Japan Today

Sceptical comments

Posted in: Cabinet OKs ¥2.7 tril draft extra budget to fight inflation See in context

KaerimashitaToday  03:53 pm JST

The yields then was 0.837% and is now in its maturity. The Fed is expected to raise two 0.05% and two 0.25% rates this year and BOE is also expected to raise more rate, so as the EU. If that happens, inflation will start to fall and the need for energy will lessen and OPEC will lower the price of crude. And when that happens, time to buy new bonds again.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Cabinet OKs ¥2.7 tril draft extra budget to fight inflation See in context

But sure, if you think buying a JGB or bond anyplace these days is a good investment, go ahead. It’s a free market.

Why sure, the mantra in the market is "Follow the Money,"

If fx in fxgai is forex as what I think it is, "Trend is My Friend." Right?

Also think Bond as a pension and you will surely appreciate it.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Cabinet OKs ¥2.7 tril draft extra budget to fight inflation See in context

I don't read anything in this article saying "printing more money".

It says here;

"The government will issue new bonds to entirely finance the budget, adding to concerns about the nation's fiscal health, already the worst among major developed countries."

Seems lot here confuses issuing bonds with printing money. Bonds are loans from huge corporations or individuals like us in exchange for a piece of paper called Japanese Gov't Bonds or JGB's. In the US, called Treasury Bills. Short- term treasury bills, long term treasury bills and TIPS or Treasury Inflation Protected Securities. But unlike in the US, we only have long-term GB. 2,5,10.20.30 Year Yields.

Bonds are good alternative to stocks especially now that the stock prices are falling down and interest rate in most parts of the world are raising rates.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Global COVID-19 cases surpass 100 million as nations tackle vaccine shortages See in context

Good to know.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: UK passes 100,000 coronavirus deaths as outbreak still rages See in context

i@nToday  12:23 pm JST

Number of deaths is an irrelevant metric, only the number of tests count.

Number of deaths are most relevant because hospitalization and test count have no bearing if reducing the number of deaths is not the goal.

With regards to coping with this pandemic, no particular government is superior to another. At some point or another, every system messed-up and made a blunt decisions. Otherwise, why are we having this endemic ?

In the mean time, lets wait until this endemic is over before we pass the bucket.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Tokyo seeks 10,000 medical staff for Olympics See in context

Seek 10,000 medical staff now and Move the Olympic to Florida or wherever, who wants to be labeled Super-spreader Nation.


Florida's chief financial officer on Monday told the International Olympic Committee that the state would be happy to host the Olympics Games amid speculation that current hosts Japan may back out.

Jimmy Patronis sent a letter to Thomas Bach, the head of the IOC, "to encourage you to consider relocating the 2021 Olympics from Tokyo, Japan to the United States of America, and more specifically to Florida."

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan likely to extend COVID-19 state of emergency See in context

robert maesToday  08:22 am JST

It is hard to believe Suga can’t get even one thing right.

to support retail he should triple direct money payouts to 300.000 yen per person, twice a year.

he should cancel The Olympics immediately and extent the State of Emergency with one year.

He should get logistic and operational experts to lead the inoculation campaign

Stop wasteful spending on the major companies as it does not trickle down.

Draft in the 80 % private clinics and hospitals in the public system temporarily and oblige last year students to step in, with dentists and vets in the inoculation campaign.

With the exception of 300,000 per person, I think it's a good start. At least you have suggestions unlike most in other forums as well as some in this forum. Some posts are educational, some humorous but often than not, most are disgusting.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: UK passes 100,000 coronavirus deaths as outbreak still rages See in context

Britain is the fifth country in the world to record 100,000 virus-related deaths, after the United States, Brazil, India and Mexico, and by far the smallest. The U.S. has recorded more than 400,000 COVID-19 deaths, the world’s highest total, but its population of about 330 million is about five times Britain’s.

I wonder where all the nay-sayers are about the system in Japan. For awhile I thought we are the worst in the world. I'm sorry if this news hurts your ego!

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

Posted in: Florida offers to host Olympics if Tokyo backs out: state official See in context

Europe Is Flirting With a Vaccine Disaster

The bloc has only managed to administer about 8.9 million doses in total, according to the Bloomberg vaccine tracker, about two for every 100 citizens. The U.S. and the U.K. are running at seven and 10.5 respectively, while Israel is at 43. Since all vaccines that have been approved so far require two jabs to work, it’s a very steep mountain to climb to get the EU’s program on track.

