Posted in: U.S.-Japan Patriot missile production plan hits Boeing component roadblock See in context
Steven Mccarth
“America doesn’t start wars.!. It ends them .!. “ That is one of best quotes I have heard in such a long time :)
Must belong to one of those American heroes movies, like Terminator or Fast and Furious. It is true what previous people said: enough of cowboys inciting hostility and rage towards those regimes that dissent from American views and which hinder their economic interests.
The Brics are bigger than G7, and perhaps Brazilian or South African people don’t want to share the American dream. If ever there was one you were trying to sell which was void of the blatant greed present in Wall Street. There is no other explanation for Washington support to Israel’s wars and nobody can legitimize you aspirations “to sell freedom” when you see that devastation on such a big scale, and the loss of human lives. And I don’t dare revising back the history of the last 20 years because it is too painful. Certainly Russia did not invade Iraq, or China did not kill scored of civilians in Afghanistan, devastating the country. The world would be a more peaceful and untroubled place without those double standards of yours.
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Posted in: U.S.-Japan Patriot missile production plan hits Boeing component roadblock See in context
Oh... and by the way, that is a great interpretation on the Minsk agreement.
Hilarious Taiwan, with due respect, keep entertaining us :)
"The history of the Minsk agreement is one of Russia ignoring it's obligations and then invading anyways".
-6 ( +2 / -8 )
Posted in: Japan arranging to shoulder $3.3 billion in G7 loans for Ukraine See in context
"Arms manufacturing is 3% of US GDP. Time to come up with alternative explanations".
Here it is :) The same refrain, the usual suspect.
Blacrock, Vanguard Group and States Side are the top US hedge funds which control most of the money circulating in financial markets, from VISA credit cards (currently bien investigated from Japanese authority), to the Osprey helicopters based in Okinawa hated by the localo population. These companies are profiting from the terrible ongoing wars and instability, and it does not matter whether you sustain Ukraine, Israel or Taiwan. This is not the point. When US decides to support Kiev does not send money to Ukraine, but gives money to their own industry to build new weapons, in case it is not clear.
0 ( +3 / -3 )
Posted in: Japan arranging to shoulder $3.3 billion in G7 loans for Ukraine See in context
The decision from Japan’s Premier Kishida of forking out this huge amount of money shows the incompetence of political class in Japan and the level of subservience to Washington.
Billions of dollars which will simply go to Blacrock, Vanguard Group and States Side, which in order control the major weapons manufacturers in America. How do you explain the recent record high of Wall Street despite these conflict and the instability on a geopolitical level?
It is not just just Ucraine, think about Gaza, and how these wars could end rapidly without the support of US Congress. This is utter deceitfulness from America, and the real problems of Japan, starting with young families who are craving for more support from Tokyo government, and elderly care facilities who needs assistance. And a peaceful world for their nephews, not war rhetoric or scapegoats.
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Posted in: NATO wants to increase and expand its joint exercises with Japan See in context
What happened to the pacifist constitution in Japan?
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: NATO wants to increase and expand its joint exercises with Japan See in context
Totally agree with the latest comment. A lot of fear monger from Washington in order to pursue their own economic interests
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