Japan Today

sawas comments

Posted in: U.S. sending Ospreys to Japan despite local protests See in context

Ospreys seems to be useless because it is easy to fall...

Someone tell me how wonderful a transport plane...

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Posted in: Ozawa leads mass revolt of Japan`s ruling political party See in context

It is true that Ozawa is blamed for various reason, but I support his action.

DPJ has forgotten the reason for their victory on the election 2009 and they are handled by Bureaucracy. Japan's Bureaucracy System has a long, long history, and it is very difficult to change.

But, Ozawa could remove their power. Japan's Bureaucracy never create the vision for Japanese citizen more than the politicians.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: 1st Japan reactor goes online since nuclear crisis See in context

My understanding is that the safety of the atomic plant itself doesn't depend on working or not working. Always dangerous in Japan. There are thousands of spent fuel rods inside each buildings in pool, needing the cooling until the heat down. If the great earthquake occurs, the building may be damaged, leading to the cooling system trouble. Fukushima reactor No.4 is extremely dangerous because of the pool unstable.

The government (and TEPCO) has never revealed the effect by the earthquake itself on the cooling system, on the other hand, paying highly attention to by Tsunami. However, Noda decides to work without the reasonable discussion on safety.

I'm in anger to this political process. Who is responsible for the safety? I don' know. They cover up the fact.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

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