The EU’s failures start with its pre-orders of vaccines.

It’s not too late to address earlier failings, but EU politicians must act quickly. The pursuit of normality is a race that has to be won, both for health-care and economic reasons. Those who arrive second will endure the consequences for a long time.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Posted in: Florida offers to host Olympics if Tokyo backs out: state official See in context

Let's face it what tourist would prefer going to a country with little real culture and history, greasy food and thinks that because you pile on a ton of food on a plate that translates to good food.

When they can come to a clean, safe country with great culture, long history, great food, polite service, etc...

Never once in my life have a heard a European, Canadian, Australian, etc.. say wow it is my dream to one day visit the USA, but I regularly hear "wow it is my dream to on day visit Japan".

Don't get me wrong there are some very nice people in the USA but as a place non Americans can go and feel welcome and safe compared to Japan not even close especially with the Qrumpers movement still on going.

Excellent point.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Coronavirus vaccination simulation to be held on Wednesday See in context

Harry_GattoToday  01:36 pm JST

I can't believe the snarky comments (from some I can) when it's obvious that what they are doing is a check on the logistics of mass vaccination, e.g. lines of people around the block which you don't get when people go for their flu jab. They need to know just how many people one vaccination team can safely throughput taking into account eligibility, distancing, storage and delivery of vaccine to the point of use etc. Better to know in advance and plan accordingly than to have chaos.

I can't believe that either! Good to know that there are still some matured persons around. Too much negativity.

BTW, Australia a continent will start inoculating their citizens before the end of FEBRUARY.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Florida offers to host Olympics if Tokyo backs out: state official See in context

Oh, isn't that spectacular! If the Olympic is held in Florida, U.S. athletes will be awarded 3gold, 3silver and 3bronze medals each for all countries will relinquish.

Go have your way, we don't need the Olympic at this moment anyways.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: ¥15 mil stolen from elderly woman’s home See in context

MonozukiToday  02:37 pm JST

@Sceptical Today 12:17 pm JST:

Keep all incoming calls directed to your answering/message machines. Unscrupulous person will never leave any messages.

That what I wanted to say. Elderly people spend lonely days if they live alone. And they usually use land-line phone and answer the phone without thinking much

I live in a fairly large city outside Tokyo. Whenever an "elderly person went lost" or an "ore-ore sagi" incident occurs, it's soon announced publicly. In addition to that, we receive calls from the police/city dept. occasionally and warning us about the illicit calls and how to avoid it.

One more thing, this cons may know your telephone numbers but they never have your addresses. So "Don't Fall Into Giving Them Yours."

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: House Democrats deliver Trump impeachment charge to Senate See in context

No need to impeach a war criminal. It only need a war tribunal to convict.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: ¥15 mil stolen from elderly woman’s home See in context

These phone numbers were mostly acquired from hacked servers several years ago. Some are from closed shops. They were sold underground for these purposes. They are also using untraceable numbers to make the calls. Nowadays, almost every establishments want to collect info from us. Dept. stores, restaurants, etc. using campaigns and promos as a tool to extract infos. You can't tell whom to trust these days.

As per city/police warning:

Keep all incoming calls directed to your answering/message machines. Unscrupulous person will never leave any messages.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: Man arrested after refusing to wear mask on plane refuses to wear mask in custody See in context

Why don't they give him what he wants. If he catch covid-19 then leave him unattended in a cell. There are 15,000+ people waiting in line to be admitted in hospitals.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Billionaires thriving as poor suffer in widening COVID-19 divide: Oxfam See in context

First of all, Trump is instrumental in enriching all the billionaires above by his tax incentives originally intended to himself and his cronies but spread like a pandemic to all billionaires who hold interest in the U.S.. You can't blame them to acquire several millions or hundred of millions in one tax season even their businesses stayed dormant.

Secondly, the above billionaires were in a right business at the right time. Right place at the right moment.

Bezo, whose business is in marketing and transportation is absolute in line of those who were in lockdown situation.

Musk, with his EV, in line with New California Law and CCP Law, he'd got a boost in retrospect to being the foremost EV maker. Not to mentions his success in Space Project.

Gates, his business in software, games, cloud computing, security, etc. are all very in line with home studies, work at home and so forth.

Not a generalization but most of these men were once like us, they strived but also made perfect decisions.

Some turned out to be a good philanthropist and most weren't, but we're in a democratic country right?

