invade their neighbors? Last I heard, Vietnam and China had clashes, but most of it is of course, a country that also claims to be the Republic of China, the Diaoyu/Senkaku islands... agreeably though, everyone wants to take a piece of land. The U.S has a whole bloody continent entirely to themselves. They ARE satisfied. Besides, they've got NATO, they've got huge number of military bases surrounding the world, if they wanted to, they could invade and take Japan again at anytime, quell the populace and crush Japan's military. But again, in World War 2, they chose the nukes instead of sending in millions of military personnel. They've already waged war in the middle east, admittedly... the extremists are also partly at fault, but by no means are they solely at fault. Though, why invade? We've seen this time and time again in history, from Mesopotamia, to Rome, to Ancient Mongolia, to Russia, U.S, Britain, etc, invading a country takes time and resources, and it's mostly a matter of internal affairs as of now. India and China has no need to raise their anger towards each other about the border skirmishes. China has and always had a longstanding mutual trade and partnership with India for 3000 years! if at least from the oldest dynasties that came from the Silk Road trades!
Even Duterte agreed that China was at least better than the U.S, because the saying always goes true. To be an enemy of the U.S is okay, but to be a friend of the U.S is fatal. Of course, China may or may not actually want to invade her neighboring countries, but of what use is invading her neighboring countries? XJP knows this. What concerns him is the use of machiavellian tactics by the U.S, but Taiwan is also a long contending issue. Europe is already almost, if not even for Russia, at odds with one another, save for France, and the Anglo Saxon countries. Russia is more of an issue than China is, considering that we may underestimate their nuclear arsenal, but guaranteed that is not something to be laughed at. They've merely put their nuclear weapons in storage, and of course aside from the disarmaments. We have no true official statistical numbers of how many do they really possess. Before even Putin came into power, the majority of the Russian leaders already disagreed with the Soviet Union in some sense, but they did not agreed with letting go of their trump cards. There's definitely a huge need to build missiles underground. They've probably done so already.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan, China seek broader bilateral talks to improve public sentiment See in context
The irony. It's about power. NOT democracy, NOT international relations, NOTHING ELSE but WHO is able to make those who submit. The ugly truth. And people will make all sorts of excuses for it. Did the British make amends to appease the "international community" when they amassed one of the world's largest empire? No! They took, imperialized, ravaged, conquered other lands and subjugated other countries like Japan through the forceful means of "trade" and forced their colonialized countries to culturally assimilate. China is no different. "If China would stop"... please.
OssanAmericaDec. 7 03:14 pm JST
FosToday 12:47 am JST*
The US is not threatening to invade any country.
Did you take history classes, read nows?
In the course of the 20th century alone, Washington has participated in 3..
Do you understand the difference between present tense and past tense?
The US is not threatening to invade any country。China is threatening to invade Taiwan. Today."
Let's see- Ukraine foreign aid? Taiwanese subjugation? 513 NATO and American military bases all around the world, America has NO NEED to INVADE. They've already INVADED most of the world's countries, and why paint yourself as the bad guy, when you've got someone else to take the fall for you. America has, currently in the present, is
Here, it says - "peacekeeping" operations. Are you... too blind to even see that a country needn't be so black and white as to outright invade one country? America and the rest of the Western Commonwealth countries have already established a rule for themselves. They've conquered parts of Africa, destroyed parts of the Middle East, etc. And conquering a country would be too costly to keep as well. You can ask the British that, after their empire fell. It'd be too costly to maintain. But they've already known well that the imperialist legacy through financial control, hegemony of language and many other things sets their power in stone. Japan is a testament to that. Two nukes and they're already submissive! What a joke. As of now, US is currently invading to promote, maintain their interests in Ukraine, parts of Russia, India, South Korea, Taiwan, Tibet, Brazil... etc. Anyone whose involved with NATO or has ties to the West, or has even a dictatorship is backed and funded by the Western blocs. It isn't a conspiracy theory. It's REAL, and you're burying your head in the sand, because you are a PART of that order. But considering China's just taking a paragraph out of the Western's playbook, of course... they're inferior to how well the West does for it's interests due to Machiavellianism. China doesn't need to invade the Philippines (oh wait! America!), nor any other countries that the West is saying that they are having tensions with. How it goes is that the Western media paints China as the baddie for flaring up tensions, when they themselves are securing the regions nearby and they are being threatened of their hegemony! Divide and Conquer my friend, Divide and Conquer. But of course, it's been this way ever since the Americans and the British conquered and colonized half the world, forced out the Native Indians out of their own country and made them a minority, and painted them as "savages", with the Maori's and the Aborigines all following suit. Now everybody blames the blacks, the Indians, the darker skins, "Oh look at their culture! So terrible!".
