Posted in: IS teen 'shocked' after UK revokes her citizenship See in context
Well, she deserved it. There's no point harboring citizens who have their hearts away from the government that raised and cared for them let alone the one fighting for the 'Caliphate' that not only kills infidels but also dreaming of turning Britain into one of their subject. She's fortunate not being shot on sight as in some countries. My advice to Mrs. May, do banish these people or anybody like her out of Britain forever. Maybe she could leave for Bangladesh or return to where her heart is, the Islamic State. Let her adore and worship their 'appointed' leaders al-Baghdadi. Fighting for IS that never recognise others rights but claiming for her rights as citizen after fighting for IS is not only stupid but represents a chronic failure of a thinking system, and Britain should never bother to re-admit such parasites into Britain. I would rather have such people be hung at the 'Old Bailey', period.
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