"One's Standing In Life Depends On One's decision In Life"

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Posted in: As pandemic prolongs easing, BOJ warms to idea of wider band for yield target See in context

Yet the Yen remains strong which is absurd.

Yes, but not absurd because Yen is a RISK APPETITE currency like US$. If there is any conflict in any part of the world, a pandemic or a huge catastrophe, Yen and US$ rate will rise against RISK AVERSION currencies like GBP, CAD, EUR, etc. And if you ask why is YEN higher than US$ and vice-versa, the answer is they follow "Fundamental" like yield curves, unemployment, GDP's, etc. and "Technical" like charts and trends.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: S Korea seeks 'amicable solution' to comfort women issue with Japan See in context

S Korea seeks 'amicable solution' to comfort women issue with Japan

Any defense in any (court) proceeding with a strong case will never seek nor even mention an amicable solution first. ROK knew they have a weak case from the start.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: S Korea seeks 'amicable solution' to comfort women issue with Japan See in context

SJToday  02:30 pm JST

Act on the Civil Jurisdiction of Japan with respect to a Foreign State, etc.

Act No. 24 of April 24, 2009

Article 10 In cases where the death of or injury to a person or the loss o

I'm at lost here....is the date April 24,2009? amended on 2009?

I don't want to go into great length of explaining but what is the connection between the atrocities committed during the 40's and the recent law? Do you have any idea as to when the amended law starts?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Beijing launches mass virus tests See in context

In fact, forget the cash. We should all just shun China and Chinese products.

That's very easy to say isn't it. Have you checked your shirts or shoes, your computer or your keyboards? We're all sucked into this "cheap China thing." While they have the means, they should take the responsibilities for what they caused to the whole world.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Man arrested for buying cup meant for ¥100 coffee but pouring ¥200 latte into it See in context

I'm surprised no one is suggesting or indicating this will be "just a slap on the wrist."

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Posted in: Police officer's loaded gun, handcuffs found in Osaka convenience store See in context

ToshihiroToday  03:49 pm JST

I remember a similar incident happening a few years back where an officer left his gear in a konbini toilet and a female police officer working in a different line of work misplacing her service firearm and handcuffs while on the said job. But hey, I'm surprised nobody had the interest in taking those.

I am amazed too that not even one chimpira (yakuza) went in that toilet. Geez..in Osaka!

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Posted in: Beijing launches mass virus tests See in context

Even (if) CCP conducting their mass testing outside of China is not to be considered out of ordinary. They have the moral obligation to do that. They have to supply the whole world of the equipments ( not defective) for testing for free.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Police officer's loaded gun, handcuffs found in Osaka convenience store See in context

 It might have something to do with its location, which is close to Osaka’s U.S. consulate, and thus the increased security requirements for the neighborhood. More police officers in the area means more police officers stopping by to use the toilet than at other convenience stores

Out of consideration to the owner of the said convenience store, as the evidence implies, the city of Osaka may at least compensate or reimburse the water/sewage bill.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Posted in: Trump hires South Carolina lawyer Bowers for impeachment defense See in context

Bowers is a "very good" lawyer.

If that is the case, why was he not in Trumps radar before. A good lawyer weigh-in on his chances of winning before taking a case. Bowers is no different from a court appointed attorneys, they were there if you can't find your own lawyer. They are not interested in winning or losing.

All the prominent lawyers like the former white house counsel Pat Cipollone and Trump personal lawyer Jay Sekulow have their reputations to keep. Loosing a high profile case is a stain in their profession and might even meant the end for them.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: High court denies gov't responsibility for Fukushima nuclear crisis See in context

Read much of the arguments and it's very confusing. I may not even believe what I had read in the newspapers at the time, much so with the recent ruling.

But in the interest of those who wants to have a clear picture of what has happened, I may suggest watching the movie "Fukushima 50", a non fiction movie of what actually inspired before and during the accident. You can watch it on BS channel 193 WOWOW at 1/30 8pm.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Suicide bombings rock central Baghdad; at least 28 dead See in context

The US Congress declared war on Iraq - not “dubya”.

Get the clue from your votes.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Suicide bombings rock central Baghdad; at least 28 dead See in context

The price of false democracy from "dubya."

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Posted in: Tokyo District Court upholds ban on dual citizenship See in context

Why not make it the Citizen of the World.

Be productive, live, die wherever you please.

11 ( +14 / -3 )

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