And no doubt that everybody else is doing the same, the Chinese, the Japanese, whoever. But of course, the British got to it quite sooner than everybody else, and the Germans failed! The Americans did great by promoting "democracy" and everybody hears it, they just get sensationalized immediately... but they forget about the billions of dollars lobbied in congress, where there's a whole sector of billionaires in California, manipulating and corrupting the government and all else. Now, we're to hear that the authoritarian, totalitarian, "Communist" China is trying to take control of the "sovereign", "democratic" R.O.C's Taiwan! Quite exquisitely beautiful. Social engineering at it's finest. Let China and Taiwan fight, we provide some backup, and when China's exhausted, Taiwan's done for, we go in and sweep up the mess. Ukraine's our priority, we've always wanted Russia out of the way, now we'll see how this goes. You wanna talk about Taiwan retaining it's sovereignty, give Guam, Hawaii, American Samoa, etc
It's plain and simple - Only power matters, and those who gets the most, who industrialize, whether built on the backs of millions of deaths, billions, those who are ruling this world will paint themselves as the "good" guys. They have to. Even if the inequality of their own countries are so great, they'd prefer to... what's the phrase. "throw s*%& in someone else's backyard.", or "don't eat where you s***". The US is capitalizing on a civil matter of Russia's and Ukraine's. Taiwan's is divide and conquering. They had to withdraw from Afghanistan otherwise if we'd saw a full invasion of Afghanistan like we did with Iraq and the rest, they'd be breaking the lines now. Even if they had full supporting psychological propaganda of defending the "free world from terrorism".
You bury your head in the sand, you're responsible for just agreeing with those in the ruling powers. You pretend that there's a notion of "good" and "evil", when all you're doing is supporting those who really are evil. Nobody is innocent in this, but at least China and Russia is overt and honest when it comes to what they want to do.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: South Korean President Yoon apologizes for martial law ahead of impeachment vote See in context
Even the Nazi's came up with a better excuse than this. Democracy... pssh. He was a scapegoat anyways. There's more to it.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Nearly 90% of Chinese view Japan negatively: poll See in context
Aside from the Western Bloc trying to divide and conquer, the East Asian region, that's for sure. Japan sees itself as a "equal" partner to the U.S merely based on a simple truth- it's weaker than the U.S and it got bombed and overwhelmed by it. It's still is, and will be considered a lapdog. Now, Japan exports it's soft power towards the West, and they're just happy to accept it, while ironically still being a bit xenophobic about accepting them foreigners. But hey, fetishes right? For China, it's been a long standing issue. I suppose there are bots and naysayers who want the status quo to be "white", much like the old issue of the "savages" and the "civilized white man", or (whoever rules the most) here. Is that not the truth? It's never been about democracy, but money. Power. For Japan, it's saddening that a couple of military units, or a specific era destroyed half of the relations with China because of their old militaristic ideology.
It's saddening because if Japan and China worked together to repel or work against the U.S of their own imperialism, it would be quite refreshing to see it. Of course however, is it not because they viewed in the past, that China was "backwards"? Due to US/UK forcing Japan to open trade in the mid-19th century, and that China couldn't still defend itself against the First and Second Opium Wars, along with the "Century of Humiliation". Now, the country's catching up, after the huge setback with the mass killings and revolts and self-destructive era of Mao. This fight is really between China and the West. Japan's got a few miniscule arguments, and major ones, but all of that pales in comparison to if Japan bows down to the West.
From Wikipedia,
"China and Japan are geographically separated only by a relatively narrow stretch of ocean. China has strongly influenced Japan with its writing system, architecture, culture, religion, philosophy, and law. For a long time, there was trade and cultural contacts between the Japanese court and the Chinese nobility.[citation needed]
Ironic. Considering the present Yamato treats the Ainu like foreigners, and treats them like outcasts. Taiwan was first discovered even through the Three Kingdom's ages. That's not a myth. Again, the whole point is globalization.
-5 ( +1 / -6 )
Posted in: Chinese police believe stabbing of Japanese boy isolated incident See in context
Complain. Complain, complain, complain anti-Chinese. Chinese government propaganda, this is just pathetic. Spouting rhetoric and not even actually being there to know what's going on. "chinese government doesnt surveil unless it suits them". How pathetic of an excuse is that? They do the same all over in Japan. Literally, flaming politics over a murder... how low is this?
