Japan Today

Satow Kazzaki comments

Posted in: 'Comfort woman' statue pulled from Aichi exhibit after threats See in context

It is not a matter of freedom of expression. It is lack of common sense to display the statue.

What kind of logic is that? You are saying it is ok to making real life threats and spamming complaints because displaying a certain statue is lacking common sense to you lot? I think logic is what you are lacking.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: Tokyo public schools will stop forcing students to dye their hair black, official promises See in context

This should be illegal.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: 'Comfort woman' statue pulled from Aichi exhibit after threats See in context

Aichi Governer is being a little bit adult on this while Nagoya mayor is acting like a kid with tantrum, who were offended by the contents of this exhibition, and does not understand he as the head of the city should protect freedom of expression no matter what the content. He is demanding an apology now for their exhibition hurting his feelings. Just because he was offended by the contents, does not mean he is automatically entitled to an apology. Freedom of expression is protected by the Japanese constitution and it is more important than his feelings.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

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