-10 ( +1 / -11 )
Posted in: Kishida makes farewell visit to Seoul and reaffirms sympathy for Korean colonial victims See in context
So desperate theyd do this with Korea. I assume China's next in line? Hopefully. One, just one absolute sincere apology?
-6 ( +0 / -6 )
Posted in: Japan, Australia boost ties in face of regional threats See in context
They've always wanted to make China, Russia and the rest fall. The West's hegemony pretends to act civilized, when it's mostly just about power. There's no right, or wrong- only WHO is the most. Ever since Britain colonialized China from within, the US wants to ensure that today, the rest of Asia falls behind their line. There's NO democracy, just an oligarchy. They only fool you to pretend otherwise, and everybody FALLS for it! They want to! Because it's not just about "communism" or "dictatorships", it's about racial superiority and economic slavery! EVEN if China changed it's own government, somebody like Putin would rise up and would still push China to the brink of destruction. The West WANTS that. If this comment gets deleted because it's off topic or off somewhat vulgar, it means I speak the truth. They made Japan fall in line after World War 2. They have divided and conquered Russia. Soon enough, they only want the West to rule. Not because it's democratic, but because they want themselves to only be the power around that. And that is truly going to be a nightmare. They wrap themselves in a cloak of righteousness. Like wolves under sheep's clothing.
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: Australia charges youth under anti-terror laws See in context
Sheesh.... they like to throw that out there, that T word. This is NOT terrorism. Unless he's aiming to somehow use violence to achieve a certain political, extremist ideological goal (right or left or central extremism), it's not much to go on. It's just simply a person going to do a criminal act. That in itself is all they need. So what motives did they have? Getting revenge on some bullies? Preparing to commit mass murder? If there's some ideological reason that's more than sufficient, yes, okay. But otherwise it's probably likely... not much point in labeling the guy a "terrorist". Easy to demonize though. Great social engineering.
-5 ( +1 / -6 )
Posted in: Atomic bombings of Japan deemed needless by U.S. historian See in context
They bombed the wrong cities. Still however, it was a show of retribution and power. But even men needlessly needn't die for this of other corrupt men. Women and children? Pff... as if they're any more innocent. Men are innocent too. However, yes... perhaps the bombs were needless in the ways they were dropped. One bomb was enough, andnthe rest could've been done in a military HQ. Theres no right or wrong, theres just power. We may hate China today, but in light of history, what they've done is light compared to the other three countries.
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: Kishida sends offering to Yasukuni Shrine for spring rite See in context
Betcha all the bots and status quo lovers are gonna hate this, but just remove Yasukuni Shrine. Do you think China, Korea, US, or any country evens put a shrine to commemorate those who are war criminals? Even for the US, I reckon they keep them far away, or at least buried with a normal grave. Nobody honors them. They're only remembered. Again, Japan is as aggressive as China, and would be if they had the ability to do so. This is brainwashing from the political sector. None of these countries, would "defend", they only say to "defend" their interests and "further" their conquests. Dictatorship? Despotic hegemony? You're on the side of those who enslave, warmonger, brutalize other countries with policies that claim to be "democratic". Evil loves to portray itself as good. But again, the key point here is to have countries and the politicians themselves agree it's of their own responsibility and to tell people to forgive their enemies and themselves. But no one wants to do that, everyone, especially the West and their lackeys, believes they're on the right side. Same as what those "terrorists" do. Sigh, the human ego is insurmountable in this age. Best hope or solution is to get China to defend it's war criminals and come up with its own shrine and see how people react. If they react with hatred, the hypocrisy comes to light. Every empire, nation, power wants to claim its victimised or never take responsibility for being the aggressor, or the opposite, until there's a collapse internally, or it blows to a war. People just can't shake off political dogma tied with a "moral" juxtaposition. They refuse to admit everyone, Japan, Korea, China, US, etc, etc are all wrong here. But again, it's about power and profit. It's not about whose right. Those who are wrong must stay wrong to be seen as the aggressors, nothing else. Reminds me of Emmanuel Goldstein from 1984. You show a picture of Putin, that's the modern Emmanuel Goldstein, and everyone has more than a 2 minutes hate frenzy...
-5 ( +1 / -6 )
Posted in: Japan's population falls below 125 mil; down for 13th straight year See in context
You don't need more people. You don't need more power. You need a distribution of power. This is at its basest, an issue about reproductive strategies and mitigations. As a whole, men competing is the issue. Granted, women have their biological impératives. But given the chance, this is about the very intrinsic pitfalls of the socioeconomical system Japan lives in, and so many other countries. "Oh boy, do I detect a Commie?". I'm not going to argue at all, but those are the facts. We live in a finite world, with finite resources. It's plain as day. Naturally, everyone wants a piece of the cake. What's happening here is that, there's not enough biologically diverse or top quality genetics locally to support the demands, and vice versa. You've turned it into a dichotomy. The gender balances are tipped tremendously. With Japan, it's a very homogenous society. They all argue about race, and naturally humans are...humans. "Stick with your own kind". There's no solution to this, within our current social, political, economical norms. It'll keep being a parasite until it's sucked out, replaced, come to a tipping point where at least the majority will realize the crucial danger, which is themselves, and either they adapt and change for the better, or think that the better is the same and risk collapse. That's what's happening right now, no matter how much one wants to bury their head in the sand. Population decline, infertility rates, political dogmatic wars, etc... the old status quo wants to usher in a totalitarian mode, yet it's pushing a different message about democracy and peace... the same goes for our regression despite technological improvements, etc... our sociological progress has, in fact, regressed into the tribalistic, primitive state. If we continue to prop up, support one side, and neglect the other, and continuously compete, it'll be worse than the "Tragedy Of The Commons". At the moment, alot of Japanese people are sort of migrating externally to other countries, to sort out their fertility issue where they consume the resources out from other countries whilst trying to do better to get those resources back into their own country. It's reductionalist view, but this is akin to a ant colony using out its resources and establishing outposts. The key issue is here, race, dating standards and economics. Sorry but, the truth is, if both genders in that culture can't change to be more accommodating for whatever issue it is (such as lookism, and that's a scientific biological fact) in terms of disparity, and discriminatory constants and factors... things are not going to get better. Unless Japan can grow clone chambers, mandatory IVF and sperm fertility donations, acceptance from females and better work conditions and work cultures (an optimal one not based on the West or the east but a hybridized package), even then with that contingency plan, the fundamentals of human sexual relationships and discriminative attitudes HAVE to be changed in order to save the population level. Otherwise we go down this fatalistic, nihilistic path that it's about the survival of the fittest, prettiest, and it's the "better we have less competition". That's absolutely great, it's more pressing rather that it's the equity of human touch and needs getting met. Research more contraceptive methods, more legalisation of well... care "outlets", more dating incentives, and debt forgiveness. A dichotomy between choices is never the answer, but so many people think that it is. It's even worse when moral ethics about sexuality regresses back into it. We're humans, we need to get our needs met whilst sustainably and self independently relying on the external environment, ie nature and other humans. The more we push against, the more it pushes back. If it was ever one world, one race, one system, one of it all, therell inevitably be huge civil wars and conflicts within that system, or it leads to this. Thus, massive internal change is needed.
-7 ( +0 / -7 )
Posted in: Russia says U.S. military presence in Japan impedes any peace treaty with Tokyo See in context
America and the free world? What a joke. It's a world ruled by certain Oligarchs, that's what it is, and the rest want to actually have the world ruled by these Oligarchs. The Western ones. Now, we have individuals brainwashed to basically force other individuals to believe that whatever else, whoever else is "evil". The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: Russia says U.S. military presence in Japan impedes any peace treaty with Tokyo See in context
The US makes its own enemies. Even if Russia was gone, China was gone, the racial and political divide would've been really awry. The West loves to portray itself as the saviours of the world, but the reality is that it's making more enemies by forcing their systems onto others, just as other systems are forced onto China, onto Russia, etc. Russia isn't the problem, the problem is the West, AUSUK just not actually, actively looking to peacefully settle relations. Yes, it goes both ways, but it's not always the "Oh, foreign guy, bad man". Sometimes, there's no solution because both refuse to budge. Especially for the side calling itself the "right" one.
-3 ( +0 / -3 )
Posted in: UK court says Assange can't be extradited on espionage charges until U.S. rules out death penalty See in context
Believe it or not, it doesn't matter. Russia, China, Assange... the West itself is enemy, they can talk about democracy, whatever they talk but they know it's a facade. You know it, I know it. They love to hate Russia and everyone else to portray them as the enemy, but know this. Assange is not a traitor, he is a whistle-blower, and accountable person who revealed the crap the US and UK did under their pretentiousness. In the Chernobyl series, Legalov was right. For every lie you tell, it is indebted to the truth until it will be paid. It's ironic this is stated for the Soviet Union, but in doing so- it shows hypocrisy. The West in itself has made so many lies, until their own citizens believe in those lies. They've built a nation under a technological marvel, that compared to other nations, everything is a continuous lie. They want to destroy everything else under the pretense of democracy till there's only one power, which is them. I shudder to think of a world where China and Russia and the opposition that holds the West accountable are no longer here. There's a saying that is true however. There are no real allies, and no false enemies.
1 ( +4 / -3 )
Posted in: 65-year-old woman assaulted, robbed outside home in Hokkaido See in context
Yeah... unnecessary. One time in Malaysia, a guy on a scooter tried to rob me by just taking the bag off of me, and I almost nearly lost it, luckily.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Don't let it bug you - how not to worry See in context
Democracy? Bah, if two wolves and a sheep deciding what's for dinner is democracy, then a dictatorship is better than a democracy. If red, blue, red, blue, a dichotomic choice was a democracy, I'd rather have red all the way. If democracy was touted as the best choice of all the political systems, I'd rather have a dictative meritocracy. If corporations ruled the world, that billions of government spending has been bought by foreign investors, effectively buying the government, I'd rather have an honest authoritarian, socialist, communist government than one who pretends and hides behind a facade that it's still democratic, that in truth, really the people are ruled under IBM, Apple, Exxon, BP, etc. At least those who believe the Western government's are democratic, they want that ruse to continue, they want to believe that they're ideal fantasies are still true and factual. Why argue about one dictator in power, when you here have a thousand dictators in power?
-4 ( +0 / -4 )
Posted in: Japan diversifying seafood export destinations after China ban See in context
Somebody must've misconstrued the instructions. Probably said ban all fish that's coming from the affected areas, but I guess they went with a blanket ban, since somebody didn't listened.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Ukraine-born Miss Japan relinquishes crown after reported affair See in context
Where are the male models? Or rather, get rid of this useless BC. It's nothing but obsolete practices. Also, again- it takes two to tango. Still the girls fault. And of course the man, but more so of the girls. If a married woman has an affair, it is even worse or just as bad as a married man. Then again, reproduction is separate to morality. Reproduction and biological evolution doesn't really care much for morality. It only cares for whose able to survive.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Man arrested for filming up 14-year-old girl’s skirt See in context
Another repressed poor guy, the rules have to be changed. I pity him. Look at the cause, not the effects.
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: China seeks stable ties with Japan on Nanjing massacre anniversary See in context
Oh you could talk about the genocides the Chinese are committing. Not as much as the West, I assure you. And the West is to commit even more in the future. You can't compare Iraq or wherever it has been to, especially they'll let Japan and China fight amongst each other. Because they're going to go to Ukraine or reserve themselves for a major war. They want all minds to be agreeable, save by the media before they actually go out and commit genocide. I could argue that the preparation of war, includes dehumanising races and in particular, the Chinese. They get the phillipines to be the same (after 200,000 dead), they bow down. Americans have more military bases than Russia or China combined. I can assure you, it's easier to defame someone and have them insulted by others, so you can easily fight them and the populace would jeer for it. The Nazi's did the same, and their own populace cheered. You think the West really cares about the Xinjiang abuses when they are carrying out atrocities currently in Syria, and Israel? They let the nations fight amongst themselves now. They'll blame Iran, which has been their target for sometime. But off topic, I can assure you the hypocrisy is Jupiter-levels of amount. What Japan should agree on is, the tantamount need to acknowledge it's atrocities in the past, properly feel the empathy, apologize and hope China and itself can be forgiven, and rechange it's course. Yes, China too should stop whatever it's doing to impact its relations, but the Western media definitely is also implicit in maintaining a narrative of anti Chinese sentiments.
-7 ( +0 / -7 )
Posted in: China seeks stable ties with Japan on Nanjing massacre anniversary See in context
Some people here voted against China and and play like Japan is the victim. Sick, sick people. If only you were in the shoes of those affected. Some look to revise facts and claim it's a political farce. You go look over at what the people said for their generations, they'll give you similar answers. It's not a farce. It's as factual as the holocaust itself. If you can't justify that, I myself was part of history in which my grandfather had to hide from the Japanese in Malaysia as they committed atrocities upon the Chinese there. Had to eat monkeys. If you could relive their horrors, you wouldn't be talking and denying, and supporting evil. Shows what the lot of humanity has become today. It has called evil, good, and good evil. It's understandable. Japan reverse strength and the United States forces Japan and others into making sure she goes against China. Because China is the key to stopping Western imperialism, nobody who rules from the West absolutely allows that. They'll do anything to grip that power- but it's all the same. Elites rule from the same coin, and but toss it in different sides. The US could spend billions for war, but it's also crashing its own country. Sure, we might blame the government, but whose to say it only takes one two tango? All are equally unjustifiable regardless of what ideology or politics they put on as a facade. It'll be if Japan doesn't wake up to the fact- that they're going to have to acknowledge and take responsibility, and that being controlled by foreign political and economical entities of immense power, if they don't realize they're in a massive collective Stockholm syndrome and wake up to seek better relations with China no matter its government, it'll be used and like Taiwan, the US and it's allies with throw Japan to the wayside. It is best to remain neutral for now, in the case a war does happen, it'll most likely be the US to force Japan into acting against China. It's up to the ruling elites in Japan to figure it out what their futures will be. I can definitely agree that it isn't Japan celebrating with the West over the defeat of China. You may think so, but there are surprises waiting in store for the future.
-5 ( +2 / -7 )
Posted in: China declines to join IAEA system to monitor Fukushima treated water See in context
Urgh, China is screwing this up for themselves with Japan's relations. If they are staunchly opposed, it should be worthwhile the effort to join the IAEA.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan, U.S. sign agreement on open communications network See in context
I don't like Communism either. But the present can be changed. However the US...fearmongering itself from China, making more enemies and heading towards escalation in so many ways it is pitiful, saddening and dehumanizing. One can think that it's trying to desperately hold onto everything it can to be powerful, when power comes from within. Especially the elites... Whew. It's trying to escalate all situations and blame the victim nations from lashing out due to being pressured. We need an equivalent of USSR's Gorbachev to take power in the US. Understandable, I heard the first or one of the emperors of China established a no contact policy with Japan, but till now, that's a tremendous loss. Still brothers, hopefully.
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: UK, Japan sign defense agreement allowing troop deployments See in context
A shame. As much as it is inevitable, do not involve the populations of the countries in this. To us, we did not ask for Mao or Communism. Return Hawaii back to its sovereignty, then they can no longer be hypocrites. The West wants to enslave and destroy everything else that is NOT their white race, even their own brothers, the Slavics. They've managed to destroy or control many countries in the process, claiming they are the free world, an easy tactic. Accuse your enemies of what you do yourself. Worst case scenario, better that there's a nuclear war and these evil imperialists are destroyed. Better the annihilation of the Elites, mass casualties and the aversion of global enslavement... and even if they hid in bunkers- people will know the truth. They will finally see what the Elites have made them believed in a war that was for "democracy". Stop fighting for these useless ideologies, they allowed Capitalism and Democracy to flourish for awhile as they hid in it like malevolent parasites. They tested Communism over in countries that are not their imperialistic countries. Now the parasite has grown too big to be removed. It is impossible to kill the parasite without the parasite killing the host and vice versa. It is no longer a conspiracy. It is the factual truth that nobody wants to listen. Only a nuclear war will make us as humanity, listen and be awakened.
-3 ( +3 / -6 )
Posted in: Feminist scholar calls Japan's gender problem 'human disaster' See in context
Keep up trying to support the status quo for women until a situation happens to you bud. There's no need for change yet, especially women are getting much more "privileged", though they really are, although men really need to change their aggressiveness towards one another.
-13 ( +3 / -16 )
Posted in: Gov’t to convert love hotels into regular lodging facilities ahead of 2020 Olympics See in context
Sacrificing something that holds an emotional value, to something that would bring a means of services.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Cold rice balls, no flush toilets at quake-hit shelter See in context
We need tin foil. Lots and lots of aluminium tin foil. most important is knowledge of survival skills at the current.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
trump baited Japan and Japan fell for it.
Posted in: Japanese foreign minister asks Rubio for exemption from Trump tariffs
Posted in: Japanese foreign minister asks Rubio for exemption from Trump tariffs
Where’s mom? Maybe that has something to do with it. Who’s she with?
Posted in: 5-year-old boy found dead in car with brother and father in Saitama Prefecture
Posted in: Japanese foreign minister asks Rubio for exemption from Trump tariffs